
The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction


Este estudio busca determinar cómo el panorama de servicios sociales influye en la imagen y satisfacción de los clientes de restaurantes. Se analizó a los restaurantes en el distrito de Bahçelievler en Estambul con el Certificado de Gestión Turística del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de Türkiye. Se recopilaron datos de 360 visitantes de los restaurantes. Se utilizaron los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (MES) para examinar las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las dimensiones del panorama de servicios sociales, como empleados, otros clientes y relaciones, impactan positivamente en la imagen del restaurante. Sin embargo, la aglomeración social tiene un efecto negativo en la imagen. Además, se encontró que la i... Ver más

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Savaş Artuğer, Fatih Ercan, Aziz Gökhan Özkoç, Taner Dalgin - 2024

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.

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spelling The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
Hoe, L. S. (2008). Issues and procedures in adopting structural equation modeling technique. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 3(1), pp. 76-83.
Lee, S. J.; Hsu, J. T.; Han, H., & Kim, Y. (2010). Understanding how consumers view green hotels: How a hotel’s greenimage can influence behavioural intentions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1(7), pp. 901-914. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669581003777747.
Kotler, P. (1973). Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing, 49(4), pp. 48-64.
Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, A., & Amer, M. S. (2023). Linking servicescape and experiencescape: Creating a collective focus for the service industry. Journal of Service Management, 34(2), pp. 316-340. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-08-2021-0301.
Kaminakis, K.; Karantinou, K.; Koritos, C., & Gounaris, S. (2019). Hospitality servicescape effects on customer-employee interactions: A multilevel study. Tourism Management, 72, pp. 130-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.11.013.
Jeon, M. Y. (2017). A study on influence of family restaurant image on satisfaction, trust and revisit intention. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 23(2), pp. 74-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.20878/cshr.2017.23.2.008.
Jang, Y.; Ro, H., & Kim, T. H. (2015). Social servicescape: The impact of social factors on restaurant image and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 16 (3), pp. 290-309. https://doi.org/10.1080/15256480.2015.1054758.
In, S. H.; Park, J. W., & Sung J. H. (2017). A study on the effects of the physical environment of five-star hotel restaurants in Seoul on restaurant image and restaurant preference. International Journal of IT-based Business Strategy Management, 3(2), pp. 15-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/ijibsm.2017.3.2.03.
Han, H.; Olya, G. T. H.; Unataru, N. E.; Ispas, A.; Jenny Kim, J., & Kim, W. (2019). Impact of airport green atmospherics on mental health value, image, and loyalty among visitors and workers, Business Strategy Environment, 29, pp. 1.186-1.198. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2425.
Li, S., & Wei, M. (2021). Hotel servicescape and customer citizenship behaviors: Mediating role of customer engagement and moderating role of gender. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 587-603. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2020-0656.
Hair, J. F.; Black, C. W.; Babin, J. B., & Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Furrer, O.; Landry, M.; Baillod, C., & Kerguignas, Y. J. (2023). The interplay between physical and social servicescape: Investigating negative CCI. Journal of Services Marketing, 37/6, pp. 732-745. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-04-2022-0148.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. J ournal o f M arketing R esearch, 18(1), pp. 39-50. https://doi.org/10.2307/3151312.
Evangelista, F., & Dioko, A. N. L. (2010). Interpersonal influence and destination brand equity perceptions. Internatıonal Journal Of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(3), pp. 316-328. https://doi.org/10.1108/17506181111157005.
Espinosa, A. J.; Ortinau, J. D.; Krey, N., & Monahan, L. (2018). I’ll have the usual: How restaurant brand image, loyalty, and satisfaction keep customers coming back. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27/6, 599–614. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-10-2017-1610.
Erkmen, E., & Hançer, M. (2019). Building brand relationship for restaurants: An examination of other customers, brand image, trust, and restaurant attributes, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), pp. 1.469-1.487. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-08-2017-0516.
Durna, U.; Dedeoğlu, B. B., & Balıkçıoğlu, S. (2015). The role of servicescape and image perceptions of customers on behavioral intentions in the hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(7), pp. 1.728-1.748. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2014-0173.
Discepoli, Line, N., & Hanks, L. (2020). A holistic model of the servicescape in fast casual dining. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(1), 288-306. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2019-0360.
Lee, S.; Han, H.; Radic, A., & Tariq, B. (2020). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a customer satisfaction and retention strategy in the chain restaurant sector. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, pp. 348-358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.09.002.
Özdemir, B., & Şahin, A. (2021). Kişisel değerlerin restoran seçimine etkisi: Dışarıda yemek yeme motivasyonlarının aracılık rolü. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 16(63), pp. 1.256-1.281. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyasar.902407.
da Costa Oliveira, C. Z.; Vong, M., & de Sousa Saldanha, E. (2020). The mediation effect of restaurant image on the relationship between service & food quality and customer satisfaction. Timor-Leste Journal of Business and Management, 2 (2), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.51703/bm.v2i0.30.
Yi, T. H.,; Yeo, K. C.; Edem Amenuvor, F., & Boateng, H. (2021). Examining the relationship between customer bonding, customer participation, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service, 62, 102598. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102598.
Woo, E.; Kim, H., & Uysal, M. (2015). Life satisfaction and support for tourism development. Annals of Tourism Research, 50, pp. 84-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.11.001.
Ryu, K., & Han, H. (2011). New or repeat customers: How does physical environment influence their restaurant experience?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3), pp. 599-611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2010.11.004.
Wirtz, J.; Lovelock, C.; Chatterjee, J., & Das, G. (2017). Essentials of services marketing (3rd Edition). Pearson India Education Services.
Ullah Khan, R.; Salamzadeh, Y.; Iqbal, Q., & Yang, S. (2022). The impact of customer relationship management and company reputation on customer loyalty: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 21(1), pp. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332667.2020.1840904. Uzuncan, E. H., & Artuğer, S. (2022). Sosyal hizmet ortamının restoran imajına etkisi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2022, 10 (3), pp. 2.351-2.368. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1095.
Tombs, A., & McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2003). Social-servicescape conceptual model. Marketing Theory, 3 (4), pp. 447-475. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470593103040785.
Şahin, E., & Yiğitoğlu, V. (2022). QR m enü k ullanımı k apsamında r estoranlarda y enilikçi uygulamaların hizmet kalitesine ve restoran imajına etkisi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2022, 10(3), pp. 1.745-1.768. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1065.
Shiel, G., & Cartwright, F. (2015). Analyzing data from a national assessment of educational achievement. Washington DC: World Bank Group.
Schumacker, R. E., & Lomax, R. G. (2010). A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. Routledge: Newyork.
Schermelleh-Engel, K.; Moosbrugger, H., & Muller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), pp. 23-74.
Ryu, K.; Han, H., & Kim, T. H. (2008). The relationships among overall quick-casual restaurant image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27, pp. 459-469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2007.11.001.
Dedeoğlu, B. B.; Küçükergin, K. G., & Balıkçıoğlu, S. (2015). Understanding the relationships of servicescape, value, image, pleasure, and behavioral intentions among hotel customers. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(1), pp. 42-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2014.982268.
Bitner, M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56(2): pp. 57-71. https://doi.org/10.2307/1252042.
Satisfacción del cliente
, Año 2025 : Enero-Junio
Artículo de revista
Asghar, A.; Asif, R., & Akhtar, N. (2023). Servicescapes and social servicescapes: Impact on perceived usefulness, choice satisfaction and behavior at fast-food restaurants. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-03-2023-0125.
Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras
Turismo y Sociedad
Dalgin, Taner
Panorama de servicios,
Gökhan Özkoç, Aziz
Ercan, Fatih
Artuğer, Savaş
Savaş Artuğer, Fatih Ercan, Aziz Gökhan Özkoç, Taner Dalgin - 2024
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
Este estudio busca determinar cómo el panorama de servicios sociales influye en la imagen y satisfacción de los clientes de restaurantes. Se analizó a los restaurantes en el distrito de Bahçelievler en Estambul con el Certificado de Gestión Turística del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de Türkiye. Se recopilaron datos de 360 visitantes de los restaurantes. Se utilizaron los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (MES) para examinar las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las dimensiones del panorama de servicios sociales, como empleados, otros clientes y relaciones, impactan positivamente en la imagen del restaurante. Sin embargo, la aglomeración social tiene un efecto negativo en la imagen. Además, se encontró que la imagen del restaurante influye positivamente en la satisfacción del cliente.
Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Free Press: New York, NY.
Abdel-Aal, E., & Abbas, J. E. (2016). Assessing social and physical servicescape as drivers of hotels’ image formation: Customers perspective. Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 10(1/2), pp. 142-160.
Ali, F.; Omar, R. & Amin, M. (2013). An examination of the relationships between physical environment, perceived value, image and behavioural intentions: A SEM approach towards Malaysian resort hotels. Journal of Hotel and Tourism Management, 27(2), pp. 9-26.
Andaji Garmaroudi, S.; King, C., & Lu, L. (2021). Social servicescape’s impact on customer perceptions of the hospitality brand-The role of branded social cues. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93, 102774.
Panorama de servicios sociales,
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the social servicescape on restaurant image and customer satisfaction. The population of the study consists of restaurants operating in the Bahçelievler district of Istanbul province that have obtained a Tourism Management Certificate from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey. The study collected data from 360 people who visited these restaurants. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to analyze the relationships between the variables. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the social servicescape dimensions of employees, other customers and rapport have a positive impact on restaurant image. On the other hand, the social crowding aspect was found to have a negative effect on restaurant image. It was also found that restaurant image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
Social Servicescape,
The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
Journal article
thumbnail https://nuevo.metarevistas.org/UNIVERSIDADEXTERNADODECOLOMBIA/logo.png
country_str Colombia
collection Turismo y Sociedad
title The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
spellingShingle The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
Dalgin, Taner
Gökhan Özkoç, Aziz
Ercan, Fatih
Artuğer, Savaş
Satisfacción del cliente
Panorama de servicios,
Panorama de servicios sociales,
Social Servicescape,
Customer Satisfaction
title_short The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
title_full The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
title_fullStr The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
title_full_unstemmed The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
title_sort impact of social servicescape on restaurant image and customer satisfaction
title_eng The Impact of Social Servicescape on Restaurant Image and Customer Satisfaction
description Este estudio busca determinar cómo el panorama de servicios sociales influye en la imagen y satisfacción de los clientes de restaurantes. Se analizó a los restaurantes en el distrito de Bahçelievler en Estambul con el Certificado de Gestión Turística del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de Türkiye. Se recopilaron datos de 360 visitantes de los restaurantes. Se utilizaron los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (MES) para examinar las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las dimensiones del panorama de servicios sociales, como empleados, otros clientes y relaciones, impactan positivamente en la imagen del restaurante. Sin embargo, la aglomeración social tiene un efecto negativo en la imagen. Además, se encontró que la imagen del restaurante influye positivamente en la satisfacción del cliente.
description_eng The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the social servicescape on restaurant image and customer satisfaction. The population of the study consists of restaurants operating in the Bahçelievler district of Istanbul province that have obtained a Tourism Management Certificate from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey. The study collected data from 360 people who visited these restaurants. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to analyze the relationships between the variables. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the social servicescape dimensions of employees, other customers and rapport have a positive impact on restaurant image. On the other hand, the social crowding aspect was found to have a negative effect on restaurant image. It was also found that restaurant image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
author Dalgin, Taner
Gökhan Özkoç, Aziz
Ercan, Fatih
Artuğer, Savaş
author_facet Dalgin, Taner
Gökhan Özkoç, Aziz
Ercan, Fatih
Artuğer, Savaş
topicspa_str_mv Imagen,
Satisfacción del cliente
Panorama de servicios,
Panorama de servicios sociales,
topic Imagen,
Satisfacción del cliente
Panorama de servicios,
Panorama de servicios sociales,
Social Servicescape,
Customer Satisfaction
topic_facet Imagen,
Satisfacción del cliente
Panorama de servicios,
Panorama de servicios sociales,
Social Servicescape,
Customer Satisfaction
citationvolume 36
citationedition , Año 2025 : Enero-Junio
publisher Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras
ispartofjournal Turismo y Sociedad
source https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/tursoc/article/view/10086
language Español
format Article
rights http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2
Savaş Artuğer, Fatih Ercan, Aziz Gökhan Özkoç, Taner Dalgin - 2024
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
references Hoe, L. S. (2008). Issues and procedures in adopting structural equation modeling technique. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 3(1), pp. 76-83.
Lee, S. J.; Hsu, J. T.; Han, H., & Kim, Y. (2010). Understanding how consumers view green hotels: How a hotel’s greenimage can influence behavioural intentions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1(7), pp. 901-914. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669581003777747.
Kotler, P. (1973). Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing, 49(4), pp. 48-64.
Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, A., & Amer, M. S. (2023). Linking servicescape and experiencescape: Creating a collective focus for the service industry. Journal of Service Management, 34(2), pp. 316-340. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-08-2021-0301.
Kaminakis, K.; Karantinou, K.; Koritos, C., & Gounaris, S. (2019). Hospitality servicescape effects on customer-employee interactions: A multilevel study. Tourism Management, 72, pp. 130-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.11.013.
Jeon, M. Y. (2017). A study on influence of family restaurant image on satisfaction, trust and revisit intention. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 23(2), pp. 74-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.20878/cshr.2017.23.2.008.
Jang, Y.; Ro, H., & Kim, T. H. (2015). Social servicescape: The impact of social factors on restaurant image and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 16 (3), pp. 290-309. https://doi.org/10.1080/15256480.2015.1054758.
In, S. H.; Park, J. W., & Sung J. H. (2017). A study on the effects of the physical environment of five-star hotel restaurants in Seoul on restaurant image and restaurant preference. International Journal of IT-based Business Strategy Management, 3(2), pp. 15-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/ijibsm.2017.3.2.03.
Han, H.; Olya, G. T. H.; Unataru, N. E.; Ispas, A.; Jenny Kim, J., & Kim, W. (2019). Impact of airport green atmospherics on mental health value, image, and loyalty among visitors and workers, Business Strategy Environment, 29, pp. 1.186-1.198. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2425.
Li, S., & Wei, M. (2021). Hotel servicescape and customer citizenship behaviors: Mediating role of customer engagement and moderating role of gender. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 587-603. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2020-0656.
Hair, J. F.; Black, C. W.; Babin, J. B., & Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Furrer, O.; Landry, M.; Baillod, C., & Kerguignas, Y. J. (2023). The interplay between physical and social servicescape: Investigating negative CCI. Journal of Services Marketing, 37/6, pp. 732-745. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-04-2022-0148.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. J ournal o f M arketing R esearch, 18(1), pp. 39-50. https://doi.org/10.2307/3151312.
Evangelista, F., & Dioko, A. N. L. (2010). Interpersonal influence and destination brand equity perceptions. Internatıonal Journal Of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(3), pp. 316-328. https://doi.org/10.1108/17506181111157005.
Espinosa, A. J.; Ortinau, J. D.; Krey, N., & Monahan, L. (2018). I’ll have the usual: How restaurant brand image, loyalty, and satisfaction keep customers coming back. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27/6, 599–614. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-10-2017-1610.
Erkmen, E., & Hançer, M. (2019). Building brand relationship for restaurants: An examination of other customers, brand image, trust, and restaurant attributes, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), pp. 1.469-1.487. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-08-2017-0516.
Durna, U.; Dedeoğlu, B. B., & Balıkçıoğlu, S. (2015). The role of servicescape and image perceptions of customers on behavioral intentions in the hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(7), pp. 1.728-1.748. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2014-0173.
Discepoli, Line, N., & Hanks, L. (2020). A holistic model of the servicescape in fast casual dining. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(1), 288-306. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2019-0360.
Lee, S.; Han, H.; Radic, A., & Tariq, B. (2020). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a customer satisfaction and retention strategy in the chain restaurant sector. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, pp. 348-358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.09.002.
Özdemir, B., & Şahin, A. (2021). Kişisel değerlerin restoran seçimine etkisi: Dışarıda yemek yeme motivasyonlarının aracılık rolü. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 16(63), pp. 1.256-1.281. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyasar.902407.
da Costa Oliveira, C. Z.; Vong, M., & de Sousa Saldanha, E. (2020). The mediation effect of restaurant image on the relationship between service & food quality and customer satisfaction. Timor-Leste Journal of Business and Management, 2 (2), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.51703/bm.v2i0.30.
Yi, T. H.,; Yeo, K. C.; Edem Amenuvor, F., & Boateng, H. (2021). Examining the relationship between customer bonding, customer participation, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service, 62, 102598. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102598.
Woo, E.; Kim, H., & Uysal, M. (2015). Life satisfaction and support for tourism development. Annals of Tourism Research, 50, pp. 84-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.11.001.
Ryu, K., & Han, H. (2011). New or repeat customers: How does physical environment influence their restaurant experience?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3), pp. 599-611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2010.11.004.
Wirtz, J.; Lovelock, C.; Chatterjee, J., & Das, G. (2017). Essentials of services marketing (3rd Edition). Pearson India Education Services.
Ullah Khan, R.; Salamzadeh, Y.; Iqbal, Q., & Yang, S. (2022). The impact of customer relationship management and company reputation on customer loyalty: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 21(1), pp. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332667.2020.1840904. Uzuncan, E. H., & Artuğer, S. (2022). Sosyal hizmet ortamının restoran imajına etkisi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2022, 10 (3), pp. 2.351-2.368. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1095.
Tombs, A., & McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2003). Social-servicescape conceptual model. Marketing Theory, 3 (4), pp. 447-475. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470593103040785.
Şahin, E., & Yiğitoğlu, V. (2022). QR m enü k ullanımı k apsamında r estoranlarda y enilikçi uygulamaların hizmet kalitesine ve restoran imajına etkisi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2022, 10(3), pp. 1.745-1.768. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1065.
Shiel, G., & Cartwright, F. (2015). Analyzing data from a national assessment of educational achievement. Washington DC: World Bank Group.
Schumacker, R. E., & Lomax, R. G. (2010). A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. Routledge: Newyork.
Schermelleh-Engel, K.; Moosbrugger, H., & Muller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), pp. 23-74.
Ryu, K.; Han, H., & Kim, T. H. (2008). The relationships among overall quick-casual restaurant image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27, pp. 459-469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2007.11.001.
Dedeoğlu, B. B.; Küçükergin, K. G., & Balıkçıoğlu, S. (2015). Understanding the relationships of servicescape, value, image, pleasure, and behavioral intentions among hotel customers. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(1), pp. 42-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2014.982268.
Bitner, M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56(2): pp. 57-71. https://doi.org/10.2307/1252042.
Asghar, A.; Asif, R., & Akhtar, N. (2023). Servicescapes and social servicescapes: Impact on perceived usefulness, choice satisfaction and behavior at fast-food restaurants. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-03-2023-0125.
Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Free Press: New York, NY.
Abdel-Aal, E., & Abbas, J. E. (2016). Assessing social and physical servicescape as drivers of hotels’ image formation: Customers perspective. Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 10(1/2), pp. 142-160.
Ali, F.; Omar, R. & Amin, M. (2013). An examination of the relationships between physical environment, perceived value, image and behavioural intentions: A SEM approach towards Malaysian resort hotels. Journal of Hotel and Tourism Management, 27(2), pp. 9-26.
Andaji Garmaroudi, S.; King, C., & Lu, L. (2021). Social servicescape’s impact on customer perceptions of the hospitality brand-The role of branded social cues. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93, 102774.
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