Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context
In the efficient management of the supply chain the optimal management of transport of consumables and finished products appears. The costs associated with transport have direct impact on the final value consumers must pay, which in addition to requiring competitive products also demand that they are generated in environmentally friendly organizations. Aware of this reality, this document is intended to be a starting point for Master’s and Doctoral degree students who want to work in a line of research recently proposed: green routing. The state of the art of the vehicle routing problem is presented in this paper, listing its variants, models and methodologies for solution. Furthermore, the proposed interaction between variants of classical... Ver más
Luna Azul - 2016
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Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context técnicas de estimación de emisiones Universidad de Caldas Artículo de revista Núm. 42 , Año 2016 : Enero - Junio 42 transporte verde Luna Azul problema de ruteo de vehículos Granada E., Mauricio Heurísticas para el problema de ruteo de vehículos Escobar Z., Antonio H. Toro O., Eliana M. In the efficient management of the supply chain the optimal management of transport of consumables and finished products appears. The costs associated with transport have direct impact on the final value consumers must pay, which in addition to requiring competitive products also demand that they are generated in environmentally friendly organizations. Aware of this reality, this document is intended to be a starting point for Master’s and Doctoral degree students who want to work in a line of research recently proposed: green routing. The state of the art of the vehicle routing problem is presented in this paper, listing its variants, models and methodologies for solution. Furthermore, the proposed interaction between variants of classical routing problems and environmental effects of its operations, known in the literature as Green- VRP is presented. The goal is to generate a discussion in which mathematical models and solution strategies that can be applied within organizations that consider within their objectives an efficient and sustainable operation are posed. Naud, M. and Potvin, J. (2009). Tabu Search with ejections chains for Vehicle Routing Problem with Private Fleet and Common Carrier. CIRRELT-2009-50. Mbaraga, P., Langevin, A. and Laporte, G. (1999). Two exact algorithms for the vehicle routing problem on trees. Naval Research Logistics, 46, 75-89. McKinnon, A. and Woodburn, A. (1996). Logistical Restructuring And Road Freight Traffic Growth: An Empirical Assessment. 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Int Jr. of Mathematical Sciences & Applications, 3(1). ISSN No: 2230-9888. Luna Azul - 2016 Inglés text/html application/pdf Journal article green transportation Emission estimation techniques vehicle routing problem Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem En el gerenciamiento eficiente de la cadena de suministro aparece la gestión óptima del transporte de insumos y productos terminados. Los costos asociados al transporte tienen impacto directo sobre el valor final que deben pagar los consumidores, que además de requerir productos competitivos también exigen que los mismos sean generados en organizaciones amigables con el medioambiente. Consientes de esa realidad este documento pretende ser un punto de partida para estudiantes de maestría y doctorado que quieran trabajar en una línea de investigación propuesta recientemente: el ruteo verde. En este trabajo se muestra un estado del arte del problema de ruteo de vehículos, enumerando sus variantes, modelos y metodologías de solución. Además, se presenta la interacción que se ha propuesto entre variantes clásicas de los problemas de ruteo y los efectos ambientales de su operación, denominados en la literatura como Green-VRP. El objetivo es generar una discusión donde se planteen modelos matemáticos y estrategias de solución que puedan ser aplicadas en organizaciones que consideren dentro de sus objetivos una operación eficiente y sustentable. Contardo, C., Cordeau, J. F. and Gendron, B. (2014). A GRASP+ILP-Based Metaheuristic for the capacitated routing problem. J Heuristics, 20, 1-38. Caramia, M. and Guerriero, F. (2010). A Heuristic Approach For the truck and trailer routing problem. JORS, 61, 1168-1180. Cordeau, J. and Laporte, G. (2003). The Dial-a-ride problem (DARP): Variants, Modeling Issues And Algorithms. 4OR, 1, 89-101. Hemmelmayr, V. and Doerner, K. (2009). A variable neighboorhood search heuristic for periodical vehicle routing problems. EJOR, 195(3), 791-802. Ghiani, G. and Improta, G. (2000). An Efficient Transformation Of The Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem. EJOR, 122(1), 11-17. Corona, J. A. (2005). Hiperheurísticas a través de programación genética para la resolución de problemas de ruteo de vehÌculos. Master Thesis. Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. Giagli, G., Minis, I., Tatarakis, A. and Zeimpekis, V. (2004). Minimizing Logistics Risk Through RTVRP And Mobile Technologies: Research. IJPD & LM, 34(9), 749-764. Golden, B., Magnanti, L. and Nguyan, H. (1972). Implementing Vehicle Routing Algorithms. Networks, 7(2), 113-148. Golden, B. and Stewart, W. (1975). Vehicle Routing Problem with Probabilistic Demands. Computer Sciencie and statistics: tenth annual symposium on the interface, 503, 252-259. Helsgaun, K. (2000). An effective implementation of the Lin-Kernighan traveling salesman heuristic. European Journal of Operational Research, 126, 106-130. Hutton, B. (2002). The importance of relating fuel consumption rates and driving cycles, measuring, modelling, monitoring and motivation changes in fuel consumption. Transport Research Institute Workshop. Ghannadpour, S. F., Noori, S., T.-Moghaddam R. and Ghoseiri, K. (2014). A multi-objective dynamic vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time windows: Model, solution and application. Applied Soft Computing, 14, Part C, 504-527. Jaramillo, J. R. (2011). The green vehicle routing procedure. In Proceedings, informs annual meeting, October 5-7, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. Jemai, J., Zekri, M. and Mellouli, K. (2012). An NSGA-II Algorithm for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem. 12th European Conference. M·laga, Spain. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 37-48. Revisión de la literatura del problema de ruteo de vehículos en un contexto de transporte verde Kara, I. (2010). On the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin Based Formulations for the Distance-Constrained Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1309, 551-561. Kara, I. (2011). Arc Based Integer Programming Formulations For Distance-Constrained Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. LINDI. 3rd IEEE International Symposium on IEEE. Kara, I. and Bektas, T. (2003). Integer Linear Problem Formulation Of The Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem. In Proc. 5-th EURO/inf. JIM,2003. Ghiani, G., Guerriero, F., Laporte, G. and Musmanno, R. (2003). Real-Time Vehicle Routing: Solution Concepts, Algorithms And Parallel Computing Strategies. EJOR, 151(1), 1-11. Publication Gendreau, M., Hertz, A. and Laporte, G. (2001). New insertion and post-optimization procedures for TSP. OR, 40, 1086-1094. García-Nájera, A. (2012). The vehicle routing problem with backhauls: a multi-objective evolutionary approach. In Hao, J.-K. and Middendorf, M. (Eds.), Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7245, 255-266. Springer. Crainic, T., Perboli, G., Mancini, S. and Tadei, R. (2010). Two-Echelon VRP: A Satellite Location Analisis. PROCEDIA Social and Behavioral Sciencies, 2(3), 5944-5955. Dantzing, G. and Ramser, J. (1959). The Truck Dispatching problem. Managment Sciencie, 6(1), 80-91. Dekker, R., Bloemhof, J. and Mallidis, I. (2012). OR for Green-Logistics-An Overwiev of Aspects, Issues, Contributions and Challenges. Operations Research in Health Care, EJOR, 219, 671-679. Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. (2012). An adaptative large neighborhood search heuristics for the pollution routing problem. European Journal of Operations Research, 223, 346-359. DETR Circular 02/2000, Contaminated Land: Implementation of Part IIA of the Enviromental Protection Act 1990, 1990. Feb-14-2014. [Online]. Available on Donati, A., Montemanni, R., Casagrande, N., Rizzoli, A. and Gambardella, L. (2008). Time Dependent VRP With A Multi Ant Colony System. EJOR, 185(3),1174-1191. Eilon, S., Watson, C. and Christofides, N. (1971). Distribution Management: Mathematical Modelling and Practical Analysis. London: Griffin. Eksioglu, B., Vural, A. and Reisman, A. (2009). Survey: The Vehicle Routig Problem: A taxonomic review. Journal Computers and Industrial Enginnering, 57(4), 1472-1483. Erdogan, S. and Miller-Hooks, E. (2012). A Green Vehicle Routing Problem. Transportation Research Part E, 48(1), 100-114. Fukasawa, R., Lysgaard, J., de Aragão, M. P., Reis, M., Uchoa, E. and Werneck, R. F. (2004). Robust branch-and-cut-and-price for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3064, 1-15. Fischetti, M., Toth P. and Vigo, D. (1994). A branch and bound algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem on direct graphs. Operations Research, 42, 846-859. Figliozzi, M. (2010). Vehicle Routing Problem for Emissions Minimization. Transportation Research Record, 2197, 1-7. Euchi, J., Chabchoub, H. and Yassine, A. (2011). New Evolutionary Algorithm Based On 2-Opt Local Search To Solve The Vehicle Routing Problem with Private fleet and common carrier. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic, 2(1) 58-82. Escobar, J., Linfati, R. and Toth, P. (2013). A two-phase hybrid algorithm for the capacitated location-routing problem. COR, 40(1), 70-79. 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 387 1909-2474 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 2015-01-01 10.17151/luaz.2016.42.21 0122-5391 362 |
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Colombia |
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Luna Azul |
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Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
spellingShingle |
Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context Granada E., Mauricio Escobar Z., Antonio H. Toro O., Eliana M. técnicas de estimación de emisiones transporte verde problema de ruteo de vehículos Heurísticas para el problema de ruteo de vehículos green transportation Emission estimation techniques vehicle routing problem Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem |
title_short |
Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
title_full |
Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
title_fullStr |
Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
title_full_unstemmed |
Literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
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literature review on the vehicle routing problem in the green transportation context |
title_eng |
Revisión de la literatura del problema de ruteo de vehículos en un contexto de transporte verde |
description |
In the efficient management of the supply chain the optimal management of transport of consumables and finished products appears. The costs associated with transport have direct impact on the final value consumers must pay, which in addition to requiring competitive products also demand that they are generated in environmentally friendly organizations. Aware of this reality, this document is intended to be a starting point for Master’s and Doctoral degree students who want to work in a line of research recently proposed: green routing. The state of the art of the vehicle routing problem is presented in this paper, listing its variants, models and methodologies for solution. Furthermore, the proposed interaction between variants of classical routing problems and environmental effects of its operations, known in the literature as Green- VRP is presented. The goal is to generate a discussion in which mathematical models and solution strategies that can be applied within organizations that consider within their objectives an efficient and sustainable operation are posed.
description_eng |
En el gerenciamiento eficiente de la cadena de suministro aparece la gestión óptima del transporte de insumos y productos terminados. Los costos asociados al transporte tienen impacto directo sobre el valor final que deben pagar los consumidores, que además de requerir productos competitivos también exigen que los mismos sean generados en organizaciones amigables con el medioambiente. Consientes de esa realidad este documento pretende ser un punto de partida para estudiantes de maestría y doctorado que quieran trabajar en una línea de investigación propuesta recientemente: el ruteo verde. En este trabajo se muestra un estado del arte del problema de ruteo de vehículos, enumerando sus variantes, modelos y metodologías de solución. Además, se presenta la interacción que se ha propuesto entre variantes clásicas de los problemas de ruteo y los efectos ambientales de su operación, denominados en la literatura como Green-VRP. El objetivo es generar una discusión donde se planteen modelos matemáticos y estrategias de solución que puedan ser aplicadas en organizaciones que consideren dentro de sus objetivos una operación eficiente y sustentable.
author |
Granada E., Mauricio Escobar Z., Antonio H. Toro O., Eliana M. |
author_facet |
Granada E., Mauricio Escobar Z., Antonio H. Toro O., Eliana M. |
topicspa_str_mv |
técnicas de estimación de emisiones transporte verde problema de ruteo de vehículos Heurísticas para el problema de ruteo de vehículos |
topic |
técnicas de estimación de emisiones transporte verde problema de ruteo de vehículos Heurísticas para el problema de ruteo de vehículos green transportation Emission estimation techniques vehicle routing problem Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem |
topic_facet |
técnicas de estimación de emisiones transporte verde problema de ruteo de vehículos Heurísticas para el problema de ruteo de vehículos green transportation Emission estimation techniques vehicle routing problem Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem |
citationissue |
42 |
citationedition |
Núm. 42 , Año 2016 : Enero - Junio |
publisher |
Universidad de Caldas |
ispartofjournal |
Luna Azul |
source | |
language |
Inglés |
format |
Article |
rights |
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Luna Azul - 2016 |
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