Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero
Este documento identifica y desafía la práctica frecuente de las instituciones financieras en el diseño y venta de productos financieros complejos a consumidores que no pueden comprender completamente y, por lo tanto, no pueden tomar decisiones informadas antes de consumir dichos productos financieros. Engañar a los consumidores para que compren inadvertidamente productos financieros complejos, hace que muchos de ellos sufran pérdidas financieras, y esta situación, en conjunto, tiene muchos efectos negativos en la sociedad. El documento analiza además por qué las instituciones financieras están motivadas para producir y vender con éxito productos financieros complejos; florecen, principalmente porque, se aprovechan de los sistemas regulator... Ver más
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Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero Rethinking the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Policies and Measures in the Financial Marketplace Este documento identifica y desafía la práctica frecuente de las instituciones financieras en el diseño y venta de productos financieros complejos a consumidores que no pueden comprender completamente y, por lo tanto, no pueden tomar decisiones informadas antes de consumir dichos productos financieros. Engañar a los consumidores para que compren inadvertidamente productos financieros complejos, hace que muchos de ellos sufran pérdidas financieras, y esta situación, en conjunto, tiene muchos efectos negativos en la sociedad. El documento analiza además por qué las instituciones financieras están motivadas para producir y vender con éxito productos financieros complejos; florecen, principalmente porque, se aprovechan de los sistemas regulatorios inadecuados, entre otras cosas. Del mismo modo, el entorno propicio creado por la ley de contratos, que exalta los principios de Pacta Sunt Servanda y Caveat Emptor, hace que el abuso de los consumidores financieros no sea completamente perceptible y apreciado por los reguladores, y deja que los primeros se enderecen en gran medida por sus propios medios. El documento señala las debilidades en las medidas de política contra la explotación del consumidor; las reglas de divulgación destrozadas que imponen a los consumidores la carga de la comprensión de productos financieros complejos a pesar de la forma en que se manipulan estas reglas de divulgación para disminuir la posibilidad de que los consumidores comprendan por completo los productos financieros; y el hecho de que la mayoría de los folletos de información financiera están salpicados en gran medida de terminologías financieras y se presentan en un lenguaje complicado sin dejar de satisfacer el requisito legal de divulgación. El documento propone una nueva forma de regla de divulgación basada en los conceptos de proveedor de advertencia y contra proferentem, que respectivamente deben requerir la presentación de información por parte de las instituciones financieras contra el interés propio, y la presentación inequívoca del mismo número de desventajas junto con las ventajas de productos que ofrecen a los consumidores. Además, la función principal de los reguladores y los tribunales en esta circunstancia debe ser supervisar y evaluar el nivel de cumplimiento y, en consecuencia, emitir un certificado de calificación anual de desempeño que todas las instituciones financieras deben publicar de manera notable en sus lugares de negocios y también incorporarlo en los folletos informativos en los que describen sus productos, para que los consumidores puedan conocer de un vistazo aquellas instituciones financieras que son o no tan amigables para el consumidor. This paper aims to identify and challenge the common practice among financial institutions of designing and selling complex financial products to consumers who lack full comprehension, thus preventing them from making informed decisions before consuming such financial products. This deceptive approach leads many consumers to experience financial losses, with significant negative consequences for society as a whole. The paper delves into the motivations behind financial institutions to produce and successfully sell complex financial products; they flourish, mainly because they often take advantage of the inadequate regulatory systems, amongst other things. Furthermore, it explores the enabling environment created by laissez-faire contract, which prioritizes principles like pacta sunt servanda and caveat emptor, resulting in regulators overlooking and undervaluing the abuse faced by financial consumers, leaving them largely responsible for resolving their own challenges. The paper exposes the shortcoming of policy measures aimed at preventing consumer exploitation, including the flawed disclosure rules that place the burden of comprehension on consumers while being manipulated to undermine their full understanding. Additionally, it critiques the use of complicated language and heavy use of financial jargon in financial information booklets, which, although meeting legal disclosure requirements, hinder the comprehension of consumers. To address these issues, the paper proposes a new disclosure rule grounded in the concepts of caveat venditor and contra proferentem. This rule would require financial institutions to present information against their own self-interest and provide an equal number of disadvantages alongside advantages for the products they offer. Furthermore, it suggests that regulators and courts should play a pivotal role in supervising and assessing compliance, issuing annual performance-rated certificates that financial institutions must prominently display in their establishments and incorporate into their product information leaflets. This approach would allow consumers to easily identify consumer-friendly financial institutions Iheme, Williams C. Protección al consumidor Mercado financiero Consumer protection Financial marketplace 19 2 Núm. 2 , Año 2022 : Julio - Diciembre Artículo de revista Journal article 2022-07-01T00:00:00Z 2022-07-01T00:00:00Z 2022-07-01 application/pdf Universidad de Caldas Jurídicas 1794-2918 2590-8928 10.17151/jurid.2022.19.2.9 eng 165 185 Albino, D., Hu, A., & Bar-Yam, Y. (2013). Corporations and regulators, the game of influence in regulatory capture. Working Paper, pp.5-7. Anderson, K. B. (2016). Mass-Market Consumer Fraud: Who Is Most Susceptible to Becoming a Victim? Working Paper No. 332. Apaam, G., Burhouse, S., Chu, K., Ernst, K., Fritzdixon, K., Goodstein, R., Lloro, A., Opoku, C., Osaki, Y., Sharma, D. & Weinstein, J. (2017). FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households. Ask CFPB. (s. f.). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Bar-Gill, O. (2012). Seduction by Contract: Law, Economics, and Psychology in Consumer Markets. Oxford University Press. Bar-Gill, O. (2006). Bundling and consumer misperception. The University of Chicago Law Review, 73(1), 33-61. Ben-shahar, O., & Schneider, C. E. (2011). The failure of mandated disclosure. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 159(3), 647-749. Campbell, J. Y., Jackson, H. E., Madrian, B. C., & Tufano, P. (2010). The regulation of consumer financial products: an introductory essay with four case studies. Harvard University. Cole, S. A., & Shastry, G. K. (2008). If you are so smart, why aren’t you rich? the effects of education, financial literacy and cognitive ability on financial market participation. Harvard Business School. Court, D., Elzinga, D., Mulder, S. & Vetvik, O. (2009, Jun. 01) The Consumer Decision Journey. Crawford, B. (2013). Financial-Consumer Complaint Agencies. Canadian Business Law Journal, 54(1), 68-86. Cremer, D.D. (2015, March, 03). Why Our Confidence in Banks Hasn’t Been Restored. Harvard Business Review. DellaVigna, S. & Malmendier, U. (2004). Contract Design and Self-Control: Theory and Evidence. Quarterly Journal of Economics,119(2), 353-402. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Public law No. 203. (2010). Ellison, G. (2004). A Model of Add-On Pricing. Quarterly Journal of Economics,120(2) 585. Emmons, W. R. (2005). Consumer-Finance Myths and Other Obstacles to Financial Literacy. Saint Louis university public law review, 24(2), 335-362. European Communities. (2000). Charter of fundamental rights. Official Journal of the European Communities. Fay, B. (2021). Truth in lending act – consumer rights & protections. Debt.Org. Federal Trade Commission. (2013, Aug. 5). Consumer finance. Financial Literacy and Education Commission. (2016). Promoting Financial Success in the United States: National Strategy for Financial Literacy. Gabaix, X. & Laibson, D. (2006) Shrouded Attributes, Consumer Myopia, and Information Suppression in Competitive Markets. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), 505-540. Gang Z., & Guangzi L. (2017). Consumer Finance and Its Significance. In G. Wang, G. Zeng & X. Xiaoying (eds) Development of Consumer Finance in East Asia (pp.1-18). Palgrave Macmillan. Gikay, A. A. (2019). European consumer law and blockchain based financial services: A functional approach against the rhetoric of regulatory uncertainty. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 27-48. Haim, L. (2013). Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy in Financial Market. Journal of Law and Commerce, 32(1),23-80. Howcroft, B., Hewer, P., & Hamilton, R. (2003). Consumer decision-making styles and the purchase of financial services. The Service Industries Journal, 23(3), 63-81. Iheme, W. C. (2020). Vulnerability, Financial Inclusion, and the Heightened Relevance of Education in a Credit Crisis. In C. G. Stanescu & A. A. Gikay (eds.), Discrimination, Vulnerable Consumers and Financial Inclusion (pp. 80-110). Routledge. Iyengar, S. S., & Lepper, M. R. (2000). When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of a good thing? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(6), 995–1006. Jager, C. E. de. (2017). A Question of Trust: the Pursuit of Consumer Trust in the Financial Sector by Means of EU Legislation. Journal of Consumer Policy, 40(1), 25-49. Kiser, E. K. (2002). Household switching behavior at depository institutions: Evidence from survey data. The Antitrust Bulletin, 47(4), 619-640. Klemperer, P. (1987). Markets with Consumer Switching Costs. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,102(2), 375-394. Ko, K.J. & Williams, J. (2013). The Effects of Regulating Penalty Fees for Consumer Financial Products. Ko, K. J., & Williams, J. (2017). The Effects of Regulating Hidden Add‐On Costs. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 49(1), 39-74. Lacko, J. M., & Pappalardo, J. K. (2010). The failure and promise of mandated consumer mortgage disclosures: Evidence from qualitative interviews and a controlled experiment with mortgage borrowers. American Economic Review, 100(2), 516-521. Lusardi, A., & Mitchelli, O. S. (2007). Financial literacy and retirement preparedness: Evidence and implications for financial education. Business economics, 42(1), 35-44. Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2014). The economic importance of financial literacy: Theory and evidence. Journal of economic literature, 52(1), 5-44. Mann, R. J. (2012). After the Great Recession: Regulating financial services for low-and middle-income communities. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 69, 729-750. Poulain, M. (2017) Regulatory Capture in Financial Supervision. In R. Douady, C. Goulet, P.C. Pradier (eds.), Financial Regulation in the EU. (pp. 107-122) Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Melecky, M & Rutledge, S. (2016). Financial Consumer Protection and the Global Financial Crisis. Nalebuff, B. (2002). The Strategy of Bundling. In M. Goldsmith, V. Govindarajan, V. Kaye, B. Vicere (eds.). The Many Facets of Leadership (pp.293-301), Prentice Hall. Nalebuff, B., & Majerus, D. (2003). Bundling, tying, and portfolio effects: Part 2: Case studies. DTI. Nilsson J., Nordvall A.C., Isberg, S. (2016). The Information Search Process of Socially Responsible Investors. In T. Harrison (ed.), Financial Literacy and the Limits of Financial Decision-Making. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. O’Donoghue, T., & Rabin, M. (1999). Doing it now or later. American Economic Review, 89(1), 103-124. Pak, K. & Shadel, D. (2011). AARP Foundation National Fraud Victim Study. AARP Research and Strategic Analysis. Schwartz, A., Grether, D.M. & Louis, L.W. (1986). Irrelevance of Information Overload: An Analysis of Search and Disclosure. 59 Southern California Law Review, 59(277), 277-303. Schwartz, L. M. (1997). The role of numeracy in understanding the benefit of screening mammography. Annals of Internal Medicine, 127(11), 966. Simpson, W.B. (1975). A History of the Common Law of Contract: The Rise of the Action of Assumpsit. Oxford University Press. Solicitor. (1932). English Justice. Routledge. Stănescu, C. G. (2019). The responsible consumer in the digital age: On the conceptual shift from ‘average’ to ‘responsible’ consumer and the inadequacy of the ‘information paradigm’ in consumer financial protection. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 49-67. Tajti, T. (2022), Regulatory and Other Forms of Capture in Law. In Đ. Gardašević, V. Gotovac, S. Zrinščak. Pravo i Društvo - Liber Amicorum Josip Kregar (pp. 441-467), Zbornici. Tajti, T. (2019). Unprotected consumers in the digital age: The consumer-creditors of bankrupt, abandoned, defunct and of zombie companies. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 3-26. The Harris Poll. (2019). Consumer Financial Literacy Survey. (Accessed 2020, 17 Jul.) Tolmie, F. (2003). Corporate and Personal Insolvency. (2nd ed.), Cavendish Publishing. Turgeon, E.N. (2009) Boom and bust for whom? The economic philosophy behind the 2008 financial crisis. Virginia Law & Business Review, 4(1), 139-186. United States of America. (2018). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Consumer Response Annual Report. Willis, L.E. (2009) Against Financial Literacy Education. Public Law Research Paper, 94(8-10), 260-275. info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Text Publication |
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Colombia |
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Jurídicas |
title |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
spellingShingle |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero Iheme, Williams C. Protección al consumidor Mercado financiero Consumer protection Financial marketplace |
title_short |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
title_full |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
title_fullStr |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
title_full_unstemmed |
Repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
title_sort |
repensar la eficacia de las políticas y medidas de protección del consumidor en el mercado financiero |
title_eng |
Rethinking the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Policies and Measures in the Financial Marketplace |
description |
Este documento identifica y desafía la práctica frecuente de las instituciones financieras en el diseño y venta de productos financieros complejos a consumidores que no pueden comprender completamente y, por lo tanto, no pueden tomar decisiones informadas antes de consumir dichos productos financieros. Engañar a los consumidores para que compren inadvertidamente productos financieros complejos, hace que muchos de ellos sufran pérdidas financieras, y esta situación, en conjunto, tiene muchos efectos negativos en la sociedad. El documento analiza además por qué las instituciones financieras están motivadas para producir y vender con éxito productos financieros complejos; florecen, principalmente porque, se aprovechan de los sistemas regulatorios inadecuados, entre otras cosas. Del mismo modo, el entorno propicio creado por la ley de contratos, que exalta los principios de Pacta Sunt Servanda y Caveat Emptor, hace que el abuso de los consumidores financieros no sea completamente perceptible y apreciado por los reguladores, y deja que los primeros se enderecen en gran medida por sus propios medios. El documento señala las debilidades en las medidas de política contra la explotación del consumidor; las reglas de divulgación destrozadas que imponen a los consumidores la carga de la comprensión de productos financieros complejos a pesar de la forma en que se manipulan estas reglas de divulgación para disminuir la posibilidad de que los consumidores comprendan por completo los productos financieros; y el hecho de que la mayoría de los folletos de información financiera están salpicados en gran medida de terminologías financieras y se presentan en un lenguaje complicado sin dejar de satisfacer el requisito legal de divulgación.
El documento propone una nueva forma de regla de divulgación basada en los conceptos de proveedor de advertencia y contra proferentem, que respectivamente deben requerir la presentación de información por parte de las instituciones financieras contra el interés propio, y la presentación inequívoca del mismo número de desventajas junto con las ventajas de productos que ofrecen a los consumidores. Además, la función principal de los reguladores y los tribunales en esta circunstancia debe ser supervisar y evaluar el nivel de cumplimiento y, en consecuencia, emitir un certificado de calificación anual de desempeño que todas las instituciones financieras deben publicar de manera notable en sus lugares de negocios y también incorporarlo en los folletos informativos en los que describen sus productos, para que los consumidores puedan conocer de un vistazo aquellas instituciones financieras que son o no tan amigables para el consumidor.
description_eng |
This paper aims to identify and challenge the common practice among financial institutions of designing and selling complex financial products to consumers who lack full comprehension, thus preventing them from making informed decisions before consuming such financial products. This deceptive approach leads many consumers to experience financial losses, with significant negative consequences for society as a whole. The paper delves into the motivations behind financial institutions to produce and successfully sell complex financial products; they flourish, mainly because they often take advantage of the inadequate regulatory systems, amongst other things. Furthermore, it explores the enabling environment created by laissez-faire contract, which prioritizes principles like pacta sunt servanda and caveat emptor, resulting in regulators overlooking and undervaluing the abuse faced by financial consumers, leaving them largely responsible for resolving their own challenges. The paper exposes the shortcoming of policy measures aimed at preventing consumer exploitation, including the flawed disclosure rules that place the burden of comprehension on consumers while being manipulated to undermine their full understanding.
Additionally, it critiques the use of complicated language and heavy use of financial jargon in financial information booklets, which, although meeting legal disclosure requirements, hinder the comprehension of consumers. To address these issues, the paper proposes a new disclosure rule grounded in the concepts of caveat venditor and contra proferentem. This rule would require financial institutions to present information against their own self-interest and provide an equal number of disadvantages alongside advantages for the products they offer. Furthermore, it suggests that regulators and courts should play a pivotal role in supervising and assessing compliance, issuing annual performance-rated certificates that financial institutions must prominently display in their establishments and incorporate into their product information leaflets. This approach would allow consumers to easily identify consumer-friendly financial institutions
author |
Iheme, Williams C. |
author_facet |
Iheme, Williams C. |
topicspa_str_mv |
Protección al consumidor Mercado financiero |
topic |
Protección al consumidor Mercado financiero Consumer protection Financial marketplace |
topic_facet |
Protección al consumidor Mercado financiero Consumer protection Financial marketplace |
citationvolume |
19 |
citationissue |
2 |
citationedition |
Núm. 2 , Año 2022 : Julio - Diciembre |
publisher |
Universidad de Caldas |
ispartofjournal |
Jurídicas |
source | |
language |
eng |
format |
Article |
rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
references_eng |
Albino, D., Hu, A., & Bar-Yam, Y. (2013). Corporations and regulators, the game of influence in regulatory capture. Working Paper, pp.5-7. Anderson, K. B. (2016). Mass-Market Consumer Fraud: Who Is Most Susceptible to Becoming a Victim? Working Paper No. 332. Apaam, G., Burhouse, S., Chu, K., Ernst, K., Fritzdixon, K., Goodstein, R., Lloro, A., Opoku, C., Osaki, Y., Sharma, D. & Weinstein, J. (2017). FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households. Ask CFPB. (s. f.). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Bar-Gill, O. (2012). Seduction by Contract: Law, Economics, and Psychology in Consumer Markets. Oxford University Press. Bar-Gill, O. (2006). Bundling and consumer misperception. The University of Chicago Law Review, 73(1), 33-61. Ben-shahar, O., & Schneider, C. E. (2011). The failure of mandated disclosure. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 159(3), 647-749. Campbell, J. Y., Jackson, H. E., Madrian, B. C., & Tufano, P. (2010). The regulation of consumer financial products: an introductory essay with four case studies. Harvard University. Cole, S. A., & Shastry, G. K. (2008). If you are so smart, why aren’t you rich? the effects of education, financial literacy and cognitive ability on financial market participation. Harvard Business School. Court, D., Elzinga, D., Mulder, S. & Vetvik, O. (2009, Jun. 01) The Consumer Decision Journey. Crawford, B. (2013). Financial-Consumer Complaint Agencies. Canadian Business Law Journal, 54(1), 68-86. Cremer, D.D. (2015, March, 03). Why Our Confidence in Banks Hasn’t Been Restored. Harvard Business Review. DellaVigna, S. & Malmendier, U. (2004). Contract Design and Self-Control: Theory and Evidence. Quarterly Journal of Economics,119(2), 353-402. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Public law No. 203. (2010). Ellison, G. (2004). A Model of Add-On Pricing. Quarterly Journal of Economics,120(2) 585. Emmons, W. R. (2005). Consumer-Finance Myths and Other Obstacles to Financial Literacy. Saint Louis university public law review, 24(2), 335-362. European Communities. (2000). Charter of fundamental rights. Official Journal of the European Communities. Fay, B. (2021). Truth in lending act – consumer rights & protections. Debt.Org. Federal Trade Commission. (2013, Aug. 5). Consumer finance. Financial Literacy and Education Commission. (2016). Promoting Financial Success in the United States: National Strategy for Financial Literacy. Gabaix, X. & Laibson, D. (2006) Shrouded Attributes, Consumer Myopia, and Information Suppression in Competitive Markets. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2), 505-540. Gang Z., & Guangzi L. (2017). Consumer Finance and Its Significance. In G. Wang, G. Zeng & X. Xiaoying (eds) Development of Consumer Finance in East Asia (pp.1-18). Palgrave Macmillan. Gikay, A. A. (2019). European consumer law and blockchain based financial services: A functional approach against the rhetoric of regulatory uncertainty. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 27-48. Haim, L. (2013). Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy in Financial Market. Journal of Law and Commerce, 32(1),23-80. Howcroft, B., Hewer, P., & Hamilton, R. (2003). Consumer decision-making styles and the purchase of financial services. The Service Industries Journal, 23(3), 63-81. Iheme, W. C. (2020). Vulnerability, Financial Inclusion, and the Heightened Relevance of Education in a Credit Crisis. In C. G. Stanescu & A. A. Gikay (eds.), Discrimination, Vulnerable Consumers and Financial Inclusion (pp. 80-110). Routledge. Iyengar, S. S., & Lepper, M. R. (2000). When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of a good thing? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(6), 995–1006. Jager, C. E. de. (2017). A Question of Trust: the Pursuit of Consumer Trust in the Financial Sector by Means of EU Legislation. Journal of Consumer Policy, 40(1), 25-49. Kiser, E. K. (2002). Household switching behavior at depository institutions: Evidence from survey data. The Antitrust Bulletin, 47(4), 619-640. Klemperer, P. (1987). Markets with Consumer Switching Costs. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,102(2), 375-394. Ko, K.J. & Williams, J. (2013). The Effects of Regulating Penalty Fees for Consumer Financial Products. Ko, K. J., & Williams, J. (2017). The Effects of Regulating Hidden Add‐On Costs. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 49(1), 39-74. Lacko, J. M., & Pappalardo, J. K. (2010). The failure and promise of mandated consumer mortgage disclosures: Evidence from qualitative interviews and a controlled experiment with mortgage borrowers. American Economic Review, 100(2), 516-521. Lusardi, A., & Mitchelli, O. S. (2007). Financial literacy and retirement preparedness: Evidence and implications for financial education. Business economics, 42(1), 35-44. Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2014). The economic importance of financial literacy: Theory and evidence. Journal of economic literature, 52(1), 5-44. Mann, R. J. (2012). After the Great Recession: Regulating financial services for low-and middle-income communities. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 69, 729-750. Poulain, M. (2017) Regulatory Capture in Financial Supervision. In R. Douady, C. Goulet, P.C. Pradier (eds.), Financial Regulation in the EU. (pp. 107-122) Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Melecky, M & Rutledge, S. (2016). Financial Consumer Protection and the Global Financial Crisis. Nalebuff, B. (2002). The Strategy of Bundling. In M. Goldsmith, V. Govindarajan, V. Kaye, B. Vicere (eds.). The Many Facets of Leadership (pp.293-301), Prentice Hall. Nalebuff, B., & Majerus, D. (2003). Bundling, tying, and portfolio effects: Part 2: Case studies. DTI. Nilsson J., Nordvall A.C., Isberg, S. (2016). The Information Search Process of Socially Responsible Investors. In T. Harrison (ed.), Financial Literacy and the Limits of Financial Decision-Making. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. O’Donoghue, T., & Rabin, M. (1999). Doing it now or later. American Economic Review, 89(1), 103-124. Pak, K. & Shadel, D. (2011). AARP Foundation National Fraud Victim Study. AARP Research and Strategic Analysis. Schwartz, A., Grether, D.M. & Louis, L.W. (1986). Irrelevance of Information Overload: An Analysis of Search and Disclosure. 59 Southern California Law Review, 59(277), 277-303. Schwartz, L. M. (1997). The role of numeracy in understanding the benefit of screening mammography. Annals of Internal Medicine, 127(11), 966. Simpson, W.B. (1975). A History of the Common Law of Contract: The Rise of the Action of Assumpsit. Oxford University Press. Solicitor. (1932). English Justice. Routledge. Stănescu, C. G. (2019). The responsible consumer in the digital age: On the conceptual shift from ‘average’ to ‘responsible’ consumer and the inadequacy of the ‘information paradigm’ in consumer financial protection. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 49-67. Tajti, T. (2022), Regulatory and Other Forms of Capture in Law. In Đ. Gardašević, V. Gotovac, S. Zrinščak. Pravo i Društvo - Liber Amicorum Josip Kregar (pp. 441-467), Zbornici. Tajti, T. (2019). Unprotected consumers in the digital age: The consumer-creditors of bankrupt, abandoned, defunct and of zombie companies. Tilburg Law Review, 24(1), 3-26. The Harris Poll. (2019). Consumer Financial Literacy Survey. (Accessed 2020, 17 Jul.) Tolmie, F. (2003). Corporate and Personal Insolvency. (2nd ed.), Cavendish Publishing. Turgeon, E.N. (2009) Boom and bust for whom? The economic philosophy behind the 2008 financial crisis. Virginia Law & Business Review, 4(1), 139-186. United States of America. (2018). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Consumer Response Annual Report. Willis, L.E. (2009) Against Financial Literacy Education. Public Law Research Paper, 94(8-10), 260-275. |
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