Sustancias psicoactivas, uso de internet y juegos electrónicos : observatorio epidemiológico para la Universidad Católica de Colombia.
This study shows the design of an epidemiology observatory at a Colombian Community College. This observatory monitors the high risk and protection situations, the associated events, the psychoactive drugs abuse and the Internet use. At the beginning a questionnaire of prevalence of psychoactive drug abuse and their associated factors as well as the use of electronic games and the internet was apliied to a representative sample of students. At the same time, an epidemiological viligance program qas developed, the name of the programs is V.I.P. (Value, Initiative and Projection) and includes the following sections: detection at the first year of college, monitoring the risk factors, temporal risk mapping, reference detection, case registrat... Ver más
Jesús Enrique Jaimes Osma - 2000