
Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce


Con la continuación del impulso de crecimiento de la movilidad turística internacional, y los efectos negativos del turismo en destinos importantes, los gobiernos locales, las organizaciones internacionales de turismo y la comunidad académica centraron su atención en lo que se debería hacer para eliminar estos efectos negativos. Otro tema importante por considerar es la gentrificación del turismo. Esta situación indica que la dinámica básica de los asentamientos y la población local se ha visto sacudida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las razones y los efectos de la gentrificación turística en Barcelona y Venecia, que atraen una demanda turística excesiva y con frecuencia llegan a la agenda con movimientos urbanos o sociales contra... Ver más

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Koray Genç, Oğuz Türkay, Şevki Ulema - 2022

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.



id metarevistapublica_uexternado_turismoysociedad_44_article_7946
record_format ojs
spelling Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
Con la continuación del impulso de crecimiento de la movilidad turística internacional, y los efectos negativos del turismo en destinos importantes, los gobiernos locales, las organizaciones internacionales de turismo y la comunidad académica centraron su atención en lo que se debería hacer para eliminar estos efectos negativos. Otro tema importante por considerar es la gentrificación del turismo. Esta situación indica que la dinámica básica de los asentamientos y la población local se ha visto sacudida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las razones y los efectos de la gentrificación turística en Barcelona y Venecia, que atraen una demanda turística excesiva y con frecuencia llegan a la agenda con movimientos urbanos o sociales contra el turismo. Se han utilizado fuentes de datos secundarias para este propósito. En última instancia, se subrayó que la gentrificación del turismo debe ser considerada por los tomadores de decisiones como un proceso que desencadena muchos efectos negativos, ejerce presión de desplazamiento sobre la población local y provoca cambios sociales radicales.
With the continuation of the growth momentum of international tourism mobility and negative effects on important destinations, local administrations, international tourism organizations and academic community have directed their attention to what should be done to eliminate the negative effects. An important issue that needs to be considered is tourism gentrification, which is an indication that the basic dynamics of settlements and residents have been shaken. In this study, we aim to evaluate the reasons and effects of tourism gentrification in Barcelona and Venice, which attract overtourism demand and frequently come to the agenda with urban social movements against tourism. Secondary data sources have been used for this purpose. Ultimately, it was underlined that tourism gentrification should be taken into consideration by decision-makers as a process that triggers many negativities, exerting displacement pressure on the local population and causing radical social changes. 
Genç, Koray
Türkay, Oğuz
Ulema, Şevki
Tourism gentrification;
desplazamiento forzado;
, Año 2022 : Julio-Diciembre
Artículo de revista
Journal article
Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras
Turismo y Sociedad
Koray Genç, Oğuz Türkay, Şevki Ulema - 2022
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
Altanlar, A., Kavak, İ., & Güremen, L. (2018). Tarihi mahallelerdeki turizm odaklı müdahalelerin mahalle sakinleri üzerindeki etkisi; Amasya, Sofular Mahallesi. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 85-104.
Bahçeci, H. I. (2017). Neoliberalizmin kentsel mekândaki tezahürü olarak kentsel dönüşüm. Journal of International Management, Educational and Economics Perspectives, 5(1), 36-47.
Bertocchi, D., & Visentin, F. (2019). “The overwhelmed city”: physical and social over-capacities of global tourism in Venice. Sustainability, 11.
Bremner, C. (2018). Barcelona and Spain and their battle with over-tourism. Euromonitor International. https://blog.euromonitor.com/barcelona-overtourism/
Brenner, N., Marcuse, P., & Mayer, M. (2014). Kâr için değil halk için eleştirel kent teorisi ve kent hakkı (Transl. A. Y. Şen). Sel Yayıncılık.
Brunton, J. (2018). Venice poised to segregate tourists as city braces ıtself for may day ‘invasion’. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2018/may/01/venice-to-segregate-tourists-nmay- day-overcrowding
Butler, R.W. (1980). The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: ımplications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 24(1).
Coldwell, W. (2017). First Venice and Barcelona: Now anti-tourism marches spread across Europe. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2017/aug/10/anti-tourism-marches-spread-cross- europe-venice-barcelona
Corderoy, J. (2017). Spain’s anti-tourist movement is reaching boiling point. News. https://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/europe/spains-antitourist-movement-is-reaching-boiling-point/news-story/185b003fb1b355f923fec21c31a2b75a
Değirmenci, K. (2011). Kentsel mekânda “yerin” ya da otantik olanın yeniden inşası. In E. Eğribel and U. Özcan (Eds.), Değişim Sosyolojisi: Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Toplumsal Geğişme (pp. 277-291). Kitabevi Yayınları.
Diaz, A. L. (2017). Why Barcelona locals really hate tourists. Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/barcelona-locals-hate-tourists-why-reasons-spain-protests-arran-airbnb-locals-attacks-graffiti a7883021.html
Doxey, G. V. (1975). A causation theory of visitor-resident irritans: methodology and research inferences. Travel and Tourism Research Asossiation Sixth Annual Conferance Proceedings, 195-198
Esen, O. (2009). Turizm. In. P. Derviş, B. Tanju & U. Tanyeli (Eds.), İstanbullaşmak olgular, sorunsallar, metaforlar (pp. 305-311). Garanti Galeri. Euronews. (2017). Barselona’da İngiliz turistleri taşıyan tur otobüsüne saldırı. Euronews. https://tr.euronews.com/2017/08/04/barselonada-ingiliz-turistleri-tasiyan-bir-tur-otobusune-saldirildi
Express (2018). Stop tourısm! Masked activists chain themselves to gaudi dragon as Barcelona rages. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/976416/Spain-tourist-protests-news-arcelonaguell- park-gaudi-dragon
Frank-Keyes, J. (2018). Is mass tourism destroying the beauty of Venice? City Metric. https://www.citymetric.com/business/mass-tourism-destroying-beauty-venice-over-tourism-4212
Gant, A. C. (27-29 August 2015). Tourism and Commercial Gentrification. International Conference on “The Ideal City: between myth and reality”. Urbino, Italy.
Gant, A. C. (2016). Holiday rentals: The new gentrification battlefront. Sociological Research Online, 21(3).
Giuffrida, A. (2017). ‘Imagine living with this crap’: Tempers in Venice boil over in tourist high season. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/23/venice-tempers-boil-overtourist-high-season
Giulio, M. R. (2019). “Se Venezia muore”: is the restricted ccess a feasible solution for excess tourism? In D. Fiorani, G. Franco, L. Kealy, S. F. Musso, & M. A. Calvo-Salve (Comps.), Conservation/Consumption: Preserving the Tangible and Intangible Values (pp. 185-192). EAAE .
Gotham, K. F. (2005). Tourism gentrification: The case of New Orleans’ Vieux Carre (french quarter). Urban Studies, 42(7), 1099-1121.
Hughes, N. (2018). ‘Tourists go home’: anti-tourism ındustry protest in Barcelona. Social Movement Studies, 17(4), 471-477.
Hürriyet (2017). Barselona halkından turistlere “artık gelmeyin!” çağrısı. Hürriyet. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/seyahat/barselona-halkindan-turistlere-artik-gelmeyin-cagrisi-40451857 Javierre-Kohan, M. (2013). Tourist Walk. The Private Space.
Judd, D. R. (1999). Constructing the tourist bubble. In D. R. Judd, & S. S. Fainstein (Eds.), The Tourist City (pp. 35-54). Yale University Press.
Karar (2017). Barselona’da turizme karşı insan zinciri. Karar. http://www.karar.com/dunya-haberleri/barselonada-turizme-karsi-insan-zinciri-569648#
Kaygalak, S. (2008). Kapitalizmin Taşrası 16. Yüzyıldan 19. Yüzyıla Bursa’da Toplumsal Süreçler ve Mekânsal Değişim. İletişim Yayınları.
Llop, N. L. (2017). A policy approach to the impact of tourist dwellings in condominiums and neighbourhoods in Barcelona. Urban Research & Practice, 10(1), 120-129.
Mansilla, J. A. & Milano, C. (2019). Becoming centre: Tourism placemaking and space production in two neighborhoods in Barcelona. Tourism Geographies.
Marcuse, P. (1985). Gentrification, abandonment, and displacement: connections, causes, and policy responses in New York city. Urban Law Annual; Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law, 28, 195-240.
Marcuse, P. (2015). Terk etme, mutenalaştırma ve yerinden etme: New York Cıty’deki Mekanizmalar. In N. Smith, & P. Williams (Eds.). Kentin Mutenalaştırılması (Transl. M. Uzun). Yordam Kitap.
Melwani, D. (2016). #Venexodus fight to limit tourists to Venice. Travel Weekly. http://www.travelweekly.com.au/article/venexodus-fight-to-limit-tourists-to-venice/
Minoia, P. (2017). Venice reshaped? Tourist gentrification and sense of place. In N. Bellini & C. Pasquinelli (Eds.), Tourism in the City (pp. 261-274). Springer.
Nst (2016). Only 55,000 residents left in Venice following “venexodus”. Nst. https://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/11/188164/only-55000-residents-left-venice-following-venexodus
O’Sullivan, F. (2017). Venice fights back. Citylab. https://www.citylab.com/solutions/2017/02/venice-fights-back/516270/
O’Sullivan, F. (2018). Venice erects gates against a flood of tourists. Citylab. https://www.citylab.com/life/2018/05/venice-erects-gates-against-a-flood-of-tourists/559367/
Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona (2017). 2017 Informe de l’activitat Turística a Barcelona. Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona
Peter, L. (2017). ‘Turistler evinize dönün’: İspanya’da solcular turist akınına karşı direniyor. BBC News Türkçe. https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-40839361
Petkar, S. (2017). Spain’s anti-tourism riots step up as violent clans merge to target tourists in Barcelona. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/837142/barcelona-spain-tourists-violencecatalonia-independence
Posta (2014). Barcelona’da ‘edepsiz turist’ isyanı! Posta. https://www.posta.com.tr/barcelonadaedepsiz-turist-isyani-242047
Sanchez, P. M., & Adams, K. M. (2008) The Janus-faced character of tourism in Cuba. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 27-46.
Sans, A. A., & Dominguez, A. Q. (2016). Unravelling airbnb: Urban perspectives from Barcelona. In A. P. Russo, & G. Richards (Eds.), Reinventing the Local in Tourism (pp. 209-228). Channel View Publications.
Settis, S. (2014). Se Venezia muore. In S. Salvatore (Ed.), Se Venezia Muore (pp. 273-290). Viella.
Séraphin, H., Sheeran, P., & Pilato, M. (2018). Over-tourism and the fall of Venice as a destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 374-376.
Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M., & Lorey, T. (2019). Limitations of trexit (tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11(5), 566-581.
Smith, N. (2002). New globalism, new urbanism; gentrification as global urban strategy. Antipode, 34(3), 427-450.
Smith, O. (2018). Anti-tourist protests erupt: Chaos on streets of Venice as locals tear down barriers. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/952796/Tourism-tourists-Venice-travelsegegration-checkpoints-protest
Tourism Today (2017). Barselona’da turist istemiyoruz eylemleri yeniden başladı. Tourism Today. http://www.tourismtoday.net/barcelonada-turist-istemiyoruz-eylemleri-yeniden-basladi-48907h.htm
Venezia Autentica (2017). The current state of tourism is hurting Venice. Venezia Autentica. https://veneziaautentica.com/impact-tourism-venice/
Visentin, F., & Bertocchi, D. (2019). Venice: An analysis of tourism excesses in an overtourism icon. In C. Milano, J. M. Cheer, & M. Novelli (Eds.), Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism (pp. 18-38). CABI .
thumbnail https://nuevo.metarevistas.org/UNIVERSIDADEXTERNADODECOLOMBIA/logo.png
country_str Colombia
collection Turismo y Sociedad
title Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
spellingShingle Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
Genç, Koray
Türkay, Oğuz
Ulema, Şevki
Tourism gentrification;
desplazamiento forzado;
title_short Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
title_full Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
title_fullStr Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
title_full_unstemmed Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
title_sort tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: barcelona and venıce
title_eng Tourısm gentrıfıcatıon: Barcelona and Venıce
description Con la continuación del impulso de crecimiento de la movilidad turística internacional, y los efectos negativos del turismo en destinos importantes, los gobiernos locales, las organizaciones internacionales de turismo y la comunidad académica centraron su atención en lo que se debería hacer para eliminar estos efectos negativos. Otro tema importante por considerar es la gentrificación del turismo. Esta situación indica que la dinámica básica de los asentamientos y la población local se ha visto sacudida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las razones y los efectos de la gentrificación turística en Barcelona y Venecia, que atraen una demanda turística excesiva y con frecuencia llegan a la agenda con movimientos urbanos o sociales contra el turismo. Se han utilizado fuentes de datos secundarias para este propósito. En última instancia, se subrayó que la gentrificación del turismo debe ser considerada por los tomadores de decisiones como un proceso que desencadena muchos efectos negativos, ejerce presión de desplazamiento sobre la población local y provoca cambios sociales radicales.
description_eng With the continuation of the growth momentum of international tourism mobility and negative effects on important destinations, local administrations, international tourism organizations and academic community have directed their attention to what should be done to eliminate the negative effects. An important issue that needs to be considered is tourism gentrification, which is an indication that the basic dynamics of settlements and residents have been shaken. In this study, we aim to evaluate the reasons and effects of tourism gentrification in Barcelona and Venice, which attract overtourism demand and frequently come to the agenda with urban social movements against tourism. Secondary data sources have been used for this purpose. Ultimately, it was underlined that tourism gentrification should be taken into consideration by decision-makers as a process that triggers many negativities, exerting displacement pressure on the local population and causing radical social changes. 
author Genç, Koray
Türkay, Oğuz
Ulema, Şevki
author_facet Genç, Koray
Türkay, Oğuz
Ulema, Şevki
topic Tourism gentrification;
desplazamiento forzado;
topic_facet Tourism gentrification;
desplazamiento forzado;
topicspa_str_mv turismo;
desplazamiento forzado;
citationvolume 31
citationedition , Año 2022 : Julio-Diciembre
publisher Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras
ispartofjournal Turismo y Sociedad
source https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/tursoc/article/view/7946
language spa
format Article
rights http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0
Koray Genç, Oğuz Türkay, Şevki Ulema - 2022
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
references Altanlar, A., Kavak, İ., & Güremen, L. (2018). Tarihi mahallelerdeki turizm odaklı müdahalelerin mahalle sakinleri üzerindeki etkisi; Amasya, Sofular Mahallesi. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 85-104.
Bahçeci, H. I. (2017). Neoliberalizmin kentsel mekândaki tezahürü olarak kentsel dönüşüm. Journal of International Management, Educational and Economics Perspectives, 5(1), 36-47.
Bertocchi, D., & Visentin, F. (2019). “The overwhelmed city”: physical and social over-capacities of global tourism in Venice. Sustainability, 11.
Bremner, C. (2018). Barcelona and Spain and their battle with over-tourism. Euromonitor International. https://blog.euromonitor.com/barcelona-overtourism/
Brenner, N., Marcuse, P., & Mayer, M. (2014). Kâr için değil halk için eleştirel kent teorisi ve kent hakkı (Transl. A. Y. Şen). Sel Yayıncılık.
Brunton, J. (2018). Venice poised to segregate tourists as city braces ıtself for may day ‘invasion’. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2018/may/01/venice-to-segregate-tourists-nmay- day-overcrowding
Butler, R.W. (1980). The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: ımplications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 24(1).
Coldwell, W. (2017). First Venice and Barcelona: Now anti-tourism marches spread across Europe. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2017/aug/10/anti-tourism-marches-spread-cross- europe-venice-barcelona
Corderoy, J. (2017). Spain’s anti-tourist movement is reaching boiling point. News. https://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/europe/spains-antitourist-movement-is-reaching-boiling-point/news-story/185b003fb1b355f923fec21c31a2b75a
Değirmenci, K. (2011). Kentsel mekânda “yerin” ya da otantik olanın yeniden inşası. In E. Eğribel and U. Özcan (Eds.), Değişim Sosyolojisi: Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Toplumsal Geğişme (pp. 277-291). Kitabevi Yayınları.
Diaz, A. L. (2017). Why Barcelona locals really hate tourists. Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/barcelona-locals-hate-tourists-why-reasons-spain-protests-arran-airbnb-locals-attacks-graffiti a7883021.html
Doxey, G. V. (1975). A causation theory of visitor-resident irritans: methodology and research inferences. Travel and Tourism Research Asossiation Sixth Annual Conferance Proceedings, 195-198
Esen, O. (2009). Turizm. In. P. Derviş, B. Tanju & U. Tanyeli (Eds.), İstanbullaşmak olgular, sorunsallar, metaforlar (pp. 305-311). Garanti Galeri. Euronews. (2017). Barselona’da İngiliz turistleri taşıyan tur otobüsüne saldırı. Euronews. https://tr.euronews.com/2017/08/04/barselonada-ingiliz-turistleri-tasiyan-bir-tur-otobusune-saldirildi
Express (2018). Stop tourısm! Masked activists chain themselves to gaudi dragon as Barcelona rages. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/976416/Spain-tourist-protests-news-arcelonaguell- park-gaudi-dragon
Frank-Keyes, J. (2018). Is mass tourism destroying the beauty of Venice? City Metric. https://www.citymetric.com/business/mass-tourism-destroying-beauty-venice-over-tourism-4212
Gant, A. C. (27-29 August 2015). Tourism and Commercial Gentrification. International Conference on “The Ideal City: between myth and reality”. Urbino, Italy.
Gant, A. C. (2016). Holiday rentals: The new gentrification battlefront. Sociological Research Online, 21(3).
Giuffrida, A. (2017). ‘Imagine living with this crap’: Tempers in Venice boil over in tourist high season. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/23/venice-tempers-boil-overtourist-high-season
Giulio, M. R. (2019). “Se Venezia muore”: is the restricted ccess a feasible solution for excess tourism? In D. Fiorani, G. Franco, L. Kealy, S. F. Musso, & M. A. Calvo-Salve (Comps.), Conservation/Consumption: Preserving the Tangible and Intangible Values (pp. 185-192). EAAE .
Gotham, K. F. (2005). Tourism gentrification: The case of New Orleans’ Vieux Carre (french quarter). Urban Studies, 42(7), 1099-1121.
Hughes, N. (2018). ‘Tourists go home’: anti-tourism ındustry protest in Barcelona. Social Movement Studies, 17(4), 471-477.
Hürriyet (2017). Barselona halkından turistlere “artık gelmeyin!” çağrısı. Hürriyet. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/seyahat/barselona-halkindan-turistlere-artik-gelmeyin-cagrisi-40451857 Javierre-Kohan, M. (2013). Tourist Walk. The Private Space.
Judd, D. R. (1999). Constructing the tourist bubble. In D. R. Judd, & S. S. Fainstein (Eds.), The Tourist City (pp. 35-54). Yale University Press.
Karar (2017). Barselona’da turizme karşı insan zinciri. Karar. http://www.karar.com/dunya-haberleri/barselonada-turizme-karsi-insan-zinciri-569648#
Kaygalak, S. (2008). Kapitalizmin Taşrası 16. Yüzyıldan 19. Yüzyıla Bursa’da Toplumsal Süreçler ve Mekânsal Değişim. İletişim Yayınları.
Llop, N. L. (2017). A policy approach to the impact of tourist dwellings in condominiums and neighbourhoods in Barcelona. Urban Research & Practice, 10(1), 120-129.
Mansilla, J. A. & Milano, C. (2019). Becoming centre: Tourism placemaking and space production in two neighborhoods in Barcelona. Tourism Geographies.
Marcuse, P. (1985). Gentrification, abandonment, and displacement: connections, causes, and policy responses in New York city. Urban Law Annual; Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law, 28, 195-240.
Marcuse, P. (2015). Terk etme, mutenalaştırma ve yerinden etme: New York Cıty’deki Mekanizmalar. In N. Smith, & P. Williams (Eds.). Kentin Mutenalaştırılması (Transl. M. Uzun). Yordam Kitap.
Melwani, D. (2016). #Venexodus fight to limit tourists to Venice. Travel Weekly. http://www.travelweekly.com.au/article/venexodus-fight-to-limit-tourists-to-venice/
Minoia, P. (2017). Venice reshaped? Tourist gentrification and sense of place. In N. Bellini & C. Pasquinelli (Eds.), Tourism in the City (pp. 261-274). Springer.
Nst (2016). Only 55,000 residents left in Venice following “venexodus”. Nst. https://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/11/188164/only-55000-residents-left-venice-following-venexodus
O’Sullivan, F. (2017). Venice fights back. Citylab. https://www.citylab.com/solutions/2017/02/venice-fights-back/516270/
O’Sullivan, F. (2018). Venice erects gates against a flood of tourists. Citylab. https://www.citylab.com/life/2018/05/venice-erects-gates-against-a-flood-of-tourists/559367/
Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona (2017). 2017 Informe de l’activitat Turística a Barcelona. Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona
Peter, L. (2017). ‘Turistler evinize dönün’: İspanya’da solcular turist akınına karşı direniyor. BBC News Türkçe. https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-40839361
Petkar, S. (2017). Spain’s anti-tourism riots step up as violent clans merge to target tourists in Barcelona. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/837142/barcelona-spain-tourists-violencecatalonia-independence
Posta (2014). Barcelona’da ‘edepsiz turist’ isyanı! Posta. https://www.posta.com.tr/barcelonadaedepsiz-turist-isyani-242047
Sanchez, P. M., & Adams, K. M. (2008) The Janus-faced character of tourism in Cuba. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 27-46.
Sans, A. A., & Dominguez, A. Q. (2016). Unravelling airbnb: Urban perspectives from Barcelona. In A. P. Russo, & G. Richards (Eds.), Reinventing the Local in Tourism (pp. 209-228). Channel View Publications.
Settis, S. (2014). Se Venezia muore. In S. Salvatore (Ed.), Se Venezia Muore (pp. 273-290). Viella.
Séraphin, H., Sheeran, P., & Pilato, M. (2018). Over-tourism and the fall of Venice as a destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 374-376.
Séraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Zaman, M., & Lorey, T. (2019). Limitations of trexit (tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11(5), 566-581.
Smith, N. (2002). New globalism, new urbanism; gentrification as global urban strategy. Antipode, 34(3), 427-450.
Smith, O. (2018). Anti-tourist protests erupt: Chaos on streets of Venice as locals tear down barriers. Express. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/952796/Tourism-tourists-Venice-travelsegegration-checkpoints-protest
Tourism Today (2017). Barselona’da turist istemiyoruz eylemleri yeniden başladı. Tourism Today. http://www.tourismtoday.net/barcelonada-turist-istemiyoruz-eylemleri-yeniden-basladi-48907h.htm
Venezia Autentica (2017). The current state of tourism is hurting Venice. Venezia Autentica. https://veneziaautentica.com/impact-tourism-venice/
Visentin, F., & Bertocchi, D. (2019). Venice: An analysis of tourism excesses in an overtourism icon. In C. Milano, J. M. Cheer, & M. Novelli (Eds.), Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism (pp. 18-38). CABI .
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