
Efectos de la administración crónica de cocaína (30 mg/kg) sobre la conducta materna y de la administración prenatal de cocaína y de la conducta materna, sobre la conducta emocional y la ingesta de cocaína (30 mg/kg) y agua en ratones adultos.


The chronic administration effects of cocaine (30 mg/kg) (s.c.) were analysed in gestation period on the maternal behaviour (M) on female mice and the effects of prenatal chronic treatment of cocaine (30 mg/kg) and the CM (biological mother vs. nurse) in the emo­tional behaviour and in the cocaine uptake 30 mg/kg and water in the adult female and male mice. 14 females in gestation period were aleatorily assigned into two groups, a one group to daily cocaine application (30 mg/kg) and the second group to saline solution. From the first day to twelve day of pregnancy. After parturition the cross- nursing was made, each mother kept biological young two males and two females, and four fosters young . The EB of young and mother was treated in th... Ver más

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María del Pilar Santacruz - 2000



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