
Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría


‘Ciudadelas en los conflictos” es una tesis de Maestría que quiere mostrar cómo el proceso conceptual de la fotografía va de la realidad a la representación por modelos, pero también cómo las representaciones de estos modelos adquieren un nuevo significado, la realidad de virtualismo y la ilusión. Usar instalaciones o interactuar con modelos es inventar imaginarios, o llamar memorias, que podrían ser puestos sobre una base tangible para fotografiarlas después. Quiero reflexionar sobre ciudades imaginarias y la utopía de la guerra y el desplazamiento, imaginando cada foto como una ciudadela. Los modelos construido... Ver más

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Revista Kepes - 2015



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spelling Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
Citadels in Conflict –Dissertation Project–
‘Ciudadelas en los conflictos” es una tesis de Maestría que quiere mostrar cómo el proceso conceptual de la fotografía va de la realidad a la representación por modelos, pero también cómo las representaciones de estos modelos adquieren un nuevo significado, la realidad de virtualismo y la ilusión. Usar instalaciones o interactuar con modelos es inventar imaginarios, o llamar memorias, que podrían ser puestos sobre una base tangible para fotografiarlas después. Quiero reflexionar sobre ciudades imaginarias y la utopía de la guerra y el desplazamiento, imaginando cada foto como una ciudadela. Los modelos construidos que acompañan este texto se entienden como fortalezas, ya que incluyen, a veces al azar, todas las variables sociales, culturales y físicas que las ciudades tienen, como “imitación de la vida”. Una metáfora de las variadas e irónicas miradas de un desplazado, se podrían obtener al llegar a las ciudades o a los lugares urbanos. Por lo tanto, el ciudadano inesperado vive dentro de una ciudadela en el conflicto. El fenómeno de la guerra y el desplazamiento forzado son la cartografía de las nuevas ciudades en Colombia, que se registran en esta obra de una manera triste y satirizada.
Abstract This dissertation Citadels in Conflict wants to show how the conceptual process of photography goes from reality to representation by models, but also how representations of these models acquire a new significance, the reality of virtualism and illusion. To use installations or interact with models is to invent imaginaries –or to call memories– that could be placed on a tangible base… and later photographed. I want to reflect on imaginary cities and the utopia of war and displacement, picturing each photo as a citadel. The constructed models accompanying this text are understood as citadels, for they include –sometimes randomly– all social, cultural and physical variables that cities have, or as “imitations of life”. A metaphor of the varied and ironic glances a desplazado could get when arriving in cities or any other urban places. Therefore, the unexpected citizen dwells inside a citadel in conflict. The phenomena of war and forced displacement are mapping new cities in Colombia in sad and iconic ways as satirized in these sixteen images.
Escobar Jaramillo, Santiago
Núm. 6 , Año 2010 : Enero - Diciembre 2010
Artículo de revista
Journal article
Universidad de Caldas
Revista Kepes - 2015
ARANGO, M. (2007). Internally displaced Colombians speak out: let it be known. Geneve: International Displacement Monitoring Centre; Bogotá: Norwegian Refugee Council.
AUTHOR. (2005). Citadels in Conflict. Manizales: National University of Colombia.
________. (2008a). One to Seventy-two. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (2008b). Soldier Inside, the fetish. Anthropology of Art II. London:Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (2008c). Street Signs. Magazine – Autumn 2008. London: CUCR – Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (1993). Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. London: Vintage.
BAUDRILLARD, Jean. (1968). Le système des objets. Paris: Editions Gallimard.
___, Jean & NOUVEL, Jean. (2006). “Interviews”. Trans. by Author. En www.ddooss.org/articulos/entrevistas/J_Baudrillard.htm
BAUMAN, Zygmunt. (2003).City of Fears, City of Hopes. London: CUCR, Goldsmiths College, University of London.
BEARDSLEY, John. (2002). Guest Curator. Senior Lecturer at Harvard Universities Graduate School of Design. En www.andover.edu/Addison/exhibition/2002- Winter/eye.htm
BELSEY, A. (1998). Journalism and ethics: Can they co-exist?. In M. KIERAN (Ed.), Media Ethics. London: Routledge.
BENJAMIN, Walter. (1925-26a). The Arcades Project: Two versions of Paris capital of the 19th Century. Convoult on the Panorama. London.
________. (1925-26b). One-Way Street In One-Way Street and Other Writings. London: Verso 1985.
BERGER, John. (1980). About Looking. London: Writers an Readers Publishing Cooperative, Ltd.
BERGER, J. and MOHR, J. (1975). A Seventh Man: migrant workers in Europe. Cambridge: Granta Books.
BLAKE, William. (1803/1863). Auguries of Innocence. rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/161.html. Originally published in Poems (1863), D.G ROSSETTI (Ed.). London.
BORGES, Jorge Luis. (1962/1964). Labyrinths: selected stories & other writings.New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation.
BOYLE, P., K. HALFACREE & V. ROBINSON. (1998). Exploring Contemporary Migration. Essex: Wesley Longman limited.
BURNETT, R. (2004). How Images Think. London: The MIT Press.
CABALLERO, Antonio. (2007). Revista Semana.com. En www.semana.com
CAIRNS, Stephen. (2004). Drifting: Architecture and Migrancy. London: Routledge
CALVINO, Italo. (1996). Six Memos for the Next Millenium: Visibility. Great Britain: Vintage.
________. (1997). Le città invisibili. Great Britain: Vintage.
CLARKE, Graham. (1997). The Photograph. New York: Oxford University Press.
COLEMAN, A. D. (1998). Depth of Field: Essays on Photography, Mass Media, Lens Culture. New Mexico.
DALÍ, Salvador. (1944). Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a second before waking up in ‘Surrealism’. London: Taschen.
DE CERTEAU, M. (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. Trans. S. Rendall. Berkeley: University of California Press.
ELLISON, Ralph. (1952). Invisible Man. London: Penguin Books.
ENGELS, F. (1845). The Condition of the Working Class in England. London: Penguin.
FALCONI, José. (2007). Support letter. Boston: Curator Art Forum Harvard University.
FALS BORDA, Orlando. (1969). Subversion and Social Change in Colombia. New York: Columbia University Press.
FREEDBERG, D. (1989). The Power of Images. London: The University of Chicago Press.
GAVIRIA, José Obdulio. (2008). El país según José Obdulio. Revista Cambio. Bogotá: Publicaciones Cambio. cambio.com.co/portadacambio/789/4445405- ag-3_3.html
GELL, A. (1996). Vogel’s Net: Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps. Journal of Material Culture, 1: 15-38.
GIBRAN, Kahlil. (1966). The Essential Kahlil Gibran. New York: Citadel Press.
GILBERT, Alan. (1994). The Latin American Cities. London: Latin America Bureau.
GOTTWALD, M. (2004). Protecting Colombian refugees in the Andean region: the fight against invisibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
GROESZ, E. (1986). Language and the limits of the body: Kristeva and abjection. In E. GROSZ, T. THREADGOLD, D. NELLY, A. CHOLODENKO, E. COLLESS (Eds.), Futur*Fall: excursions into post-modernity. Sydney: Pathfinder Press and the Power Institute.
GRUNDBERG, Andy. (1990). Crisis of the Real; writing on Photography 1974-1989. West Hanover: Apertura.
HALLIDAY, Paul. (2008). MA Photography & Urban Cultures convenor. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
HORKHEIMER, M. & ADORNO, T. (1987). Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by John Cumming. New Cork: Continuum.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. (2005). Displaced and discarded: the plight of internally displaced persons in Bogotá and Cartagena. New York: Human Rights Watch.
JACKSON, John A. (1986). Migration. Aspects of Modern Sociology. New York: Longman Inc.
KEITH, M. (n.d.). Identity and the Spaces of Authenticity. London: Routledge.
KUSHNER, T. & KNOW, K. (1999). Refugees in an Age of Genocide. London: Frank Class.
LEFEBVRE, H. (1991). The Production of Space. Trans. D. Nicholson-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell.
LEVI-STRAUSS, Claude. (1968). The Savage Mind. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
LOS GAITEROS DE SAN JACINTO. (2006). Un Fuego de Sangre Pura. USA:Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.
LOZANOVSKA, M. (1997). Abjection and architecture: the migrant house in multicultural Australia. In NALBANTOGLU G. B. and THAI W. C. (Eds.), Postcolonial Space(s), 1001-129. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
LÜBBERS, M. & AUTHOR. (2008). Attraction: ‘Operación Jaque’. London: Quickflicker Film Festival.
LYNCH, Kevin. (1960). The Image of the City. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
MANDANI, Mahmood. (1973). From Citizen to Refugee: Ugandan Asians Come to Britain. London: Francis Pinter. N.A.
MARCUS, S. (1973). Reading the illegible city. In DYROS, H. J. and WOLFF, M. (Eds.), The Victorian City: Images and Realities. London: Routledge.
MATISSE. French edition. New York: Simon & Schuster.
MITCHELL, W. J. T. (2005). What do pictures want? Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
MONSALVE, Diego. (1927). Colombian cafetera. Barcelona: Artes Gráficas.
MORTON, A. L. (1969). The English Utopia. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
MUÑOZ, Manuel Ramiro. (2008). DVV International – Migration and Integration: Educational Needs and Forced Displacement in Colombia. Number 70. www.iiz-dvv. de/index.php?article_id=728&clang=1
NAGLE, Luz E. (2004). Colombian asylum seekers: what practitioners should know about the Colombian crisis. Washington: Georgetown Immigration Law Journal. NALBANTOGLU and W. C. THAI. (Eds.). Postcolonial Space(s). New York: Princeton University Press.
NERUDA, Pablo. (1969). Twenty love poems and song of despair. London: Jonathan Cape. www.neruda.uchile.cl
RAVENSTEIN, E. G. (1885). The Laws of Migration. London: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
RESTREPO, José Alejandro. (2008). Cuerpo teológico - político: una entrevista a José Alejandro Restrepo. Trans by Author. Revista Arcadia. Bogotá. www. periodicoarteria.com/articulos/art3.htm
RESTREPO, J. A. and SPAGAT, M. (2005). Colombia’s tipping point? London: International Institute for Strategic Studies.
RILKE, Rainier Maria, (1975). Duino Elegies and The Sonnets To Orpheus. Translated by A. Poulin, Jr. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
SALDARRIAGA ROA, Alberto. (2001). La Arquitectura como Experiencia. Trans by Author. Bogotá: Villegas Editores.
SENNETT, Richard. (1977). The Fall of Public Man. Cambridge: CUP Chaps. Faber and Faber.
________. (1994). Flesh and Stone: Chapter 7 Places Full of Time. New York: W.W Norton and Blackwell Company.
SIMMIE, J. M. (1974). Citizens in Conflict: Social conflict and spatial inequality. London: Hutchinson and Co Ltd.
SHIELDS, Rob. (2003). www.carleton.ca/~rshields/index.htm
SONTAG, Susan. (2000). On Photography. New York: Penguin Books.
STALLYBRASS, P. and WHITE, A. (1986). The Politics and Poetics of Transgression. London: Methuen.
TAUSSIG, Michael T. (1980). Quoting a Colombian peasant. The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.
________. (1993). Mimesis and Alterity. New York: Routledge.
____. (1999). Defacement: Public secrecy and the labor of the negative. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Cover.
UNHCR. (1984). Cartagena Declaration on Refugees. Geneva: Media Relations and Public Information Service.
________. (2008). 2007 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Person. http://unhcr.org/statistics/ STATISTICS/4852366f2.pdf
VAN HEAR, N. & MCDOWELL, C. (Eds.). (2006). Catching fire: containing forced migration in a volatile world. Oxford: Lexington Books.
WILLIAMS, Raymond. (1973). The Country and the City. New York: Oxford University Press.
www.cambio.com.co/portadacambio/785/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_ INTERIOR_CAMBIO-4380169.html
www.eltiempo.com/justicia/2008-03-04/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_ INTERIOR-3984686.html
www.jasminacibic.org & pandbshowcase.co.uk/archive/round1/visual/#%23
thumbnail https://nuevo.metarevistas.org/UNIVERSIDADDECALDAS/logo.png
country_str Colombia
collection Kepes
title Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
spellingShingle Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
Escobar Jaramillo, Santiago
title_short Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
title_full Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
title_fullStr Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
title_full_unstemmed Ciudadelas de conflicto. Tesis de Maestría
title_sort ciudadelas de conflicto. tesis de maestría
title_eng Citadels in Conflict –Dissertation Project–
description ‘Ciudadelas en los conflictos” es una tesis de Maestría que quiere mostrar cómo el proceso conceptual de la fotografía va de la realidad a la representación por modelos, pero también cómo las representaciones de estos modelos adquieren un nuevo significado, la realidad de virtualismo y la ilusión. Usar instalaciones o interactuar con modelos es inventar imaginarios, o llamar memorias, que podrían ser puestos sobre una base tangible para fotografiarlas después. Quiero reflexionar sobre ciudades imaginarias y la utopía de la guerra y el desplazamiento, imaginando cada foto como una ciudadela. Los modelos construidos que acompañan este texto se entienden como fortalezas, ya que incluyen, a veces al azar, todas las variables sociales, culturales y físicas que las ciudades tienen, como “imitación de la vida”. Una metáfora de las variadas e irónicas miradas de un desplazado, se podrían obtener al llegar a las ciudades o a los lugares urbanos. Por lo tanto, el ciudadano inesperado vive dentro de una ciudadela en el conflicto. El fenómeno de la guerra y el desplazamiento forzado son la cartografía de las nuevas ciudades en Colombia, que se registran en esta obra de una manera triste y satirizada.
description_eng Abstract This dissertation Citadels in Conflict wants to show how the conceptual process of photography goes from reality to representation by models, but also how representations of these models acquire a new significance, the reality of virtualism and illusion. To use installations or interact with models is to invent imaginaries –or to call memories– that could be placed on a tangible base… and later photographed. I want to reflect on imaginary cities and the utopia of war and displacement, picturing each photo as a citadel. The constructed models accompanying this text are understood as citadels, for they include –sometimes randomly– all social, cultural and physical variables that cities have, or as “imitations of life”. A metaphor of the varied and ironic glances a desplazado could get when arriving in cities or any other urban places. Therefore, the unexpected citizen dwells inside a citadel in conflict. The phenomena of war and forced displacement are mapping new cities in Colombia in sad and iconic ways as satirized in these sixteen images.
author Escobar Jaramillo, Santiago
author_facet Escobar Jaramillo, Santiago
topicspa_str_mv Colombia
topic Colombia
topic_facet Colombia
citationvolume 7
citationissue 6
citationedition Núm. 6 , Año 2010 : Enero - Diciembre 2010
publisher Universidad de Caldas
ispartofjournal Kepes
source https://revistasojs.ucaldas.edu.co/index.php/kepes/article/view/489
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rights https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Revista Kepes - 2015
references ARANGO, M. (2007). Internally displaced Colombians speak out: let it be known. Geneve: International Displacement Monitoring Centre; Bogotá: Norwegian Refugee Council.
AUTHOR. (2005). Citadels in Conflict. Manizales: National University of Colombia.
________. (2008a). One to Seventy-two. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (2008b). Soldier Inside, the fetish. Anthropology of Art II. London:Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (2008c). Street Signs. Magazine – Autumn 2008. London: CUCR – Goldsmiths, University of London.
________. (1993). Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. London: Vintage.
BAUDRILLARD, Jean. (1968). Le système des objets. Paris: Editions Gallimard.
___, Jean & NOUVEL, Jean. (2006). “Interviews”. Trans. by Author. En www.ddooss.org/articulos/entrevistas/J_Baudrillard.htm
BAUMAN, Zygmunt. (2003).City of Fears, City of Hopes. London: CUCR, Goldsmiths College, University of London.
BEARDSLEY, John. (2002). Guest Curator. Senior Lecturer at Harvard Universities Graduate School of Design. En www.andover.edu/Addison/exhibition/2002- Winter/eye.htm
BELSEY, A. (1998). Journalism and ethics: Can they co-exist?. In M. KIERAN (Ed.), Media Ethics. London: Routledge.
BENJAMIN, Walter. (1925-26a). The Arcades Project: Two versions of Paris capital of the 19th Century. Convoult on the Panorama. London.
________. (1925-26b). One-Way Street In One-Way Street and Other Writings. London: Verso 1985.
BERGER, John. (1980). About Looking. London: Writers an Readers Publishing Cooperative, Ltd.
BERGER, J. and MOHR, J. (1975). A Seventh Man: migrant workers in Europe. Cambridge: Granta Books.
BLAKE, William. (1803/1863). Auguries of Innocence. rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/161.html. Originally published in Poems (1863), D.G ROSSETTI (Ed.). London.
BORGES, Jorge Luis. (1962/1964). Labyrinths: selected stories & other writings.New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation.
BOYLE, P., K. HALFACREE & V. ROBINSON. (1998). Exploring Contemporary Migration. Essex: Wesley Longman limited.
BURNETT, R. (2004). How Images Think. London: The MIT Press.
CABALLERO, Antonio. (2007). Revista Semana.com. En www.semana.com
CAIRNS, Stephen. (2004). Drifting: Architecture and Migrancy. London: Routledge
CALVINO, Italo. (1996). Six Memos for the Next Millenium: Visibility. Great Britain: Vintage.
________. (1997). Le città invisibili. Great Britain: Vintage.
CLARKE, Graham. (1997). The Photograph. New York: Oxford University Press.
COLEMAN, A. D. (1998). Depth of Field: Essays on Photography, Mass Media, Lens Culture. New Mexico.
DALÍ, Salvador. (1944). Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a second before waking up in ‘Surrealism’. London: Taschen.
DE CERTEAU, M. (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. Trans. S. Rendall. Berkeley: University of California Press.
ELLISON, Ralph. (1952). Invisible Man. London: Penguin Books.
ENGELS, F. (1845). The Condition of the Working Class in England. London: Penguin.
FALCONI, José. (2007). Support letter. Boston: Curator Art Forum Harvard University.
FALS BORDA, Orlando. (1969). Subversion and Social Change in Colombia. New York: Columbia University Press.
FREEDBERG, D. (1989). The Power of Images. London: The University of Chicago Press.
GAVIRIA, José Obdulio. (2008). El país según José Obdulio. Revista Cambio. Bogotá: Publicaciones Cambio. cambio.com.co/portadacambio/789/4445405- ag-3_3.html
GELL, A. (1996). Vogel’s Net: Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps. Journal of Material Culture, 1: 15-38.
GIBRAN, Kahlil. (1966). The Essential Kahlil Gibran. New York: Citadel Press.
GILBERT, Alan. (1994). The Latin American Cities. London: Latin America Bureau.
GOTTWALD, M. (2004). Protecting Colombian refugees in the Andean region: the fight against invisibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
GROESZ, E. (1986). Language and the limits of the body: Kristeva and abjection. In E. GROSZ, T. THREADGOLD, D. NELLY, A. CHOLODENKO, E. COLLESS (Eds.), Futur*Fall: excursions into post-modernity. Sydney: Pathfinder Press and the Power Institute.
GRUNDBERG, Andy. (1990). Crisis of the Real; writing on Photography 1974-1989. West Hanover: Apertura.
HALLIDAY, Paul. (2008). MA Photography & Urban Cultures convenor. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
HORKHEIMER, M. & ADORNO, T. (1987). Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by John Cumming. New Cork: Continuum.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. (2005). Displaced and discarded: the plight of internally displaced persons in Bogotá and Cartagena. New York: Human Rights Watch.
JACKSON, John A. (1986). Migration. Aspects of Modern Sociology. New York: Longman Inc.
KEITH, M. (n.d.). Identity and the Spaces of Authenticity. London: Routledge.
KUSHNER, T. & KNOW, K. (1999). Refugees in an Age of Genocide. London: Frank Class.
LEFEBVRE, H. (1991). The Production of Space. Trans. D. Nicholson-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell.
LEVI-STRAUSS, Claude. (1968). The Savage Mind. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
LOS GAITEROS DE SAN JACINTO. (2006). Un Fuego de Sangre Pura. USA:Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.
LOZANOVSKA, M. (1997). Abjection and architecture: the migrant house in multicultural Australia. In NALBANTOGLU G. B. and THAI W. C. (Eds.), Postcolonial Space(s), 1001-129. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
LÜBBERS, M. & AUTHOR. (2008). Attraction: ‘Operación Jaque’. London: Quickflicker Film Festival.
LYNCH, Kevin. (1960). The Image of the City. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
MANDANI, Mahmood. (1973). From Citizen to Refugee: Ugandan Asians Come to Britain. London: Francis Pinter. N.A.
MARCUS, S. (1973). Reading the illegible city. In DYROS, H. J. and WOLFF, M. (Eds.), The Victorian City: Images and Realities. London: Routledge.
MATISSE. French edition. New York: Simon & Schuster.
MITCHELL, W. J. T. (2005). What do pictures want? Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
MONSALVE, Diego. (1927). Colombian cafetera. Barcelona: Artes Gráficas.
MORTON, A. L. (1969). The English Utopia. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
MUÑOZ, Manuel Ramiro. (2008). DVV International – Migration and Integration: Educational Needs and Forced Displacement in Colombia. Number 70. www.iiz-dvv. de/index.php?article_id=728&clang=1
NAGLE, Luz E. (2004). Colombian asylum seekers: what practitioners should know about the Colombian crisis. Washington: Georgetown Immigration Law Journal. NALBANTOGLU and W. C. THAI. (Eds.). Postcolonial Space(s). New York: Princeton University Press.
NERUDA, Pablo. (1969). Twenty love poems and song of despair. London: Jonathan Cape. www.neruda.uchile.cl
RAVENSTEIN, E. G. (1885). The Laws of Migration. London: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
RESTREPO, José Alejandro. (2008). Cuerpo teológico - político: una entrevista a José Alejandro Restrepo. Trans by Author. Revista Arcadia. Bogotá. www. periodicoarteria.com/articulos/art3.htm
RESTREPO, J. A. and SPAGAT, M. (2005). Colombia’s tipping point? London: International Institute for Strategic Studies.
RILKE, Rainier Maria, (1975). Duino Elegies and The Sonnets To Orpheus. Translated by A. Poulin, Jr. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
SALDARRIAGA ROA, Alberto. (2001). La Arquitectura como Experiencia. Trans by Author. Bogotá: Villegas Editores.
SENNETT, Richard. (1977). The Fall of Public Man. Cambridge: CUP Chaps. Faber and Faber.
________. (1994). Flesh and Stone: Chapter 7 Places Full of Time. New York: W.W Norton and Blackwell Company.
SIMMIE, J. M. (1974). Citizens in Conflict: Social conflict and spatial inequality. London: Hutchinson and Co Ltd.
SHIELDS, Rob. (2003). www.carleton.ca/~rshields/index.htm
SONTAG, Susan. (2000). On Photography. New York: Penguin Books.
STALLYBRASS, P. and WHITE, A. (1986). The Politics and Poetics of Transgression. London: Methuen.
TAUSSIG, Michael T. (1980). Quoting a Colombian peasant. The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.
________. (1993). Mimesis and Alterity. New York: Routledge.
____. (1999). Defacement: Public secrecy and the labor of the negative. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Cover.
UNHCR. (1984). Cartagena Declaration on Refugees. Geneva: Media Relations and Public Information Service.
________. (2008). 2007 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Person. http://unhcr.org/statistics/ STATISTICS/4852366f2.pdf
VAN HEAR, N. & MCDOWELL, C. (Eds.). (2006). Catching fire: containing forced migration in a volatile world. Oxford: Lexington Books.
WILLIAMS, Raymond. (1973). The Country and the City. New York: Oxford University Press.
www.cambio.com.co/portadacambio/785/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_ INTERIOR_CAMBIO-4380169.html
www.eltiempo.com/justicia/2008-03-04/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_ INTERIOR-3984686.html
www.jasminacibic.org & pandbshowcase.co.uk/archive/round1/visual/#%23
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