Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations
En los últimos años se ha visto un creciente interés académico en la participación electoral de los ciudadanos turcos que viven en el extranjero. A pesar de que existe un cuerpo de literatura sobre la diáspora turca, que es predominantemente de naturaleza eurocéntrica, ha habido una notable falta de investigación consistente sobre el comportamiento electoral de los expatriados turcos que residen en los Estados del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG) con respecto a su participación en elecciones de su país de origen. En este artículo se profundiza en los patrones de votación de los expatriados turcos que viven en los Estados del CCG, con un enfoque específico en sus intereses políticos, preferencias partidistas y perspectivas ideológico-r... Ver más
Sinem Cengiz - 2023
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
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Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations En los últimos años se ha visto un creciente interés académico en la participación electoral de los ciudadanos turcos que viven en el extranjero. A pesar de que existe un cuerpo de literatura sobre la diáspora turca, que es predominantemente de naturaleza eurocéntrica, ha habido una notable falta de investigación consistente sobre el comportamiento electoral de los expatriados turcos que residen en los Estados del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG) con respecto a su participación en elecciones de su país de origen. En este artículo se profundiza en los patrones de votación de los expatriados turcos que viven en los Estados del CCG, con un enfoque específico en sus intereses políticos, preferencias partidistas y perspectivas ideológico-religiosas dentro del contexto de las relaciones entre Turquía y el Golfo. A diferencia de los expatriados turcos en los Estados europeos, que han tendido a apoyar a los partidos nacionalistas conservadores, los ciudadanos turcos que residen en los Estados conservadores del CCG mostraron una preferencia por los partidos de izquierda en las elecciones celebradas entre 2014 y 2018. Sin embargo, ha habido un cambio sutil en esta tendencia en las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias de 2023, con algunos expatriados turcos en los Estados del CCG inclinándose hacia la alianza gobernante. ¿Cuáles podrían ser los factores potenciales que influyen en este cambio en el comportamiento electoral entre ciertos turcos en los Estados del CCG? Se sostiene que los impulsores detrás de este cambio pueden estar relacionados tanto con el perfil demográfico de los turcos que residen en los Estados del CCG como con el impacto de la política exterior turca hacia el Medio Oriente en general, particularmente en lo que respecta a los Estados del CCG. Recent years have seen a growing scholarly interest in the electoral participation of Turkish citizens living abroad. Despite an existing body of literature on the Turkish diaspora, which is predominantly Eurocentric in nature, there has been a noticeable lack of consistent research into the voting behavior of Turkish expatriates residing in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states with regard to their participation in home country elections. In this article, I delve into the voting patterns of Turkish expatriates living in the GCC states, with a specific focus on their political interests, party preferences, and ideological-religious perspectives within the context of Turkish-Gulf relations. Unlike Turkish expatriates in European states, who have tended to support conservative-nationalist parties, Turkish citizens residing in the conservative GCC states exhibited a preference for left wing-oriented parties in elections held between 2014 and 2018. However, there has been a subtle shift in this trend in the 2023 presidential and parliamentary elections, with some Turkish expatriates in the GCC states leaning toward the ruling alliance. What might be the potential factors influencing this change in voting behavior among certain Turks in the GCC states? I argue that the drivers behind this shift may be related to both the demographic profile of Turks residing in the GCC states as well as the impact of the Turkish foreign policy towards the broader Middle East, particularly concerning the GCC states. Cengiz, Sinem Persian Gulf; Turkey; national elections; Turkish expatriates; voting behavior. Golfo Pérsico; Turquía; Elecciones nacionales; expatriados turcos; comportamiento de votación 39 Núm. 39 , Año 2024 : Enero-Junio Artículo de revista Journal article 2023-12-01T15:28:38Z 2023-12-01T15:28:38Z 2023-12-01 application/pdf text/html text/xml Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales Oasis 1657-7558 2346-2132 10.18601/16577558.n39.09 spa Sinem Cengiz - 2023 Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0. 145 167 Adar, S. (2019). Rethinking Political Attitudes of Migrants from Turkey and Their Germany-Born Children Beyond Loyalty and Democratic Culture. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Research Paper 7. Akçapar, Ş. K., & Aksel, D. B. (2017). Public diplomacy through diaspora engagement: The case of Turkey. Perceptions, 22(4), 135-160. Alsahi, H. (2020). COVID-19 and the Intensification of the GCC Workforce Nationalization Policies. Arab Reform Initiative. Al-Monitor. (2023). Turkey’s opposition alliance fractures, fails to agree on challenger to Erdogan. Altunışık, M. B., & Martin, L. G. (2011). Making sense of Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 578-579. (2023). Deep Dive: How do Turks in the GCC states vote? Anadolu Agency. (2021). S. Arabia decides to close 8 Turkish schools with 2,256 students by end of 2021. Appleyard, R. T. (1995). New Trends in Migration: Numbers, Directions, and Dynamics. Euro conference on Migration and Multiculturalism. Arkılıç, A. (2020). Explaining the evolution of Turkey’s diaspora engagement policy: A holistic approach. Diaspora Studies, 14(1), 1-21. Arkılıç, A. (2021). Turkish populist nationalism in transnational space: Explaining diaspora voting behaviour in homeland elections. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(4), 586-605. Aydın, Y. (2014). The New Turkish Diaspora Policy Its Aims, Their Limits and the Challenges for Associations of People of Turkish Origin and Decisionmakers in Germany. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Research Paper 10. Balcı, A. (2011). ‘Dış ̧ Politika’: Yeni Bir Kavramsallaştırma Bağlamında Egemenlik Mitinin Analizi. Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 7(28), 3-29. Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2005). Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean. A Regional Study prepared for the Global Commission on International Migration. Bauböck, R. (2007). Stakeholder citizenship and transnational political participation: A normative evaluation of external voting. Fordham Law Review, 75(5), 2393-2447. Bilecen, H. (2015). The Determinants of Voting Behavior in Turkey (Doctoral Thesis). Department of Political Science. University of Houston. Boccagni, P., & Ramirez, J. (2013). Building democracy or reproducing ‘Ecuadoreanness’? A transnational exploration of Ecuadorean migrants’ external voting. Journal of Latin American Studies, 45(4), 721-750. Braun, N., & Gratschew, M. (2007). Voting from Abroad, The International IDEA Handbook. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico. Campbell, D. (1992). Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity. University of Minnesota Press. Cassel, M. (2012). Syria strife tests Turkish Alawites. Al Jazeera. Castles, S., & Miller, M. J. (2003). The Age of Migration. Guilford Press. Cengiz, D. (2012). Hatay’dan Suudi Arabistan’a olan Gocler: Samandağ İlcesi Orneği (Master Thesis). University of Mustafa Kemal. Cengiz, S. (2023). Deep Dive: How do Turks in the GCC states vote? Ciornei I., & Østergaard Nielsen, E. (2015). Emigration and Turnout. Determinants of Non-resident Citizen Electoral Mobilization in Home Country Legislative Elections. Paper presented at the Congress of Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP). Collyer, M. (2014). A geography of extra-territorial citizenship:Explanations of external voting. Migration Studies, 2(1), 55-72. Cop, B. (2016). The June 2015 Legislative Election in Turkey. Electoral Studies, 41, 213-216. Çakmak, F., & Çelikbaş, H. (2017).. Turkey: Official referendum results announced. Anadolu Agency. Daily Sabah. (2023a, May 14). Saudi Arabia Elections Results. Daily Sabah. Daily Sabah. (2023b, May 14). Qatar Elections Results. Daily Sabah. Downs, A. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy. Harper & Row. Elgujja, A. A. (2021). Paving the way for entrenching the diaspora’s voting rights under the Nigerian laws: Legal prospects, challenges and potential solutions. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies, 1(2), 77-95. Essomba, W. J. (2017). Labor Immigration into the Gulf: Policies and Impacts. Kuwait Program at Sciences Po. Fidrmuc, J. & Doyle, O. (2005). Does Where You Live Affect How You Vote? An Analysis of Migrant Voting Behavior. Girgis, M. (2005). Would Nationals and Asians Replace Arab Workers in the GCC? In M. Baldwin-Edwards, Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean. University Research Institute for Urban Environment and Human Resources. Goldberg, A. C., & Lanz, S. (2021). Living abroad, voting as if at home? Electoral motivations of expatriates. Migration Studies, 9(2), 279-310. Gül, A. (1992). Ortadoğu Ülkelerinde Türk İşgücü ve bu Ülkelerin İşgücü Açığı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 37-38, 103-109. Güngör, N. D., & Tansel, A. (2008). Brain drain’ from Turkey: An investigation of students’ return intentions. Applied Economics, 40(23), 3069-3087. Halliday, F. (1985). Migrations de main d’oeuvre dans le monde arabe: l’envers du nouvel. Revue Tiers Monde, 26. Harder, J., & Krosnick, J. A. (2008). Why do people vote? A psychological analysis of the causes of voter turnout. Journal of Social Issues, 64(3), 525-549. Hope, W. R. (2018). The Importance of German-Turkish voters in Turkish Politics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hurriyet Daily News. (2023). Turks abroad vote in high numbers for May 14 polls. ILO (2010). International Labour Migration: A rightsbased approach. International Labour Office. İçduygu, A., & Sert, D. (2011). Project-tied labor migration from Turkey to the MENA region: Past, present, and future. International Labor and Working-Class History, 79(1), 62-80. Kapiszewski, A. (2001). Nationals and Expatriates. Population and Labour Dilemmas of the Gulf Cooperation Council States. Ithaca Press. Kirişçi, K. (2009). The transformation of Turkish foreign policy: The rise of the trading state. New Perspectives on Turkey, 40, 29-57. Kirdiş, E. (2015). The role of foreign policy in constructing the party identity of the Turkish justice and development party (AKP). Turkish Studies, 16(2), 178-194. Köse, M. (2021). Boundaries of the Turkish diaspora. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies, 1(1), 64-79. Lacy, B. (2007). Host Country Issues in Voting from Abroad. The International IDEA Handbook. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico. Lafleur, J. M. (2013). Transnational Politics and the State: The External Voting Rights of Diasporas. Routledge. Lawless, R. J. & Seccombe, I. J. (1986). The Middle East: A new destination for Turkish labour migration. Tijdschr Econ Soc Geogr, 77(4), 251-257. Longva, A. N. (1999). Keeping migrant workers in check: The kefale system in the gulf. Middle East Report, 211. Mencütek, Z. Ş. (2015). External voting: Mapping motivations of emigrants and concerns of host countries. Insight Turke, 17(4), 145-169. Mencütek, Z. Ş., & Erdogan, M. M. (2016). The implementation of voting from abroad: Evidence from the 2014 Turkish presidential election. International Migration, 54(3), 173-186. Middle East Eye. (2022a). Turkey: Erdogan accuses opposition CHP of treason over objection to Gulf investors. Middle East Eye. (2022b). Saudi Arabia ends embargo on Turkish exports after MBS visit. Mügge, L., Kranendonk, M., Vermeulen, F., & Aydemir, N. (2021). Migrant votes ‘here’ and ‘there’: Transnational electoral behavior of Turks in the Netherlands. Migration Studies, 9(3), 400--422. Politics Today. (2023, May 23). New Turkish citizens: who do they vote for and why? Politics Today. Quamar, M. (2017). The Turkish Referendum. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 4(3), 319-327. Resul, U. (2015).The 2014 presidential election in Turkey. Electoral Studies, 39,173-177. Sarıbay, A. Y. (2018). The June 24 elections: On political change and the future of Turkey. Insight Turkey, 20(4), 67-80. Sevi, S., Mekik, C. A., Blais, A., & Çakır, S. (2020). How do Turks abroad vote? Turkish Studies, 21(2), 208-230. Shah, N. M., & Al-Qudsi, S. S. (1989). The changing characteristics of migrant workers in Kuwait. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 21(1), 31-55. Glinski, S. (2023, May 10). “New Turks” Are All in for Erdogan. Foreign Policy. Supreme Electoral Council (YSK). Szulecki, K., Bertelli, D., Erdal, M. B., Cosciug, A., Kussy, A., Mikiewicz, G., & Tulbure, C. (2021). To vote or not to vote? Migrant electoral (dis) engagement in an enlarged Europe. Migration Studies, 9(3), 989-1010. The Economist (2012a, January 28). Problems with the Neighbours. The Economist (2012b April 14). Growing Less Mild. The New Arab. (2023). Turkey’s election, Syrian refugees, and a race to the bottom of xenophobia. TRT Haber. (2018). Three Organizations Now Operate under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. (in Turkish). Waldinger, R., Soehl, T., & Lim, N. (2012). Emigrants and the body politic left behind: Results from the latino national survey. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(5), 711-736. Yaldız, F. (2019). A critical approach to the term Turkish diaspora: Is there ‘the’ Turkish diaspora? Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkic World, 91, 53-80. info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Text Publication |
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Oasis |
title |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
spellingShingle |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations Cengiz, Sinem Persian Gulf; Turkey; national elections; Turkish expatriates; voting behavior. Golfo Pérsico; Turquía; Elecciones nacionales; expatriados turcos; comportamiento de votación |
title_short |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
title_full |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
title_fullStr |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
title_full_unstemmed |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
title_sort |
voting behavior of turks in the gcc states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
title_eng |
Voting behavior of turks in the GCC states within the context of turkish-gulf relations |
description |
En los últimos años se ha visto un creciente interés académico en la participación electoral de los ciudadanos turcos que viven en el extranjero. A pesar de que existe un cuerpo de literatura sobre la diáspora turca, que es predominantemente de naturaleza eurocéntrica, ha habido una notable falta de investigación consistente sobre el comportamiento electoral de los expatriados turcos que residen en los Estados del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG) con respecto a su participación en elecciones de su país de origen. En este artículo se profundiza en los patrones de votación de los expatriados turcos que viven en los Estados del CCG, con un enfoque específico en sus intereses políticos, preferencias partidistas y perspectivas ideológico-religiosas dentro del contexto de las relaciones entre Turquía y el Golfo. A diferencia de los expatriados turcos en los Estados europeos, que han tendido a apoyar a los partidos nacionalistas conservadores, los ciudadanos turcos que residen en los Estados conservadores del CCG mostraron una preferencia por los partidos de izquierda en las elecciones celebradas entre 2014 y 2018. Sin embargo, ha habido un cambio sutil en esta tendencia en las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias de 2023, con algunos expatriados turcos en los Estados del CCG inclinándose hacia la alianza gobernante. ¿Cuáles podrían ser los factores potenciales que influyen en este cambio en el comportamiento electoral entre ciertos turcos en los Estados del CCG? Se sostiene que los impulsores detrás de este cambio pueden estar relacionados tanto con el perfil demográfico de los turcos que residen en los Estados del CCG como con el impacto de la política exterior turca hacia el Medio Oriente en general, particularmente en lo que respecta a los Estados del CCG.
description_eng |
Recent years have seen a growing scholarly interest in the electoral participation of Turkish citizens living abroad. Despite an existing body of literature on the Turkish diaspora, which is predominantly Eurocentric in nature, there has been a noticeable lack of consistent research into the voting behavior of Turkish expatriates residing in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states with regard to their participation in home country elections. In this article, I delve into the voting patterns of Turkish expatriates living in the GCC states, with a specific focus on their political interests, party preferences, and ideological-religious perspectives within the context of Turkish-Gulf relations. Unlike Turkish expatriates in European states, who have tended to support conservative-nationalist parties, Turkish citizens residing in the conservative GCC states exhibited a preference for left wing-oriented parties in elections held between 2014 and 2018. However, there has been a subtle shift in this trend in the 2023 presidential and parliamentary elections, with some Turkish expatriates in the GCC states leaning toward the ruling alliance. What might be the potential factors influencing this change in voting behavior among certain Turks in the GCC states? I argue that the drivers behind this shift may be related to both the demographic profile of Turks residing in the GCC states as well as the impact of the Turkish foreign policy towards the broader Middle East, particularly concerning the GCC states.
author |
Cengiz, Sinem |
author_facet |
Cengiz, Sinem |
topic |
Persian Gulf; Turkey; national elections; Turkish expatriates; voting behavior. Golfo Pérsico; Turquía; Elecciones nacionales; expatriados turcos; comportamiento de votación |
topic_facet |
Persian Gulf; Turkey; national elections; Turkish expatriates; voting behavior. Golfo Pérsico; Turquía; Elecciones nacionales; expatriados turcos; comportamiento de votación |
topicspa_str_mv |
Golfo Pérsico; Turquía; Elecciones nacionales; expatriados turcos; comportamiento de votación |
citationissue |
39 |
citationedition |
Núm. 39 , Año 2024 : Enero-Junio |
publisher |
Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales |
ispartofjournal |
Oasis |
source | |
language |
spa |
format |
Article |
rights | Sinem Cengiz - 2023 Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0. info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
references |
Adar, S. (2019). Rethinking Political Attitudes of Migrants from Turkey and Their Germany-Born Children Beyond Loyalty and Democratic Culture. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Research Paper 7. Akçapar, Ş. K., & Aksel, D. B. (2017). Public diplomacy through diaspora engagement: The case of Turkey. Perceptions, 22(4), 135-160. Alsahi, H. (2020). COVID-19 and the Intensification of the GCC Workforce Nationalization Policies. Arab Reform Initiative. Al-Monitor. (2023). Turkey’s opposition alliance fractures, fails to agree on challenger to Erdogan. Altunışık, M. B., & Martin, L. G. (2011). Making sense of Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 578-579. (2023). Deep Dive: How do Turks in the GCC states vote? Anadolu Agency. (2021). S. Arabia decides to close 8 Turkish schools with 2,256 students by end of 2021. Appleyard, R. T. (1995). New Trends in Migration: Numbers, Directions, and Dynamics. Euro conference on Migration and Multiculturalism. Arkılıç, A. (2020). Explaining the evolution of Turkey’s diaspora engagement policy: A holistic approach. Diaspora Studies, 14(1), 1-21. Arkılıç, A. (2021). Turkish populist nationalism in transnational space: Explaining diaspora voting behaviour in homeland elections. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(4), 586-605. Aydın, Y. (2014). The New Turkish Diaspora Policy Its Aims, Their Limits and the Challenges for Associations of People of Turkish Origin and Decisionmakers in Germany. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Research Paper 10. Balcı, A. (2011). ‘Dış ̧ Politika’: Yeni Bir Kavramsallaştırma Bağlamında Egemenlik Mitinin Analizi. Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 7(28), 3-29. Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2005). Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean. A Regional Study prepared for the Global Commission on International Migration. Bauböck, R. (2007). Stakeholder citizenship and transnational political participation: A normative evaluation of external voting. Fordham Law Review, 75(5), 2393-2447. Bilecen, H. (2015). The Determinants of Voting Behavior in Turkey (Doctoral Thesis). Department of Political Science. University of Houston. Boccagni, P., & Ramirez, J. (2013). Building democracy or reproducing ‘Ecuadoreanness’? A transnational exploration of Ecuadorean migrants’ external voting. Journal of Latin American Studies, 45(4), 721-750. Braun, N., & Gratschew, M. (2007). Voting from Abroad, The International IDEA Handbook. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico. Campbell, D. (1992). Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity. University of Minnesota Press. Cassel, M. (2012). Syria strife tests Turkish Alawites. Al Jazeera. Castles, S., & Miller, M. J. (2003). The Age of Migration. Guilford Press. Cengiz, D. (2012). Hatay’dan Suudi Arabistan’a olan Gocler: Samandağ İlcesi Orneği (Master Thesis). University of Mustafa Kemal. Cengiz, S. (2023). Deep Dive: How do Turks in the GCC states vote? Ciornei I., & Østergaard Nielsen, E. (2015). Emigration and Turnout. Determinants of Non-resident Citizen Electoral Mobilization in Home Country Legislative Elections. Paper presented at the Congress of Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP). Collyer, M. (2014). A geography of extra-territorial citizenship:Explanations of external voting. Migration Studies, 2(1), 55-72. Cop, B. (2016). The June 2015 Legislative Election in Turkey. Electoral Studies, 41, 213-216. Çakmak, F., & Çelikbaş, H. (2017).. Turkey: Official referendum results announced. Anadolu Agency. Daily Sabah. (2023a, May 14). Saudi Arabia Elections Results. Daily Sabah. Daily Sabah. (2023b, May 14). Qatar Elections Results. Daily Sabah. Downs, A. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy. Harper & Row. Elgujja, A. A. (2021). Paving the way for entrenching the diaspora’s voting rights under the Nigerian laws: Legal prospects, challenges and potential solutions. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies, 1(2), 77-95. Essomba, W. J. (2017). Labor Immigration into the Gulf: Policies and Impacts. Kuwait Program at Sciences Po. Fidrmuc, J. & Doyle, O. (2005). Does Where You Live Affect How You Vote? An Analysis of Migrant Voting Behavior. Girgis, M. (2005). Would Nationals and Asians Replace Arab Workers in the GCC? In M. Baldwin-Edwards, Migration in the Middle East and Mediterranean. University Research Institute for Urban Environment and Human Resources. Goldberg, A. C., & Lanz, S. (2021). Living abroad, voting as if at home? Electoral motivations of expatriates. Migration Studies, 9(2), 279-310. Gül, A. (1992). Ortadoğu Ülkelerinde Türk İşgücü ve bu Ülkelerin İşgücü Açığı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 37-38, 103-109. Güngör, N. D., & Tansel, A. (2008). Brain drain’ from Turkey: An investigation of students’ return intentions. Applied Economics, 40(23), 3069-3087. Halliday, F. (1985). Migrations de main d’oeuvre dans le monde arabe: l’envers du nouvel. Revue Tiers Monde, 26. Harder, J., & Krosnick, J. A. (2008). Why do people vote? A psychological analysis of the causes of voter turnout. Journal of Social Issues, 64(3), 525-549. Hope, W. R. (2018). The Importance of German-Turkish voters in Turkish Politics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hurriyet Daily News. (2023). Turks abroad vote in high numbers for May 14 polls. ILO (2010). International Labour Migration: A rightsbased approach. International Labour Office. İçduygu, A., & Sert, D. (2011). Project-tied labor migration from Turkey to the MENA region: Past, present, and future. International Labor and Working-Class History, 79(1), 62-80. Kapiszewski, A. (2001). Nationals and Expatriates. Population and Labour Dilemmas of the Gulf Cooperation Council States. Ithaca Press. Kirişçi, K. (2009). The transformation of Turkish foreign policy: The rise of the trading state. New Perspectives on Turkey, 40, 29-57. Kirdiş, E. (2015). The role of foreign policy in constructing the party identity of the Turkish justice and development party (AKP). Turkish Studies, 16(2), 178-194. Köse, M. (2021). Boundaries of the Turkish diaspora. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies, 1(1), 64-79. Lacy, B. (2007). Host Country Issues in Voting from Abroad. The International IDEA Handbook. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico. Lafleur, J. M. (2013). Transnational Politics and the State: The External Voting Rights of Diasporas. Routledge. Lawless, R. J. & Seccombe, I. J. (1986). The Middle East: A new destination for Turkish labour migration. Tijdschr Econ Soc Geogr, 77(4), 251-257. Longva, A. N. (1999). Keeping migrant workers in check: The kefale system in the gulf. Middle East Report, 211. Mencütek, Z. Ş. (2015). External voting: Mapping motivations of emigrants and concerns of host countries. Insight Turke, 17(4), 145-169. Mencütek, Z. Ş., & Erdogan, M. M. (2016). The implementation of voting from abroad: Evidence from the 2014 Turkish presidential election. International Migration, 54(3), 173-186. Middle East Eye. (2022a). Turkey: Erdogan accuses opposition CHP of treason over objection to Gulf investors. Middle East Eye. (2022b). Saudi Arabia ends embargo on Turkish exports after MBS visit. Mügge, L., Kranendonk, M., Vermeulen, F., & Aydemir, N. (2021). Migrant votes ‘here’ and ‘there’: Transnational electoral behavior of Turks in the Netherlands. Migration Studies, 9(3), 400--422. Politics Today. (2023, May 23). New Turkish citizens: who do they vote for and why? Politics Today. Quamar, M. (2017). The Turkish Referendum. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 4(3), 319-327. Resul, U. (2015).The 2014 presidential election in Turkey. Electoral Studies, 39,173-177. Sarıbay, A. Y. (2018). The June 24 elections: On political change and the future of Turkey. Insight Turkey, 20(4), 67-80. Sevi, S., Mekik, C. A., Blais, A., & Çakır, S. (2020). How do Turks abroad vote? Turkish Studies, 21(2), 208-230. Shah, N. M., & Al-Qudsi, S. S. (1989). The changing characteristics of migrant workers in Kuwait. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 21(1), 31-55. Glinski, S. (2023, May 10). “New Turks” Are All in for Erdogan. Foreign Policy. Supreme Electoral Council (YSK). Szulecki, K., Bertelli, D., Erdal, M. B., Cosciug, A., Kussy, A., Mikiewicz, G., & Tulbure, C. (2021). To vote or not to vote? Migrant electoral (dis) engagement in an enlarged Europe. Migration Studies, 9(3), 989-1010. The Economist (2012a, January 28). Problems with the Neighbours. The Economist (2012b April 14). Growing Less Mild. The New Arab. (2023). Turkey’s election, Syrian refugees, and a race to the bottom of xenophobia. TRT Haber. (2018). Three Organizations Now Operate under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. (in Turkish). Waldinger, R., Soehl, T., & Lim, N. (2012). Emigrants and the body politic left behind: Results from the latino national survey. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(5), 711-736. Yaldız, F. (2019). A critical approach to the term Turkish diaspora: Is there ‘the’ Turkish diaspora? Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkic World, 91, 53-80. |
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