
A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000


Este artículo trata de la política exterior turca hacia el continente africano en el siglo XXI. Con el fin de la Guerra Fría y del orden mundial centrado en una lógica bipolar, Turquía ha tenido mayor autonomía para gestionar sus relaciones internacionales, manteniendo una política exterior más activa al ampliar sus relaciones económicas, diplomáticas y de seguridad más allá de Occidente. En este contexto, bajo el liderazgo del Partido de la Justicia y el Desarrollo (AKP), el continente africano ha pasado a ocupar un lugar cada vez más destacado en las relaciones exteriores turcas. Así, desde principios de la década de 2000, se ha producido un aumento sustancial de la presencia de Turquía en el continente, caracterizada, entre otros aspecto... Ver más

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Guilherme Ziebell de Oliveira, Raquel Zaffari Losekann - 2023

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.



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spelling A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
Turkey as a Regional Power: An Analysis of the Turkish Strategy for the African Continent Since the 2000
Este artículo trata de la política exterior turca hacia el continente africano en el siglo XXI. Con el fin de la Guerra Fría y del orden mundial centrado en una lógica bipolar, Turquía ha tenido mayor autonomía para gestionar sus relaciones internacionales, manteniendo una política exterior más activa al ampliar sus relaciones económicas, diplomáticas y de seguridad más allá de Occidente. En este contexto, bajo el liderazgo del Partido de la Justicia y el Desarrollo (AKP), el continente africano ha pasado a ocupar un lugar cada vez más destacado en las relaciones exteriores turcas. Así, desde principios de la década de 2000, se ha producido un aumento sustancial de la presencia de Turquía en el continente, caracterizada, entre otros aspectos, por la intensificación de los flujos comerciales bilaterales, la ampliación de la red diplomática en el continente, su participación en la mediación de conflictos y la oferta de ayuda humanitaria a los actores africanos. Así, y basándose en la literatura sobre potencias medias y potencias regionales, el estudio analiza la intensificación de los vínculos de Turquía con los países africanos desde principios del siglo XXI, entendiéndola como parte de una estrategia de proyección internacional más amplia. Para ello, el escrito adopta un enfoque hermenéutico, apoyándose en la revisión de la literatura sobre las relaciones turco-africanas y el análisis de datos cuantitativos de la evolución de estas relaciones en los ejes político, económico y de seguridad a lo largo del período en cuestión.
This article aims to analyze the Turkish foreign policy towards the African continent in the 21st century. With the end of the Cold War and the world order centered on a bipolar logic, Turkey has had greater autonomy to manage its international relations, maintaining a more active foreign policy by expanding its economic, diplomatic, and security affairs beyond the West. In this context, under the leadership of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the African continent has come to occupy an increasingly prominent place in Turkish foreign relations. Thus, since the early 2000s, there has been a substantial increase in Turkey’s presence on the continent, characterized, among other aspects, by the intensification of bilateral trade flows, the expansion of the diplomatic network on the continent, its participation in the mediation of conflicts and the offer of humanitarian assistance to African actors. In this context, and based on the literature on Middle Powers and Regional Powers, this paper discusses the intensification of Turkey’s ties with African countries since the beginning of the 21st century, comprehending it as part of a broader international projection strategy. To this end, the study adopts a hermeneutic approach, relying on the literature review on Turkish-African relations and the analysis, supported by quantitative data, of the developments of these relations in the political, economic, and security axes throughout the period in question.
Ziebell de Oliveira, Guilherme
Zaffari Losekann, Raquel
Regional Powers
potencias regionales
Potências Regionais
Núm. 39 , Año 2024 : Enero-Junio
Artículo de revista
Journal article
Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales
Guilherme Ziebell de Oliveira, Raquel Zaffari Losekann - 2023
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
Acharya, A. (2007). The emerging regional architecture of world politics. World Politics, 59, 629-652.
Aydin, M., & Ismael, T. Y. (Eds.). (2019). Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: A Changing Role in World Politics. Routledge.
Bilgel, Y., Canan-Sokullu, E., Oner, S., & Pakin-Albayrakoglu, E. (2020). Foreign policy in transition. In E. Canan-Sokullu, & P. L. Gmbh (Eds.), Turkey in transition: politics, society and foreign policy (pp. 193-205). Berlin Peterlang.
Bilgic, A., & Nascimento, D. (2014). Turkey’s new focus on Africa: Causes and challenges. Loughborough University. https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/articles/report/Turkey_s_new_focus_on_Africa_causes_and_challenges/9467291
Binaté, I. (2021, October 14) Les Étudiants Ouest- Africains en Turquie. Diasporas, 37, 103-120. https://doi.org/10.4000/diasporas.6425.
Buzan, B., & Wæver, O. (2003). Regions and powers: The structure of international security. Cambridge University Press.
Carmody, P. R. (2016). The new scramble for Africa. Polity Press.
Çelik, E. (2014, November 21). Africa-Turkey summit to issue long term partnership. Yeni Şafak. https://www.yenisafak.com/en/economy/africaturkey-summit-to-issue-long-term-partnership-2027756
Chazan, N., Mortimer, R. A., Rothchild, D., Lewis, P., & Stedman, S. J. (1999). Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Dahir, A. H., & Cismaan, S. (2021). Turkey in Africa: A Decade of Turkish Aid and State-Building in Somalia. TRT World Research Centre. https://researchcentre.trtworld.com/featured/turkeyin-africa-a-decade-of-turkish-aid-and-state-building-in-somalia/
Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s foreign policy vision: An assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77–96.
Demircan, N. (2020). Turkey Purpose And Strategy In Libya. Quixote Globe. http://quixoteglobe.com/turkey-purpose-and-strategy-in-libya
Destradi, S., Nolte, D., & Prys-Hansen, M. (2018). Regional Powers Still Matter! GIGA Focus Global, 2. https://www.giga-hamburg.de/assets/pure/21580211/web_global_02_2018.pdf
Dodo, M. (2016). Understanding new Turkey-Africa relations: Rationale and challenges. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 7(4),612-642
Donelli, F. (2018). The Ankara consensus: The significance of Turkey’s engagement in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Change, Peace & Security, 30(1), 57-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/14781158.2018.1438384
Donelli, F. (2021a). Turkey in Africa. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Donelli, F. (2021b). Turkey’s involvement in Sub-Sarharan Africa: An empirical analysis of multitrack approach. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2021.1900551
Donelli, F. (2022). UAVs and beyond: Security and defence sector at the core of Turkey’s strategy in Africa. Megatrends Afrika. https://www.megatrends-afrika.de/assets/afrika/publications/policybrief/MTA_PB02_2022_Donelli_UAVs_and_beyond.pdf
Flemes, D. (2007). Conceptualising Regional Power in International Relations: Lessons from the South African Case. GIGA Working Papers.
International Trade Centre. (ITC). (2023). Trade Map - Trade statistics for international business development. Trademap. https://www.trademap.org/
Kardaş, Ş. (2013). Turkey: A regional power facing a changing international system. Turkish Studies, 14(4), 637-660. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2013.861111
Kitio, A. F. K. (2020). The rising security cooperation of Turkey In Africa: An assessment from the military perspective. Rising Powers Quarterly, 1(2), 43-59.
Korkut, U., & Civelekoglu, I. (2012). Becoming a regional power while pursuing material gains: The case of Turkish interest in Africa. International Journal, 68(1), 187–203. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42704967
Langan, M. (2016). Virtuous power Turkey in sub- Saharan Africa: the “Neo-Ottoman” challenge to the European Union. Third World Quarterly, 38(6), 1399-1414. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2016.1229569
Mesquita, R., & Chien, J. H.(2021). Do regional powers prioritise their regions? Comparing Brazil, South Africa and Turkey. Third World Quarterly, 42(7),1544-1565. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2021.1898280
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). (2023a). Turkiye and The African Union / Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/turkiyeand-the-african-union.en.mfa
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). (2023b). TURKİYEAFRICA RELATIONS / Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/turkiye-africa-relations.en.mfa
Monié, F. (2022, January). A Turquia Na África Subsaariana: Um Ator Emergente Na Geopolítica Regional. Boletim Geoafrica. revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/bg.
Nel, P., & Nolte, D. (2010). Introduction: special section on regional powers in a changing global order. Review of International Studies, 36(4), 877-879.
Nolte, D. (2010). How to compare regional powers: Analytical concepts and research topics. Review of International Studies, 36(4), 881-901.
Oliveira, G. Z. (2019). A Securitizacao do Terrorismo Internacional apos 11 de Setembro de 2001: o Caso da Africa [Tese doutoral].
Özkan, M. (2008). Turkey Discovers Africa: Implications and Prospects. SETA Foundation for Political, Economic, and Social Research.
Özkan, M. (2011). Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, 16(3), 115-137.
Özkan, M., & Akgün, B. (2010). Turkey’s opening to Africa. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 48(4), 525-546. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0022278x10000595
Özkan, M., & Orakçı, S. (2022). Deciphering Turkey—Africa Summits. Africa Review, 14, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1163/09744061-20220126
Pakin-Albayrakoglu, E. (2016). Turkey in Africa: From aid to arms. In E.Canan-Sokullu (Ed.). Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy.
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade (RTMT), & African Union (AU). (2021). Turkiye-Africa Business and Economic Forum. Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK). https://www.deik.org.tr/uploads/tabef-rapor-1-2.pdf
Shinn, D. (2015). Turkey’s Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa: Shifting Alliances and Strategic Diversification. Chatham House.
Sıradağ, A. (2018). Turkey-Africa alliance: Evolving patternsin security relations. African Security Review, 27(3-4), 308-325. https://doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2018.1550429
Sözen, A. (2006). Changing Fundamental Principles in Turkish Foreign Policy Making. 2006 Annual Conference of the International Studies Association.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). (2023). Importer/Exporter TIV Tables. SIPRI Arms Transfers Database. https://armstrade.sipri.org/armstrade/page/values.php
Tepecikliogu, E. (2017). Economic relations between Turkey and Africa: Challenges and pprospects. The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.4314/jsdlp.v8i1.2.
Turkish Airlines. (2005). Annual Report. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish Airlines. (2015). Widen Your World. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish Airlines. (2022). Turkish Airlines Non-Deal Roadshow Presentation. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA). (2023). Overseas Offices - TİKA. Www.tika.gov.tr. https://www.tika.gov.tr/en/overseasoffices
União Africana (UA). (2014). Conferencia da Uniao Africana: Vigesima Quarta Sessao Ordinaria, 30-31 de Janeiro de 2015 - “Novo Modelo de Parceria para o Fortalecimento do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel e da Integracao”. https://archives.au.int/bitstream/handle/123456789/8531/Assembly%20AU%208%20XXIV_P.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
Yaşar, N. T. (2022). Unpacking Turkey’s security footprint in Africa: Trends and implications for the EU. Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, 42. https://doi.org/10.18449/2022C42
Yusuf, F. I., Wasuge, M., & Sharif, M. (2022). Turkey’s Role in Public Service and Infrastructural development in Mogadishu. Somali Public Agenda. https://somalipublicagenda.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/TURKEYS-ROLE-IN-PUBLIC-SERVICE-AND-INFRASTRUCTURAL-DEVELOPMENT-IN-OGADISHU.Pdf
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title A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
spellingShingle A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
Ziebell de Oliveira, Guilherme
Zaffari Losekann, Raquel
Regional Powers
potencias regionales
Potências Regionais
title_short A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
title_full A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
title_fullStr A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
title_full_unstemmed A Turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
title_sort turquia enquanto potência regional: uma análise da estratégia turca para o continente africano a partir dos anos 2000
title_eng Turkey as a Regional Power: An Analysis of the Turkish Strategy for the African Continent Since the 2000
description Este artículo trata de la política exterior turca hacia el continente africano en el siglo XXI. Con el fin de la Guerra Fría y del orden mundial centrado en una lógica bipolar, Turquía ha tenido mayor autonomía para gestionar sus relaciones internacionales, manteniendo una política exterior más activa al ampliar sus relaciones económicas, diplomáticas y de seguridad más allá de Occidente. En este contexto, bajo el liderazgo del Partido de la Justicia y el Desarrollo (AKP), el continente africano ha pasado a ocupar un lugar cada vez más destacado en las relaciones exteriores turcas. Así, desde principios de la década de 2000, se ha producido un aumento sustancial de la presencia de Turquía en el continente, caracterizada, entre otros aspectos, por la intensificación de los flujos comerciales bilaterales, la ampliación de la red diplomática en el continente, su participación en la mediación de conflictos y la oferta de ayuda humanitaria a los actores africanos. Así, y basándose en la literatura sobre potencias medias y potencias regionales, el estudio analiza la intensificación de los vínculos de Turquía con los países africanos desde principios del siglo XXI, entendiéndola como parte de una estrategia de proyección internacional más amplia. Para ello, el escrito adopta un enfoque hermenéutico, apoyándose en la revisión de la literatura sobre las relaciones turco-africanas y el análisis de datos cuantitativos de la evolución de estas relaciones en los ejes político, económico y de seguridad a lo largo del período en cuestión.
description_eng This article aims to analyze the Turkish foreign policy towards the African continent in the 21st century. With the end of the Cold War and the world order centered on a bipolar logic, Turkey has had greater autonomy to manage its international relations, maintaining a more active foreign policy by expanding its economic, diplomatic, and security affairs beyond the West. In this context, under the leadership of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the African continent has come to occupy an increasingly prominent place in Turkish foreign relations. Thus, since the early 2000s, there has been a substantial increase in Turkey’s presence on the continent, characterized, among other aspects, by the intensification of bilateral trade flows, the expansion of the diplomatic network on the continent, its participation in the mediation of conflicts and the offer of humanitarian assistance to African actors. In this context, and based on the literature on Middle Powers and Regional Powers, this paper discusses the intensification of Turkey’s ties with African countries since the beginning of the 21st century, comprehending it as part of a broader international projection strategy. To this end, the study adopts a hermeneutic approach, relying on the literature review on Turkish-African relations and the analysis, supported by quantitative data, of the developments of these relations in the political, economic, and security axes throughout the period in question.
author Ziebell de Oliveira, Guilherme
Zaffari Losekann, Raquel
author_facet Ziebell de Oliveira, Guilherme
Zaffari Losekann, Raquel
topic Turkey;
Regional Powers
potencias regionales
Potências Regionais
topic_facet Turkey;
Regional Powers
potencias regionales
Potências Regionais
topicspa_str_mv Turquía;
potencias regionales
Potências Regionais
citationissue 39
citationedition Núm. 39 , Año 2024 : Enero-Junio
publisher Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales
ispartofjournal Oasis
source https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/oasis/article/view/9093
language spa
format Article
rights http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0
Guilherme Ziebell de Oliveira, Raquel Zaffari Losekann - 2023
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
references Acharya, A. (2007). The emerging regional architecture of world politics. World Politics, 59, 629-652.
Aydin, M., & Ismael, T. Y. (Eds.). (2019). Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: A Changing Role in World Politics. Routledge.
Bilgel, Y., Canan-Sokullu, E., Oner, S., & Pakin-Albayrakoglu, E. (2020). Foreign policy in transition. In E. Canan-Sokullu, & P. L. Gmbh (Eds.), Turkey in transition: politics, society and foreign policy (pp. 193-205). Berlin Peterlang.
Bilgic, A., & Nascimento, D. (2014). Turkey’s new focus on Africa: Causes and challenges. Loughborough University. https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/articles/report/Turkey_s_new_focus_on_Africa_causes_and_challenges/9467291
Binaté, I. (2021, October 14) Les Étudiants Ouest- Africains en Turquie. Diasporas, 37, 103-120. https://doi.org/10.4000/diasporas.6425.
Buzan, B., & Wæver, O. (2003). Regions and powers: The structure of international security. Cambridge University Press.
Carmody, P. R. (2016). The new scramble for Africa. Polity Press.
Çelik, E. (2014, November 21). Africa-Turkey summit to issue long term partnership. Yeni Şafak. https://www.yenisafak.com/en/economy/africaturkey-summit-to-issue-long-term-partnership-2027756
Chazan, N., Mortimer, R. A., Rothchild, D., Lewis, P., & Stedman, S. J. (1999). Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Dahir, A. H., & Cismaan, S. (2021). Turkey in Africa: A Decade of Turkish Aid and State-Building in Somalia. TRT World Research Centre. https://researchcentre.trtworld.com/featured/turkeyin-africa-a-decade-of-turkish-aid-and-state-building-in-somalia/
Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s foreign policy vision: An assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77–96.
Demircan, N. (2020). Turkey Purpose And Strategy In Libya. Quixote Globe. http://quixoteglobe.com/turkey-purpose-and-strategy-in-libya
Destradi, S., Nolte, D., & Prys-Hansen, M. (2018). Regional Powers Still Matter! GIGA Focus Global, 2. https://www.giga-hamburg.de/assets/pure/21580211/web_global_02_2018.pdf
Dodo, M. (2016). Understanding new Turkey-Africa relations: Rationale and challenges. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 7(4),612-642
Donelli, F. (2018). The Ankara consensus: The significance of Turkey’s engagement in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Change, Peace & Security, 30(1), 57-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/14781158.2018.1438384
Donelli, F. (2021a). Turkey in Africa. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Donelli, F. (2021b). Turkey’s involvement in Sub-Sarharan Africa: An empirical analysis of multitrack approach. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2021.1900551
Donelli, F. (2022). UAVs and beyond: Security and defence sector at the core of Turkey’s strategy in Africa. Megatrends Afrika. https://www.megatrends-afrika.de/assets/afrika/publications/policybrief/MTA_PB02_2022_Donelli_UAVs_and_beyond.pdf
Flemes, D. (2007). Conceptualising Regional Power in International Relations: Lessons from the South African Case. GIGA Working Papers.
International Trade Centre. (ITC). (2023). Trade Map - Trade statistics for international business development. Trademap. https://www.trademap.org/
Kardaş, Ş. (2013). Turkey: A regional power facing a changing international system. Turkish Studies, 14(4), 637-660. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2013.861111
Kitio, A. F. K. (2020). The rising security cooperation of Turkey In Africa: An assessment from the military perspective. Rising Powers Quarterly, 1(2), 43-59.
Korkut, U., & Civelekoglu, I. (2012). Becoming a regional power while pursuing material gains: The case of Turkish interest in Africa. International Journal, 68(1), 187–203. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42704967
Langan, M. (2016). Virtuous power Turkey in sub- Saharan Africa: the “Neo-Ottoman” challenge to the European Union. Third World Quarterly, 38(6), 1399-1414. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2016.1229569
Mesquita, R., & Chien, J. H.(2021). Do regional powers prioritise their regions? Comparing Brazil, South Africa and Turkey. Third World Quarterly, 42(7),1544-1565. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2021.1898280
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). (2023a). Turkiye and The African Union / Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/turkiyeand-the-african-union.en.mfa
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). (2023b). TURKİYEAFRICA RELATIONS / Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/turkiye-africa-relations.en.mfa
Monié, F. (2022, January). A Turquia Na África Subsaariana: Um Ator Emergente Na Geopolítica Regional. Boletim Geoafrica. revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/bg.
Nel, P., & Nolte, D. (2010). Introduction: special section on regional powers in a changing global order. Review of International Studies, 36(4), 877-879.
Nolte, D. (2010). How to compare regional powers: Analytical concepts and research topics. Review of International Studies, 36(4), 881-901.
Oliveira, G. Z. (2019). A Securitizacao do Terrorismo Internacional apos 11 de Setembro de 2001: o Caso da Africa [Tese doutoral].
Özkan, M. (2008). Turkey Discovers Africa: Implications and Prospects. SETA Foundation for Political, Economic, and Social Research.
Özkan, M. (2011). Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, 16(3), 115-137.
Özkan, M., & Akgün, B. (2010). Turkey’s opening to Africa. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 48(4), 525-546. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0022278x10000595
Özkan, M., & Orakçı, S. (2022). Deciphering Turkey—Africa Summits. Africa Review, 14, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1163/09744061-20220126
Pakin-Albayrakoglu, E. (2016). Turkey in Africa: From aid to arms. In E.Canan-Sokullu (Ed.). Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy.
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade (RTMT), & African Union (AU). (2021). Turkiye-Africa Business and Economic Forum. Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK). https://www.deik.org.tr/uploads/tabef-rapor-1-2.pdf
Shinn, D. (2015). Turkey’s Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa: Shifting Alliances and Strategic Diversification. Chatham House.
Sıradağ, A. (2018). Turkey-Africa alliance: Evolving patternsin security relations. African Security Review, 27(3-4), 308-325. https://doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2018.1550429
Sözen, A. (2006). Changing Fundamental Principles in Turkish Foreign Policy Making. 2006 Annual Conference of the International Studies Association.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). (2023). Importer/Exporter TIV Tables. SIPRI Arms Transfers Database. https://armstrade.sipri.org/armstrade/page/values.php
Tepecikliogu, E. (2017). Economic relations between Turkey and Africa: Challenges and pprospects. The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.4314/jsdlp.v8i1.2.
Turkish Airlines. (2005). Annual Report. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish Airlines. (2015). Widen Your World. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish Airlines. (2022). Turkish Airlines Non-Deal Roadshow Presentation. Turkish Airlines.
Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA). (2023). Overseas Offices - TİKA. Www.tika.gov.tr. https://www.tika.gov.tr/en/overseasoffices
União Africana (UA). (2014). Conferencia da Uniao Africana: Vigesima Quarta Sessao Ordinaria, 30-31 de Janeiro de 2015 - “Novo Modelo de Parceria para o Fortalecimento do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel e da Integracao”. https://archives.au.int/bitstream/handle/123456789/8531/Assembly%20AU%208%20XXIV_P.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
Yaşar, N. T. (2022). Unpacking Turkey’s security footprint in Africa: Trends and implications for the EU. Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, 42. https://doi.org/10.18449/2022C42
Yusuf, F. I., Wasuge, M., & Sharif, M. (2022). Turkey’s Role in Public Service and Infrastructural development in Mogadishu. Somali Public Agenda. https://somalipublicagenda.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/TURKEYS-ROLE-IN-PUBLIC-SERVICE-AND-INFRASTRUCTURAL-DEVELOPMENT-IN-OGADISHU.Pdf
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issn 1657-7558
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doi 10.18601/16577558.n39.05
citationstartpage 59
citationendpage 85
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