
Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña


Se presentan aspectos generales sobre la polinización de bromelias epifitas en los bosques neotropicales de montaña, a partir de una revisión de temas que involucran desde la biología floral y los síndromes de polinización hasta las interacciones a nivel comunitario con sus grupos de polinizadores, haciendo énfasis en la polinización ornitofila, la cual generalmente es realizada por colibríes, y algunos aspectos evolutivos en las interacciones bromelia-colibrí. Finalmente se hacen algunas consideraciones en cuanto a la influencia humana sobre las interacciones a nivel comunitario y se destacan algunas perspectivas y necesidades futuras de investigación.

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Boletín Científico del Centro de Museos - 2008



id oai:revistasojs.ucaldas.edu.co:article_5348
record_format ojs
spelling Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
Bromeliaceae pollination ecology in the canopy of the neotropical mountain forests
Se presentan aspectos generales sobre la polinización de bromelias epifitas en los bosques neotropicales de montaña, a partir de una revisión de temas que involucran desde la biología floral y los síndromes de polinización hasta las interacciones a nivel comunitario con sus grupos de polinizadores, haciendo énfasis en la polinización ornitofila, la cual generalmente es realizada por colibríes, y algunos aspectos evolutivos en las interacciones bromelia-colibrí. Finalmente se hacen algunas consideraciones en cuanto a la influencia humana sobre las interacciones a nivel comunitario y se destacan algunas perspectivas y necesidades futuras de investigación.
This text introduces general aspects regarding the pollination of epiphyte bromeliads in the neotropical mountain forests. The study was based on the review of topics that range from floral biology and pollination syndromes to the interactions with the pollinators groups; emphasizing bird pollination that is generally carried out by hummingbirds, and some evolutive aspects regarding the bromeliad-hummingbird interaction. Finally, some considerations concerning the effects humans have on the bromeliad-pollinators interactions were made, as well as highlighting some perspectives and future researches.
Carranza Quiceno, Jaime A.
Estévez Varón, Jaime V.
Bosques tropicales de montaña
ecología de la floración
interacciones planta-animal
Tropical mountain forests
flowering ecology
plant-animal interactions
, Año 2008 : Enero - Diciembre
Artículo de revista
Journal article
Boletín Científico
Boletín Científico Centro de Museos Museo de Historia Natural
Boletín Científico del Centro de Museos - 2008
ARAÚJO, A. C., FISCHER, E. A. & SAZIMA, M., 1994. Floração seqüencial e polinização de três espécies de Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) na região da Juréia, sudeste do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 17 (2): 113-118.
BAWA, K. S., 1990. Plant-Pollinator interactions in tropical rainforest. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 21: 399-422.
BENZING, D. H., 1980. The biology of Bromeliads. Mad River Press, Eureka.
BERNARDELLO, L., GALETTO, L. & JULIANI, H. R., 1991. Floral nectar, nectary structure and pollinators in some Argentinian Bromeliaceae. Ann. Bot., 67: 401-411.
BROWN, G. & GILMARTIN, A. J., 1984. Stigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae - Neglected Taxonomic characters. Brittonia, 36 (4): 364-374.
BROWN, G. & TERRY, R., 1992. Petal appendages in Bromeliaceae. American Journal of Botany, 79 (9): 1051-1071.
CANELA, M. B. F. & SAZIMA, M., 2003. Florivory by the Crab Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) Influences Hummingbird Visits to Aechmea pectinata (Bromeliaceae). Biotropica, 35 (2): 289-294.
CARDELÚS, C., COLWELL, R. & WATKINS, J., 2006. Vascular epiphyte distribution patterns: explaining the mid-elevation richness peak. Journal of Ecology, 94 (1): 144.
DE QUEIROZ P., VITOR., 2006. Relações entre floração de bromélias e uma comunidade de beija-flores numa área de Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil. Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Federal do Paraná.
ESPEJO, A. & LÓPEZ, A. R., 2005. Bromeliaceae. Flora de Veracruz 136. Instituto de Ecología Xalapa, Veracruz. México.
FEINSINGER, P., 1980. Asynchronous migration patterns and the coexistence of tropical hummingbirds: 411-419 (en) KEAST, A. & E. MORTON (eds.) Migrant bird in the Neotropics: ecology, behavior, distribution and conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
__________, 1983. Variable nectar secretion in a Heliconia species pollinated by hermit hummingbirds. Biotropica, 15: 48-52.
FISCHER, E. A., 1994. Polinização, fenologia e distribuição espacial de Bromeliaceae numa comunidade de Mata Atlântica, litoral sul de São Paulo. Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
FISCHER, E. A. & ARAUJO, A. C., 1995. Spatial organization of a bromeliad community in the Atlantic Rainforest, South-Eastern Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 11: 559-567.
FRANKIE , G., G. BAKER & P. OPLER., 1974. Comparative phenologycal studies of threes in tropical wet and dry forests of Costa Rica. Journal of Ecology, 62: 881-919.
GENTRY, A. H. & DODSON C. H., 1987. Diversity and biogeography of neotropical vascular epiphytes. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 74: 205-233.
GOODELL, K. & THOMSON, J. D., 1997. Comparisons of pollen removal and deposition by honey bees and bumblebees visiting apple. In: Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Pollination, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. pp. 103-107.
GRAVENDEEL, B., SMITHSON, A., SLIKI, F. & SCHUITEMAN, A., 2004. Epiphytism and pollinator specialization: drivers for orchid diversity? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B 359: 1523-1535.
GUTIÉRREZ, A., ROJAS, S. V. & STILES, F. G., 2004. Dinámica anual de la interacción colibrí-flor en ecosistemas altoandinos. Ornitologia Neotropical, 15 (Suppl.): 1-9.
HILTY, S., 1980. Flowering and fruiting periodicity in a premontane rainforest in Pacific Colombia. Biotropica, 12 (4): 292-306.
HILTY, S. & BROWN, W., 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. United States of America.
HOWE, H. F., 1984. Constraints on the evolution of mutualisms. American Naturalist, 123:764-777.
JARAMILLO, M. A. & CAVELIER, J., 1998. Fenología de dos especies de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) en un bosque montano alto de la cordillera oriental colombiana. Selbyana, 19 (1): 44-51.
KAEHLER, M., VARASSIN, I. G. & GOLDENBERG, R., 2005. Polinização em uma comunidade de bromélias em Floresta Atlântica Alto Montana no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 28 (2): 219-228.
KESSLER, M. & KRÖMER, T., 2000. Patterns and ecological correlates of pollination modes among Bromeliad communities of Andean forests in Bolivia. Plant Biology, (2): 659-669.
KRÖMER, T., KESSLER, M. & HERZOG, S. K., 2006. Distribution and Flowering Ecology of Bromeliads along Two Climatically Contrasting Elevational Transects in the Bolivian Andes. Biotropica, 38 (2): 183-195.
LINHART, Y. B., BUSBY, W. H., BEACH, J. H. & FEINSINGER, P., 1987. Forager behavior, pollen dispersal, and inbreeding in two species of hummingbird-pollinated plants. Evolution, 41 (3): 679-682.
LOWMAN, M. & WITTMAN, P., 1996. Forest canopies: methods, hypotheses and future directions. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 27: 55-81.
LUNAU, K., 2004. Adaptive radiation and coevolution - pollination biology case studies. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 4: 207-224.
MACHADO, C. G., 2000. Distribuição espacial, fenologia e polinização de Bromeliaceae na mata atlântica do alto da Serra do Paranapiacaba, SP. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
MACHADO, C. & SEMIR, J., 2006. Fenologia da floração e biologia floral de bromeliáceas ornitófilas de uma área da Mata Atlántica do Sudeste brasileiro. Revista Brasilera de Botanica, 29 (1): 163-174.
MADISON M., 1977. Vascular epiphytes: their systematic and salient features. Selbyana, 5: 207-213.
MARTINELLI, G., 1994. Reproductive biology of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic rainforest of Southeastern Brazil. PhD thesis. University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews, Scotland.
MC DADE, L. & WEEKS, J., 2004. Nectar in Hummingbird-pollinated Neotropical Plants II: Interactions with Flower Visitors. Biotropica, 36(2): 216-230.
MITCHELL R. J., 1993. Adaptative significance of Ipomopsis aggregate nectar production: observation and experiment in the field. Evolution, 47: 25-35.
MIYAKE, T. & YAHARA, T., 1999. Theoretical evaluation of pollen transfer by nocturnal and diurnal pollinators: when should a flower open? Oikos, 86: 233-240.
MOFFET, M. W., 2000. What´s up? A critical look at the basic terms of canopy biology. Biotropica, 32: 59-596.
MURCIA, C., 2002. Ecología de la polinización. En: Ecología y conservación de bosques neotropicales. Guariguata y Kattan (comp.) LUR. Costa Rica. pp. 493-530.
OLENSEN, J. & JORDANO, P., 2002. Geographic patterns in plant-pollinator mutualistic networks. Ecology, 83 (9): 2416-2424.
ORDANO, M. & ORNELAS, J. F., 2004. Generous-like flowers: Nectar production in two epiphytic bromeliads and a meta-analysis of removal effects. Oecologia, 140: 495-505.
SAZIMA, I., BUZATO, S. & SAZIMA, M., 1996. An assemblage of hummingbird – pollinated flowers in a montane forest in southeastern Brazil. Botanical Acta, 109: 149-160.
SAZIMA, M., BUZATO, S. & SAZIMA, I., 1999. Bat-pollinated flower assemblages and bat visitors at two Atlantic Forest Sites in Brazil. Annals of Botany, 83: 705-712.
STILES, F. G., 1978. Temporal organization of flowering among the hummingbird foodplants of a tropical wet forest. Biotropica, 10: 194-210.
____________, 1979. El ciclo anual de una comunidad coadaptada de colibríes y flores en el bosque tropical muy húmedo de Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 27: 75-101.
____________, 1980. The annual cycle in a tropical wet forest hummingbird community. Ibis, 122: 322-343.
____________, 1985. Seasonal patterns and coevolution in the hummingbird-flower community of a Costa Rican subtropical forest. Ornithological Monographs., 36: 757-787.
TEMELES, E., LINHART, Y., MASONJONES, M. & MASONJONES, H., 2002. The Role of Flower Width in Hummingbird Bill Length–Flower Length Relationships. Biotropica, 34 (1): 68-80.
VAN DULMEN, A. 2001. Pollination and phenology of flowers in the canopy of two contrasting rain forest types in Amazonia, Colombia. Plant Ecology, 153: 73-85.
VARADARAJAN, G. S. & BROWN, G. K., 1988. Morphological variation of some floral features of the subfamily Pitcairnioidae (Bromeliaceae) and their significance in pollination biology. Botanical Gazette, 149 (1): 82-91.
VARASSIN, I. G., 2002. Estrutura espacial e temporal de uma comunidade de Bromeliaceae e seus polinizadores em Floresta Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
VÁZQUEZ, D. P. & AIZEN, M. A., 2003. Null model analyses of specialization in plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology, 84: 2493-2501.
____________, 2004. Asymmetric specialization: a pervasive feature of plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology, 85:1251-1257.
WASER, N. M. & REAL, L. A., 1979. Effective mutualism between sequentially flowering plant species. Nature, 281: 670-672.
WOLF, L., F. G. STILES, & F. R. HAINSWORTH., 1976. Ecological organization of a tropical highland hummingbird community. Journal of Animal Ecology, 32: 349-379.
ZOTZ, G. & ANDRADE, A., 2002. La Ecología y fisiología de las epifitas y las hemiepifitas. En: Ecología y conservación de bosques neotropicales. Guariguata y Kattan (comp.) LUR. Costa Rica. pp. 271-296.
ZOTZ, G. & HIETZ, P., 2001. The physiological ecology of vascular epiphytes: current knowledge, open questions. Journal of experimental botany, 52 (354): 2067-2078.
thumbnail https://nuevo.metarevistas.org/UNIVERSIDADDECALDAS/logo.png
country_str Colombia
collection Boletín Científico Centro de Museos Museo de Historia Natural
title Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
spellingShingle Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
Carranza Quiceno, Jaime A.
Estévez Varón, Jaime V.
Bosques tropicales de montaña
ecología de la floración
interacciones planta-animal
Tropical mountain forests
flowering ecology
plant-animal interactions
title_short Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
title_full Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
title_fullStr Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
title_full_unstemmed Ecología de la polinización de Bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
title_sort ecología de la polinización de bromeliaceae en el dosel de los bosques neotropicales de montaña
title_eng Bromeliaceae pollination ecology in the canopy of the neotropical mountain forests
description Se presentan aspectos generales sobre la polinización de bromelias epifitas en los bosques neotropicales de montaña, a partir de una revisión de temas que involucran desde la biología floral y los síndromes de polinización hasta las interacciones a nivel comunitario con sus grupos de polinizadores, haciendo énfasis en la polinización ornitofila, la cual generalmente es realizada por colibríes, y algunos aspectos evolutivos en las interacciones bromelia-colibrí. Finalmente se hacen algunas consideraciones en cuanto a la influencia humana sobre las interacciones a nivel comunitario y se destacan algunas perspectivas y necesidades futuras de investigación.
description_eng This text introduces general aspects regarding the pollination of epiphyte bromeliads in the neotropical mountain forests. The study was based on the review of topics that range from floral biology and pollination syndromes to the interactions with the pollinators groups; emphasizing bird pollination that is generally carried out by hummingbirds, and some evolutive aspects regarding the bromeliad-hummingbird interaction. Finally, some considerations concerning the effects humans have on the bromeliad-pollinators interactions were made, as well as highlighting some perspectives and future researches.
author Carranza Quiceno, Jaime A.
Estévez Varón, Jaime V.
author_facet Carranza Quiceno, Jaime A.
Estévez Varón, Jaime V.
topicspa_str_mv Bosques tropicales de montaña
ecología de la floración
interacciones planta-animal
topic Bosques tropicales de montaña
ecología de la floración
interacciones planta-animal
Tropical mountain forests
flowering ecology
plant-animal interactions
topic_facet Bosques tropicales de montaña
ecología de la floración
interacciones planta-animal
Tropical mountain forests
flowering ecology
plant-animal interactions
citationvolume 12
citationedition , Año 2008 : Enero - Diciembre
publisher Boletín Científico
ispartofjournal Boletín Científico Centro de Museos Museo de Historia Natural
source https://revistasojs.ucaldas.edu.co/index.php/boletincientifico/article/view/5348
language spa
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rights https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Boletín Científico del Centro de Museos - 2008
references ARAÚJO, A. C., FISCHER, E. A. & SAZIMA, M., 1994. Floração seqüencial e polinização de três espécies de Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) na região da Juréia, sudeste do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 17 (2): 113-118.
BAWA, K. S., 1990. Plant-Pollinator interactions in tropical rainforest. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 21: 399-422.
BENZING, D. H., 1980. The biology of Bromeliads. Mad River Press, Eureka.
BERNARDELLO, L., GALETTO, L. & JULIANI, H. R., 1991. Floral nectar, nectary structure and pollinators in some Argentinian Bromeliaceae. Ann. Bot., 67: 401-411.
BROWN, G. & GILMARTIN, A. J., 1984. Stigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae - Neglected Taxonomic characters. Brittonia, 36 (4): 364-374.
BROWN, G. & TERRY, R., 1992. Petal appendages in Bromeliaceae. American Journal of Botany, 79 (9): 1051-1071.
CANELA, M. B. F. & SAZIMA, M., 2003. Florivory by the Crab Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) Influences Hummingbird Visits to Aechmea pectinata (Bromeliaceae). Biotropica, 35 (2): 289-294.
CARDELÚS, C., COLWELL, R. & WATKINS, J., 2006. Vascular epiphyte distribution patterns: explaining the mid-elevation richness peak. Journal of Ecology, 94 (1): 144.
DE QUEIROZ P., VITOR., 2006. Relações entre floração de bromélias e uma comunidade de beija-flores numa área de Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil. Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Federal do Paraná.
ESPEJO, A. & LÓPEZ, A. R., 2005. Bromeliaceae. Flora de Veracruz 136. Instituto de Ecología Xalapa, Veracruz. México.
FEINSINGER, P., 1980. Asynchronous migration patterns and the coexistence of tropical hummingbirds: 411-419 (en) KEAST, A. & E. MORTON (eds.) Migrant bird in the Neotropics: ecology, behavior, distribution and conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.
__________, 1983. Variable nectar secretion in a Heliconia species pollinated by hermit hummingbirds. Biotropica, 15: 48-52.
FISCHER, E. A., 1994. Polinização, fenologia e distribuição espacial de Bromeliaceae numa comunidade de Mata Atlântica, litoral sul de São Paulo. Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
FISCHER, E. A. & ARAUJO, A. C., 1995. Spatial organization of a bromeliad community in the Atlantic Rainforest, South-Eastern Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 11: 559-567.
FRANKIE , G., G. BAKER & P. OPLER., 1974. Comparative phenologycal studies of threes in tropical wet and dry forests of Costa Rica. Journal of Ecology, 62: 881-919.
GENTRY, A. H. & DODSON C. H., 1987. Diversity and biogeography of neotropical vascular epiphytes. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 74: 205-233.
GOODELL, K. & THOMSON, J. D., 1997. Comparisons of pollen removal and deposition by honey bees and bumblebees visiting apple. In: Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Pollination, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. pp. 103-107.
GRAVENDEEL, B., SMITHSON, A., SLIKI, F. & SCHUITEMAN, A., 2004. Epiphytism and pollinator specialization: drivers for orchid diversity? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B 359: 1523-1535.
GUTIÉRREZ, A., ROJAS, S. V. & STILES, F. G., 2004. Dinámica anual de la interacción colibrí-flor en ecosistemas altoandinos. Ornitologia Neotropical, 15 (Suppl.): 1-9.
HILTY, S., 1980. Flowering and fruiting periodicity in a premontane rainforest in Pacific Colombia. Biotropica, 12 (4): 292-306.
HILTY, S. & BROWN, W., 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press. United States of America.
HOWE, H. F., 1984. Constraints on the evolution of mutualisms. American Naturalist, 123:764-777.
JARAMILLO, M. A. & CAVELIER, J., 1998. Fenología de dos especies de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) en un bosque montano alto de la cordillera oriental colombiana. Selbyana, 19 (1): 44-51.
KAEHLER, M., VARASSIN, I. G. & GOLDENBERG, R., 2005. Polinização em uma comunidade de bromélias em Floresta Atlântica Alto Montana no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 28 (2): 219-228.
KESSLER, M. & KRÖMER, T., 2000. Patterns and ecological correlates of pollination modes among Bromeliad communities of Andean forests in Bolivia. Plant Biology, (2): 659-669.
KRÖMER, T., KESSLER, M. & HERZOG, S. K., 2006. Distribution and Flowering Ecology of Bromeliads along Two Climatically Contrasting Elevational Transects in the Bolivian Andes. Biotropica, 38 (2): 183-195.
LINHART, Y. B., BUSBY, W. H., BEACH, J. H. & FEINSINGER, P., 1987. Forager behavior, pollen dispersal, and inbreeding in two species of hummingbird-pollinated plants. Evolution, 41 (3): 679-682.
LOWMAN, M. & WITTMAN, P., 1996. Forest canopies: methods, hypotheses and future directions. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 27: 55-81.
LUNAU, K., 2004. Adaptive radiation and coevolution - pollination biology case studies. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 4: 207-224.
MACHADO, C. G., 2000. Distribuição espacial, fenologia e polinização de Bromeliaceae na mata atlântica do alto da Serra do Paranapiacaba, SP. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
MACHADO, C. & SEMIR, J., 2006. Fenologia da floração e biologia floral de bromeliáceas ornitófilas de uma área da Mata Atlántica do Sudeste brasileiro. Revista Brasilera de Botanica, 29 (1): 163-174.
MADISON M., 1977. Vascular epiphytes: their systematic and salient features. Selbyana, 5: 207-213.
MARTINELLI, G., 1994. Reproductive biology of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic rainforest of Southeastern Brazil. PhD thesis. University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews, Scotland.
MC DADE, L. & WEEKS, J., 2004. Nectar in Hummingbird-pollinated Neotropical Plants II: Interactions with Flower Visitors. Biotropica, 36(2): 216-230.
MITCHELL R. J., 1993. Adaptative significance of Ipomopsis aggregate nectar production: observation and experiment in the field. Evolution, 47: 25-35.
MIYAKE, T. & YAHARA, T., 1999. Theoretical evaluation of pollen transfer by nocturnal and diurnal pollinators: when should a flower open? Oikos, 86: 233-240.
MOFFET, M. W., 2000. What´s up? A critical look at the basic terms of canopy biology. Biotropica, 32: 59-596.
MURCIA, C., 2002. Ecología de la polinización. En: Ecología y conservación de bosques neotropicales. Guariguata y Kattan (comp.) LUR. Costa Rica. pp. 493-530.
OLENSEN, J. & JORDANO, P., 2002. Geographic patterns in plant-pollinator mutualistic networks. Ecology, 83 (9): 2416-2424.
ORDANO, M. & ORNELAS, J. F., 2004. Generous-like flowers: Nectar production in two epiphytic bromeliads and a meta-analysis of removal effects. Oecologia, 140: 495-505.
SAZIMA, I., BUZATO, S. & SAZIMA, M., 1996. An assemblage of hummingbird – pollinated flowers in a montane forest in southeastern Brazil. Botanical Acta, 109: 149-160.
SAZIMA, M., BUZATO, S. & SAZIMA, I., 1999. Bat-pollinated flower assemblages and bat visitors at two Atlantic Forest Sites in Brazil. Annals of Botany, 83: 705-712.
STILES, F. G., 1978. Temporal organization of flowering among the hummingbird foodplants of a tropical wet forest. Biotropica, 10: 194-210.
____________, 1979. El ciclo anual de una comunidad coadaptada de colibríes y flores en el bosque tropical muy húmedo de Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 27: 75-101.
____________, 1980. The annual cycle in a tropical wet forest hummingbird community. Ibis, 122: 322-343.
____________, 1985. Seasonal patterns and coevolution in the hummingbird-flower community of a Costa Rican subtropical forest. Ornithological Monographs., 36: 757-787.
TEMELES, E., LINHART, Y., MASONJONES, M. & MASONJONES, H., 2002. The Role of Flower Width in Hummingbird Bill Length–Flower Length Relationships. Biotropica, 34 (1): 68-80.
VAN DULMEN, A. 2001. Pollination and phenology of flowers in the canopy of two contrasting rain forest types in Amazonia, Colombia. Plant Ecology, 153: 73-85.
VARADARAJAN, G. S. & BROWN, G. K., 1988. Morphological variation of some floral features of the subfamily Pitcairnioidae (Bromeliaceae) and their significance in pollination biology. Botanical Gazette, 149 (1): 82-91.
VARASSIN, I. G., 2002. Estrutura espacial e temporal de uma comunidade de Bromeliaceae e seus polinizadores em Floresta Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
VÁZQUEZ, D. P. & AIZEN, M. A., 2003. Null model analyses of specialization in plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology, 84: 2493-2501.
____________, 2004. Asymmetric specialization: a pervasive feature of plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology, 85:1251-1257.
WASER, N. M. & REAL, L. A., 1979. Effective mutualism between sequentially flowering plant species. Nature, 281: 670-672.
WOLF, L., F. G. STILES, & F. R. HAINSWORTH., 1976. Ecological organization of a tropical highland hummingbird community. Journal of Animal Ecology, 32: 349-379.
ZOTZ, G. & ANDRADE, A., 2002. La Ecología y fisiología de las epifitas y las hemiepifitas. En: Ecología y conservación de bosques neotropicales. Guariguata y Kattan (comp.) LUR. Costa Rica. pp. 271-296.
ZOTZ, G. & HIETZ, P., 2001. The physiological ecology of vascular epiphytes: current knowledge, open questions. Journal of experimental botany, 52 (354): 2067-2078.
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