Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal
En el presente artículo la autora discurre sobre la construcción y distribución de conocimiento en un mundo en el que el auge de las tecnologías digitales contrasta con la posibilidades no digitales. La relación del conocimiento no queda limitada a dichos desarrollos, sino que se hace más compleja cuando a esta dinámica realidad conteporánea se allegan otros elementos como la movilidad global y la permanencia en un territorio; órdenes espaciotemporáles que aunados a los factores socioculturales dan continuidad a la distinción entre lo global y lo nacional.
Kepes - 2011
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Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal Digital Formations of the Powerful and the Powerless: The Case of Informal Political Knowledge En el presente artículo la autora discurre sobre la construcción y distribución de conocimiento en un mundo en el que el auge de las tecnologías digitales contrasta con la posibilidades no digitales. La relación del conocimiento no queda limitada a dichos desarrollos, sino que se hace más compleja cuando a esta dinámica realidad conteporánea se allegan otros elementos como la movilidad global y la permanencia en un territorio; órdenes espaciotemporáles que aunados a los factores socioculturales dan continuidad a la distinción entre lo global y lo nacional. Abstract: this article, the author elaborates on the construction and distribution of knowledge in a world in which the rise of digital technologies contrasts with digital possibilities. The relationship of the knowledge is not limited to these developments, it becomes more complex when to this dynamic contemporary reality, draw near other elements such as global mobility and retention in a territory; which space-timeorders coupled with socio environmental factors provide continuity to the distinction between global and national. Sassen, Saskia . Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes 8 7 Núm. 7 , Año 2011 : Enero - Diciembre 2011 Artículo de revista Journal article 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z 2010-01-01 application/pdf Universidad de Caldas Kepes 1794-7111 2462-8115 spa Kepes - 2011 7 41 Arquilla, J. & Ronfeldt, D. F. (2001). Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Avgerou, C. (2002). Information Systems and Global Diversity. Oxford University Press. Bach, J. & Stark, D. (2005). Recombinant Technology and New Geographies of Association. In: Latham, R. & Sassen, S. (eds.), Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm (pp. 37-53). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Barfield, C. E., Heiduk, G. & Welfens, P. J. J. (eds.). (2003). Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization: Perspectives on the New Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA. New York: Springer. Barrett, M. & Scott, S. (2004). Electronic Trading and the Process of Globalization in Traditional Futures Exchanges: A Temporal Perspective. European Journal of Information Systems, 13(1), 65-79. Barry, A. & Slater, D. (2002). Introduction: The Technological Economy. Economy and Society, 31(2), 175-93. Bartlett, A. (2007). The City and the Self: The Emergence of New Political Subjects in London. In: Sassen, S. (ed.), Deciphering the Global: Its Spaces, Scales and Subjects (pp. 221-242). New York and London: Routledge. Bellanet, A. (2002). Report on Activities 2001-2002. Recuperado de: http://home. Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Mar-kets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press. Bennett, W. L. & Entman, R. M. (eds.). (2001). Mediated Politics: Communication in the Future of Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bollier, D. (2009). Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own. New York: New Press. Borgman, C. L. (2010). Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Borja, J. & Castells, M. (1997). The Local and the Global: Management of Cities in the Information Age. London: Earthscan. Bousquet, M. & Wills, K. (eds.). (2003). Web Authority: Online Domination and the Informatics of Resistance. Boulder, CO: Alt-x Press. Bowker, G. C. & Star, S. L. (1999). Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Budd, L. (1995). Globalisation, Territory, and Strategic Alliances in Different Financial Centres Source. Urban Studies, 32(2), 345-360. Callon, M. (1998). The Laws of the Markets. Oxford. Blackwell Publishers. Castells, M. (1996). The Rise of the Network Society: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Volume 1. Oxford: Blackwell. Castells, M. (2001). The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. New York: Oxford University Press. Castells, M. (2009). Communication Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cederman, L. E. & Kraus, P. A. (2005). Transnational Communications and the European Demos. In: Latham, R. & Sassen, S. (eds.), Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 283-311. Chen, X. & de’medici, T. (2010). Research Note - The “Instant City” Coming of Age: production of Spaces in China’s Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Urban Geography, 31, 1141-1147. Cleaver, H. (1998). The Zapatista Effect: The Internet and the Rise of an Alternative Political Fabric. Journal of International Affairs, 51(2), 621-40. Coleman, G. (2004). The Political Agnosticism of Free and Open Source Software and the Inadvertent Politics of Contrast. Anthropological Quarterly, 77(3), 507-519. Dean, J. (2002). Publicity’s Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Dean, J., Anderson, J. W. & Lovink, G. (2006). Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society. London: Routledge. Denning, D. (1999). Information Warfare and Security. New York: Addison-Wesley. Der Derian, J. (2001). Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-MediaEntertainment Network. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Drainville, A. (2005). Contesting Globalization: Space and Place in the World Economy. London: Routledge. Drake, W. J. & Williams III, E. M. (2006). Governing Global Electronic Networks:International Perspectives on Policy and Power. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2002). Activist Training Manual. Presented at the Ruckus Society Tech Toolbox Action Camp, 24 June-2 July. Elmer, G. (2004). Profiling Machines: Mapping the Personal Information Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Fernando, V. (2010). Think Tank Warns that Hong Kong’s Dangerous Dependence on Finance Could Result in Catastrophe. Retrieved Dec. 30, 2010. (http://www. Fisher, M. (2006). Wall Street Women: Navigating Gendered Networks in the New Economy. In: Fisher M. & Downey, G. (eds.), Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy (pp. 209-236). Durham: Duke University Press. Fisher, M. & Downey, G. (eds.) (2006). Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy. Durham: Duke University Press. Fraser, N. (2007). Transnationalizing the Public Sphere: On the Legitimacy and Efficacy of Public Opinion in a Post-Westphalian World. Theory, Culture & Society, 24(4), 7-30. Friedman, E. J. (2005). The Reality of Virtual Reality: The Internet and Gender Equality Advocacy in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 47, 1-34. Garcia, L. (2002). Architecture of Global Networking Technologies. In: Sassen, S.(ed.), Global Networks, Linked Cities (pp. 39-70). London: Routledge. GAWC (Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network). (2005). Accessed 18/03/2006, Glasius, M., Kaldor, M. & Anheier, J. (eds.). (2002). Global Civil Society Yearbook 2002. Oxford University Press. Graham, S. (ed.). (2003). The Cybercities Reader. London: Routledge. Gurstein, M. (ed.). (2000). Community Informatics: Enabling Communities with Information and Communication Technologies. Hershey, PA: Idea Group. Harvey, R. (2007). The Sub-National Constitution of Global Markets. In: Sassen, S. (ed.), Deciphering the Global: Its Spaces, Scales and Subjects (pp.199-216). New York and London: Routledge. Helleiner, E. (1999). Sovereignty, Territoriality and the Globalization of Finance.In: D. A. Smith, D. A., Solinger, D. J. & Topik, S. (eds.), States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy (pp. 138-57). London: Routledge. Himanen, P. (2001). The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age. New York: Random House. Howard, P. N. (2006). New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen. New York: Cambridge University Press. Howard, P. N. & Jones, S. (eds.). (2004). Society Online: The Internet in Context. London: Sage. Imbert, P. (ed.). (2008). Theories of Inclusion and Exclusion in Knowledge-Based Sociietes. Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa Press. Khagram, S., Riker, J. V. & Sikkink, K. (eds.). (2002). Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Klein, H. (2005). ICANN Reform: Establishing the Rule of Law. Prepared for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Accessed 18/03/2006, http:// Knorr Cetina, K. & Bruegger, U. (2002). Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets. American Journal of Sociology, 107(4), 905-50. Knorr Cetina, K. & Preda, A. (eds.). (2004). The Sociology of Financial Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Koopmans, R. (2004). Movements and Media: Selection Processes and Evolutionary Dynamics in the Public Sphere. Theory and Society, 33(3-4), 367-91. Korbin, S. J. (2001). Territoriality and the Governance of Cyberspace. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(4), 687-704. Krause, L. & Petro, P. (eds.). (2003). Global Cities: Cinema, Architecture, and Urbanism in a Digital Age. New Brunswick, NJ, and London: Rutgers University Press. Kuntze, M., Rottmann, S. & Symons, J. (2002). Communications Strategies for World Bank and IMF-Watchers: New Tools for Networking and Collaboration. London: Bretton Woods Project and Ethical Media. Accessed 18/03/2006, http:// Latham, R. & Sassen, S. (2005). Introduction. Digital Formations: Constructing an Object of Study. 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Kepes |
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Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
spellingShingle |
Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal Sassen, Saskia . Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes |
title_short |
Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
title_full |
Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
title_fullStr |
Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
title_full_unstemmed |
Formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
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formaciones digitales de los poderosos y los débiles: el caso del conocimiento político informal |
title_eng |
Digital Formations of the Powerful and the Powerless: The Case of Informal Political Knowledge |
description |
En el presente artículo la autora discurre sobre la construcción y distribución de conocimiento en un mundo en el que el auge de las tecnologías digitales contrasta con la posibilidades no digitales. La relación del conocimiento no queda limitada a dichos desarrollos, sino que se hace más compleja cuando a esta dinámica realidad conteporánea se allegan otros elementos como la movilidad global y la permanencia en un territorio; órdenes espaciotemporáles que aunados a los factores socioculturales dan continuidad a la distinción entre lo global y lo nacional.
description_eng |
Abstract: this article, the author elaborates on the construction and distribution of knowledge in a world in which the rise of digital technologies contrasts with digital possibilities. The relationship of the knowledge is not limited to these developments, it becomes more complex when to this dynamic contemporary reality, draw near other elements such as global mobility and retention in a territory; which space-timeorders coupled with socio environmental factors provide continuity to the distinction between global and national.
author |
Sassen, Saskia . |
author_facet |
Sassen, Saskia . |
topicspa_str_mv |
Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes |
topic |
Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes |
topic_facet |
Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes Autoridad ciudadanos conocimiento dominios electrónicos información política poder redes |
citationvolume |
8 |
citationissue |
7 |
citationedition |
Núm. 7 , Año 2011 : Enero - Diciembre 2011 |
publisher |
Universidad de Caldas |
ispartofjournal |
Kepes |
source | |
language |
spa |
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Article |
rights | Kepes - 2011 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
references |
Arquilla, J. & Ronfeldt, D. F. (2001). Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Avgerou, C. (2002). Information Systems and Global Diversity. Oxford University Press. Bach, J. & Stark, D. (2005). Recombinant Technology and New Geographies of Association. In: Latham, R. & Sassen, S. (eds.), Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm (pp. 37-53). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Barfield, C. E., Heiduk, G. & Welfens, P. J. J. (eds.). (2003). Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization: Perspectives on the New Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA. New York: Springer. Barrett, M. & Scott, S. (2004). Electronic Trading and the Process of Globalization in Traditional Futures Exchanges: A Temporal Perspective. European Journal of Information Systems, 13(1), 65-79. Barry, A. & Slater, D. (2002). Introduction: The Technological Economy. Economy and Society, 31(2), 175-93. Bartlett, A. (2007). The City and the Self: The Emergence of New Political Subjects in London. In: Sassen, S. (ed.), Deciphering the Global: Its Spaces, Scales and Subjects (pp. 221-242). New York and London: Routledge. Bellanet, A. (2002). Report on Activities 2001-2002. Recuperado de: http://home. Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Mar-kets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press. Bennett, W. L. & Entman, R. M. (eds.). (2001). Mediated Politics: Communication in the Future of Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bollier, D. (2009). Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own. New York: New Press. Borgman, C. L. (2010). Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Borja, J. & Castells, M. (1997). The Local and the Global: Management of Cities in the Information Age. London: Earthscan. Bousquet, M. & Wills, K. (eds.). (2003). 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Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 283-311. Chen, X. & de’medici, T. (2010). Research Note - The “Instant City” Coming of Age: production of Spaces in China’s Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Urban Geography, 31, 1141-1147. Cleaver, H. (1998). The Zapatista Effect: The Internet and the Rise of an Alternative Political Fabric. Journal of International Affairs, 51(2), 621-40. Coleman, G. (2004). The Political Agnosticism of Free and Open Source Software and the Inadvertent Politics of Contrast. Anthropological Quarterly, 77(3), 507-519. Dean, J. (2002). Publicity’s Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Dean, J., Anderson, J. W. & Lovink, G. (2006). Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society. London: Routledge. Denning, D. (1999). Information Warfare and Security. New York: Addison-Wesley. Der Derian, J. (2001). Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-MediaEntertainment Network. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Drainville, A. (2005). Contesting Globalization: Space and Place in the World Economy. London: Routledge. Drake, W. J. & Williams III, E. M. (2006). Governing Global Electronic Networks:International Perspectives on Policy and Power. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2002). Activist Training Manual. Presented at the Ruckus Society Tech Toolbox Action Camp, 24 June-2 July. Elmer, G. (2004). Profiling Machines: Mapping the Personal Information Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Fernando, V. (2010). Think Tank Warns that Hong Kong’s Dangerous Dependence on Finance Could Result in Catastrophe. Retrieved Dec. 30, 2010. (http://www. Fisher, M. (2006). Wall Street Women: Navigating Gendered Networks in the New Economy. In: Fisher M. & Downey, G. (eds.), Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy (pp. 209-236). Durham: Duke University Press. Fisher, M. & Downey, G. (eds.) (2006). Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy. Durham: Duke University Press. Fraser, N. (2007). Transnationalizing the Public Sphere: On the Legitimacy and Efficacy of Public Opinion in a Post-Westphalian World. Theory, Culture & Society, 24(4), 7-30. Friedman, E. J. (2005). The Reality of Virtual Reality: The Internet and Gender Equality Advocacy in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 47, 1-34. Garcia, L. (2002). Architecture of Global Networking Technologies. In: Sassen, S.(ed.), Global Networks, Linked Cities (pp. 39-70). London: Routledge. GAWC (Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network). (2005). Accessed 18/03/2006, Glasius, M., Kaldor, M. & Anheier, J. (eds.). (2002). Global Civil Society Yearbook 2002. Oxford University Press. Graham, S. (ed.). (2003). The Cybercities Reader. London: Routledge. Gurstein, M. (ed.). (2000). Community Informatics: Enabling Communities with Information and Communication Technologies. Hershey, PA: Idea Group. Harvey, R. (2007). The Sub-National Constitution of Global Markets. In: Sassen, S. (ed.), Deciphering the Global: Its Spaces, Scales and Subjects (pp.199-216). New York and London: Routledge. Helleiner, E. (1999). Sovereignty, Territoriality and the Globalization of Finance.In: D. A. Smith, D. A., Solinger, D. J. & Topik, S. (eds.), States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy (pp. 138-57). London: Routledge. Himanen, P. (2001). The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age. New York: Random House. Howard, P. N. (2006). New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen. New York: Cambridge University Press. Howard, P. N. & Jones, S. (eds.). (2004). Society Online: The Internet in Context. London: Sage. Imbert, P. (ed.). (2008). Theories of Inclusion and Exclusion in Knowledge-Based Sociietes. Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa Press. Khagram, S., Riker, J. V. & Sikkink, K. (eds.). (2002). 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