A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization
El cambio climático es, posiblemente, el tema principal en la luz pública, y varios países han empleado esfuerzos para mantenerlo a raya por medio de sus compromisos con entes supranacionales, como el Acuerdo de Paris, que fija una meta clara en aras de evitar un perjuicio irreparable. Los impuestos al carbono han aparecido como una posible ruta para ayudar en esta lucha; no obstante, puede generar problemas con la normativa de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Colombia se ha unido a esta iniciativa e introdujo dicha medida a la importación y venta de combustibles fósiles, pero creemos que al gravar la industria manufacturera aumentara el alcance de su protección. De igual forma, reconocemos que por este medio podría socavar la norma de... Ver más
Pablo Andrés Aponte González - 2020
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A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization El cambio climático es, posiblemente, el tema principal en la luz pública, y varios países han empleado esfuerzos para mantenerlo a raya por medio de sus compromisos con entes supranacionales, como el Acuerdo de Paris, que fija una meta clara en aras de evitar un perjuicio irreparable. Los impuestos al carbono han aparecido como una posible ruta para ayudar en esta lucha; no obstante, puede generar problemas con la normativa de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Colombia se ha unido a esta iniciativa e introdujo dicha medida a la importación y venta de combustibles fósiles, pero creemos que al gravar la industria manufacturera aumentara el alcance de su protección. De igual forma, reconocemos que por este medio podría socavar la norma de Trato Nacional dentro del mencionado sistema legal, el GATT, específicamente. Así, se debe ser cauteloso al confeccionar tal norma previendo las implicaciones que habría de generar a la posición competitiva de los productos extranjeros dentro del alcance de la norma, tema de gran complejidad al ser impredecible. En este sentido, esta organización permite una justificación por conducto del articulo XX del GATT, la cláusula general de excepciones, recurso altamente útil para una medida como la propuesta. Climate change is an essential topic in the contemporary spotlight, and several countries have made efforts to handle it through their international commitments such as the Paris Agreement, which sets an actual baseline that has to be respected to avoid irreparable damage. Carbon taxes came into the picture as plausible tools in the fight against climate change aiming at reducing the production of greenhouse emissions. However, it is necessary to examine such measures under the light of the law of the World Trade Organization to avoid trade concerns or claims by any Member of said organization. Colombia has issued a carbon tax that charges the sale and importation of certain fossil fuels; yet, we believe that the level of protection could be superior by levying the manufacturing industry. Thus, the drafters of such measure must tread carefully on the implications that it may have on the competitive position of foreign products that could be under the scope of the tax to avoid a violation of the notions of discrimination or the imposition of unnecessary restrictions protected through the National Treatment principle enshrined in the GATT. On the other hand, the World Trade Organization allows the justification of an inconsistent measure through the general exceptions enshrined in GATT Article XX. This provision will cover these measures provided that they are not applied as a means of an unjustifiable or arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade. In this research, it will be ascertained how would extended carbon taxes be compatible with the cited rules. Aponte González, Pablo Andrés Climate Change; Carbon Taxes; National Treatment; GATT, Paris Agreement; ARTICLE XX Cambio climático; Impuestos al carbón; Trato nacional; GATT; Acuerdo de Paris 52 Núm. 52 , Año 2019 : Julio-Diciembre Artículo de revista Journal article 2020-08-05T16:09:57Z 2020-08-05T16:09:57Z 2020-08-05 application/pdf Departamento de Derecho Económico Con-texto 0123-6458 2346-2078 https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/contexto/article/view/6739 10.18601/01236458.n52.05 https://doi.org/10.18601/01236458.n52.05 spa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Pablo Andrés Aponte González - 2020 67 105 Así será la ley de Cambio Climático.” Revista Semana, November 8, 2017. Accessed December 22, 2018. https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/asi-sera-la-ley-de-cambio-climatico/536001 “Green goods cost nearly 50% more.” The Telegraph. March 30, 2010. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/7785705/Green-goods-cost-nearly-50-more.html Aditi Khemka, “Discover the Differences between Handloom and Powerloom Sarees,” Accesed March 20, 2019. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/discover-differences-between-handloompowerloom-sarees-aditikhe mka Alsema, Adriaan. “Poverty in Colombia decreases but continues to grow in Bogota.” Colombia Reports. March 23, 2018. Accessed January 15, 2019. https://colombiareports.com/povertyin-colombia-decreases-but-continues-to-grow-in-bogota/ Argentina — Measures Affecting the Export of Bovine Hides and the Import of Finished Leather (2000), wt/ds155/r (Panel Report). Arroyabe, Camilo and Arrubla, Juan. “Tendencias de producción y consumo ecológico.” Revista Espacios 39, no. 7, (2017). 25-40. 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World Trade Organization. “Colombia,” Accessed January 20, 2019. https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/daily_update_e/tariff_profiles/CO_E.pdf https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/contexto/article/download/6739/9128 info:eu-repo/semantics/article http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501 http://purl.org/redcol/resource_type/ARTREF info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 Text Publication |
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Con-texto |
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A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
spellingShingle |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization Aponte González, Pablo Andrés Climate Change; Carbon Taxes; National Treatment; GATT, Paris Agreement; ARTICLE XX Cambio climático; Impuestos al carbón; Trato nacional; GATT; Acuerdo de Paris |
title_short |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
title_full |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
title_fullStr |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
title_full_unstemmed |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
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proposal on broadening colombia’s national carbon tax’s scope in the light of the law of the world trade organization |
title_eng |
A proposal on broadening Colombia’s National Carbon Tax’s scope in the light of the Law of the World Trade Organization |
description |
El cambio climático es, posiblemente, el tema principal en la luz pública, y varios países han empleado esfuerzos para mantenerlo a raya por medio de sus compromisos con entes supranacionales, como el Acuerdo de Paris, que fija una meta clara en aras de evitar un perjuicio irreparable. Los impuestos al carbono han aparecido como una posible ruta para ayudar en esta lucha; no obstante, puede generar problemas con la normativa de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Colombia se ha unido a esta iniciativa e introdujo dicha medida a la importación y venta de combustibles fósiles, pero creemos que al gravar la industria manufacturera aumentara el alcance de su protección. De igual forma, reconocemos que por este medio podría socavar la norma de Trato Nacional dentro del mencionado sistema legal, el GATT, específicamente. Así, se debe ser cauteloso al confeccionar tal norma previendo las implicaciones que habría de generar a la posición competitiva de los productos extranjeros dentro del alcance de la norma, tema de gran complejidad al ser impredecible. En este sentido, esta organización permite una justificación por conducto del articulo XX del GATT, la cláusula general de excepciones, recurso altamente útil para una medida como la propuesta.
description_eng |
Climate change is an essential topic in the contemporary spotlight, and several countries have made efforts to handle it through their international commitments such as the Paris Agreement, which sets an actual baseline that has to be respected to avoid irreparable damage. Carbon taxes came into the picture as plausible tools in the fight against climate change aiming at reducing the production of greenhouse emissions. However, it is necessary to examine such measures under the light of the law of the World Trade Organization to avoid trade concerns or claims by any Member of said organization. Colombia has issued a carbon tax that charges the sale and importation of certain fossil fuels; yet, we believe that the level of protection could be superior by levying the manufacturing industry. Thus, the drafters of such measure must tread carefully on the implications that it may have on the competitive position of foreign products that could be under the scope of the tax to avoid a violation of the notions of discrimination or the imposition of unnecessary restrictions protected through the National Treatment principle enshrined in the GATT. On the other hand, the World Trade Organization allows the justification of an inconsistent measure through the general exceptions enshrined in GATT Article XX. This provision will cover these measures provided that they are not applied as a means of an unjustifiable or arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade. In this research, it will be ascertained how would extended carbon taxes be compatible with the cited rules.
author |
Aponte González, Pablo Andrés |
author_facet |
Aponte González, Pablo Andrés |
topic |
Climate Change; Carbon Taxes; National Treatment; GATT, Paris Agreement; ARTICLE XX Cambio climático; Impuestos al carbón; Trato nacional; GATT; Acuerdo de Paris |
topic_facet |
Climate Change; Carbon Taxes; National Treatment; GATT, Paris Agreement; ARTICLE XX Cambio climático; Impuestos al carbón; Trato nacional; GATT; Acuerdo de Paris |
topicspa_str_mv |
Cambio climático; Impuestos al carbón; Trato nacional; GATT; Acuerdo de Paris |
citationissue |
52 |
citationedition |
Núm. 52 , Año 2019 : Julio-Diciembre |
publisher |
Departamento de Derecho Económico |
ispartofjournal |
Con-texto |
source |
https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.php/contexto/article/view/6739 |
language |
spa |
format |
Article |
rights |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Pablo Andrés Aponte González - 2020 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 |
references |
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