Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study
Almost 18% of the U.S. population is estimated to be Hispanic (United States Census Bureau, 2019), and of that, 15% had a diagnosable mental illness in the past year (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020); still, Latinos receive half as often mental health services compared to Caucasians (Office of Mental Health, 2020). Evidence suggests that minority ethnic groups may receive more inferior care standards due to biased beliefs or attitudes held by health professionals (Shepherd et al., 2018). The number of Latino Psychiatrists is not enough to care for the on-growing Latino population in the U.S. (Alarcón, 2001; American Psychiatric Association, 2017). There is a need to train medical students and residents in cul... Ver más
Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - 2021
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.
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Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study Almost 18% of the U.S. population is estimated to be Hispanic (United States Census Bureau, 2019), and of that, 15% had a diagnosable mental illness in the past year (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020); still, Latinos receive half as often mental health services compared to Caucasians (Office of Mental Health, 2020). Evidence suggests that minority ethnic groups may receive more inferior care standards due to biased beliefs or attitudes held by health professionals (Shepherd et al., 2018). The number of Latino Psychiatrists is not enough to care for the on-growing Latino population in the U.S. (Alarcón, 2001; American Psychiatric Association, 2017). There is a need to train medical students and residents in cultural competencies pertained to the Latino Culture and Health Services (Alarcón, 2001). We developed a pilot study of a curriculum created by Latino bilingual and bicultural mental health providers. The course lessons include (a) Health Disparities and Implicit Bias, (b) Recovery in Mental Health, (c) Immigration and Acculturation, (d) Cultural Formulation Interview, (e) Latino Values, and (f) Mental Health Systems. All topics focused on Latino Mental Health and used the “reverse classroom” teaching technique with interactive exercises. We measured the impact on knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level related to the concept taught in the lessons of this course. Teaching Latino Mental Health has a positive impact on improving the comfort level and knowledge of students. Nevertheless, there are not enough educational opportunities and information about these topics. Therefore, replicating this curriculum and expanding the education in Latino Mental Health will improve the health services provided to this community. Aproximadamente el 18% de la población de los Estados Unidos es Hispana (United States Census Bureau, 2019), y de ellos, el 15% tuvo una enfermedad mental diagnosticable en el último año (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020); aun así, los Latinos reciben la mitad de los servicios de salud mental que los caucásicos (Office of Mental Health, 2020). Los grupos étnicos minoritarios reciben estándares de atención más bajos debido a creencias o actitudes sesgadas de los profesionales de la salud (Shepherd et al., 2018). El número de psiquiatras latinos no es suficiente para atender a la creciente población latina en los Estados Unidos (Alarcón, 2001; American Psychiatric Association, 2017). Existe la necesidad de capacitar a estudiantes de medicina y residentes en competencias culturales (Alarcón, 2001). Desarrollamos un estudio piloto de curriculum con las siguientes lecciones: (a) Disparidades de salud y sesgos implícitos, (b) Recuperación en salud mental, (c) Inmigración y aculturación, (d) Entrevista de formulación cultural (e) Valores latinos, y (f) Sistemas de salud mental. Los temas se centraron en la salud mental de los latinos y utilizaron la técnica de enseñanza "aula inversa" con ejercicios interactivos de aprendizaje. Medimos el impacto en el conocimiento, las actitudes y el nivel de comodidad relacionados con el concepto enseñado en las lecciones de este curso. Esta enseñanza tiene un impacto positivo en la mejora del nivel de comodidad y el conocimiento de los estudiantes. No hay suficientes oportunidades educativas e información sobre estos temas. Por lo tanto, replicar este plan de estudios y expandir la educación en salud mental latina mejorará los servicios de salud que se brindan a esta comunidad Mendiola Iparraguirre, Andrea Patricia Restrepo-Toro, Maria Gomez, Natalia Costa, Mark Diaz, Esperanza 14 2 Núm. 2 , Año 2021 : Advances in Mental Health Recovery: Practice and Research in Latin America and the World Artículo de revista Journal article 2021-07-27T00:00:00Z 2021-07-27T00:00:00Z 2021-07-27 application/pdf Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología 2027-1786 2500-6517 https://reviberopsicologia.ibero.edu.co/article/view/rip.14204 10.33881/2027-1786.rip.14204 https://doi.org/10.33881/2027-1786.rip.14204 spa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - 2021 Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0. 33 45 Akhtar, S. (1995). A third individuation: Immigration, identity, and the psychoanalytic process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 43(4), 1051-1084. https://doi.org/10.1177/000306519504300406 Alarcón, R. (2001). Hispanic Psychiatry: From Margin to Mainstream. Transcultural Psychiatry, 38, 5-25. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/136346150103800102 Alcalá, H. E., Chen, J., Langellier, B. A., Roby, D. H., & Ortega, A. N. (2017). Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access and Utilization Among Latinos. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 30(1), 52-62. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28062817/ American Psychiatric Association. (2017). Mental Health Disparities: Hispanics and Latinos. Retrieved 01/24/2020, https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/cultural-competency/education/mental-health-facts Anez, L. M., Paris, M., Jr., Bedregal, L. E., Davidson, L., & Grilo, C. M. (2005). Application of cultural constructs in the care of first generation Latino clients in a community mental health setting. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16041232/ Chang, C. W., & Biegel, D. E. (2018). Factors affecting mental health service utilization among Latino Americans with mental health issues. J Ment Health, 27(6), 552-559. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28980838/ Chen, K. S., Monrouxe, L., Lu, Y. H., Jenq, C. C., Chang, Y. J., Chang, Y. C., & Chai, P. Y. (2018). Academic outcomes of flipped classroom learning: a meta-analysis. Med Educ, 52(9), 910-924. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29943399/ Corrigan, P., Sheehan, L., Morris, S., Larson, J. E., Torres, A., Lara, J. L., . . . Doing, S. (2018). The Impact of a Peer Navigator Program in Addressing the Health Needs of Latinos With Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatr Serv, 69(4), 456-461. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29241431/ Davidson, L., Lawless, M. S., & Leary, F. (2005). Concepts of recovery: competing or complementary? Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18, 664-667. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-14955-011 Davidson, L., O’Connell, M., Tondora, J., Styron, T., & Kangas, K. (2006). The Top Ten Concerns About Recovery Encountered in Menta lHealth System Transformation. Psychiatric Services, 57(5), 640-645. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16675756/ Delphin-Rittmon, M. E., Andres-Hyman, R., Flanagan, E. H., & Davidson, L. (2013). Seven essential strategies for promoting and sustaining systemic cultural competence. Psychiatr Q, 84(1), 53-64. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22581030/ Eiroa-Orosa, F. J., & Rowe, M. (2017). Taking the Concept of Citizenship in Mental Health across Countries. Reflections on Transferring Principles and Practice to Different Sociocultural Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1020-1020. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01020/full Horvat, L., Horey, D., Romios, P., & Kis-Rigo, J. (2014). Cultural competence education for health professionals. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews(5), CD009405-CD009405. Institute for Health Care Improvement (Writer). (2018). What is Health Equity, and Why Does it Matter? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24793445/ Jacob, K. S., Sharan, P., Mirza, I., Garrido-Cumbrera, M., Seedat, S., Mari, J. J., . . . Saxena, S. (2007). Global mental health 4. Mental health systems in countries: where are we now? Lancet, 370, 1061-1077. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17804052/ Kolb, D. A., Boyatzis, R. E., & Mainemelis, C. (2001). Experiential learning theory: Previous research and new directions Sternberg, Robert J [Ed]; Zhang, Li-fang [Ed] (2001) Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles (pp 227-247) x, 276 pp Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; US (pp. 227-247).https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2001-16270-009 Lewis-Fernández, R., Aggarwal, N., Lam, P., Galfalvy, H., Weiss, M., Kirmayer, L., . . . Vega-Dienstmaier, J. (2017). Feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview: Mixed-methods results from the DSM-5 international field trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 210(4), 290-297. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28104738/ Nosek, B. A., Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R. (2005). Understanding and Using the Implicit Association Test: II. Method Variables and Construct Validity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(2), 166-180. https://faculty.washington.edu/agg/IATmaterials/PDFs/NGB2005.PSPB.pdf O’Connell, M. J., Clayton, A., & Rowe, M. (2017). Reliability and Validity of a Newly Developed Measure of Citizenship Among Persons with Mental Illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(3), 367-374. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27714484/ Office of Mental Health. (2020, 08/22/2019). Profile: Hispanic/Latino Americans. Minority Population Profiles. Retrieved 01/22/2020, 2020, from https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=3&lvlid=64 Onocko Campos, R. T., Costa, M., Pereira, M. B., Ricci, E. C., da Silva Tavares Enes, G., Janeth, L., . . . Davidson, L. (2017). Recovery, citizenship, and psychosocial rehabilitation: A dialog between Brazilian and American mental health care approaches. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20(3), 311-326. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15487768.2017.1338071 Pelletier, J.-F., Pouliot-Morneau, D., Houle, J., Bordeleau, J., Laroche, S., & Rowe, M. (2017). Evaluation of a citizenship-oriented intervention: The Citizens' Project of the University of Recovery. [Évaluation d'une intervention de promotion de la citoyenneté : le Projet citoyen de l'Université du rétablissement]. Sante mentale au Quebec, 42(1), 205-222. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/smq/2017-v42-n1-smq03101/1040251ar/ Rowe, M., & Baranoski, M. (2011). Citizenship, mental illness, and the criminal justice system. Int J Law Psychiatry, 34(4), 303-308. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2011.07.010 Rowe, M., & Davidson, L. (2016). Recovering Citizenship. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 53(1). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28856875/ Sharma, M., Pinto, A. D., & Kumagai, A. K. (2018). Teaching the Social Determinants of Health: A Path to Equity or a Road to Nowhere? Acad Med, 93(1), 25-30. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28445214/ Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Paradies, Y., Sivasubramaniam, D., Sherwood, J., & Brockie, T. (2018). Racial and cultural minority experiences and perceptions of health care provision in a mid-western region. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17(1), 33. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29548328/ Sivarajah, R. T., Curci, N. E., Johnson, E. M., Lam, D. L., Lee, J. T., & Richardson, M. L. (2019). A Review of Innovative Teaching Methods. Acad Radiol, 26(1), 101-113. https://pennstate.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/a-review-of-innovative-teaching-methods Smedley, B.D., Stith, A.Y., & Nelson, A.R. (2003). Unequal treatment: Confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Washington DC. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25032386/ Soni, A. (2015). Top Five Most Costly Conditions among Adults Age 18 and Older, 2012: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Statistical Brief #471. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK447186/ Stewart, A., Black, K., Benedict, P., & Benson, V. (2017). Constructing community to achieve citizenship using recognition theory, recovery, and citizenship as a reflective lens: Experiences from the United States and Scotland. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20(3), 234-250. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15487768.2017.1338040 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020, 12/18/2018). Behavioral Health Equity. Retrieved 01/22/2020, 2020, from https://www.samhsa.gov/behavioral-health-equity Sue, S., Fujino, D. C., Hu, L. T., Takeuchi, D. T., & Zane, N. W. (1991). Community mental health services for ethnic minority groups: a test of the cultural responsiveness hypothesis. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 59(4), 533-540. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1918557/ The APA Presidential Task Force on Immigration, U. (2013). Crossroads: The psychology of immigration in the new century. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 1(3), 133-148. United States Census Bureau. (2019). Quick Facts United States. Retrieved 01/22/2020, 2020, from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219 https://reviberopsicologia.ibero.edu.co/article/download/rip.14204/1709 info:eu-repo/semantics/article http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501 http://purl.org/redcol/resource_type/ARTREF info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 Text Publication |
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Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología |
title |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
spellingShingle |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study Mendiola Iparraguirre, Andrea Patricia Restrepo-Toro, Maria Gomez, Natalia Costa, Mark Diaz, Esperanza |
title_short |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
title_full |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
title_fullStr |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
title_full_unstemmed |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
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learning and teaching latino mental health, social justice and recovery to visiting students: a pilot study |
title_eng |
Learning and Teaching Latino Mental Health, Social Justice and Recovery to Visiting Students: A Pilot Study |
description |
Almost 18% of the U.S. population is estimated to be Hispanic (United States Census Bureau, 2019), and of that, 15% had a diagnosable mental illness in the past year (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020); still, Latinos receive half as often mental health services compared to Caucasians (Office of Mental Health, 2020). Evidence suggests that minority ethnic groups may receive more inferior care standards due to biased beliefs or attitudes held by health professionals (Shepherd et al., 2018). The number of Latino Psychiatrists is not enough to care for the on-growing Latino population in the U.S. (Alarcón, 2001; American Psychiatric Association, 2017). There is a need to train medical students and residents in cultural competencies pertained to the Latino Culture and Health Services (Alarcón, 2001). We developed a pilot study of a curriculum created by Latino bilingual and bicultural mental health providers. The course lessons include (a) Health Disparities and Implicit Bias, (b) Recovery in Mental Health, (c) Immigration and Acculturation, (d) Cultural Formulation Interview, (e) Latino Values, and (f) Mental Health Systems. All topics focused on Latino Mental Health and used the “reverse classroom” teaching technique with interactive exercises. We measured the impact on knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level related to the concept taught in the lessons of this course. Teaching Latino Mental Health has a positive impact on improving the comfort level and knowledge of students. Nevertheless, there are not enough educational opportunities and information about these topics. Therefore, replicating this curriculum and expanding the education in Latino Mental Health will improve the health services provided to this community.
description_eng |
Aproximadamente el 18% de la población de los Estados Unidos es Hispana (United States Census Bureau, 2019), y de ellos, el 15% tuvo una enfermedad mental diagnosticable en el último año (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020); aun así, los Latinos reciben la mitad de los servicios de salud mental que los caucásicos (Office of Mental Health, 2020). Los grupos étnicos minoritarios reciben estándares de atención más bajos debido a creencias o actitudes sesgadas de los profesionales de la salud (Shepherd et al., 2018). El número de psiquiatras latinos no es suficiente para atender a la creciente población latina en los Estados Unidos (Alarcón, 2001; American Psychiatric Association, 2017). Existe la necesidad de capacitar a estudiantes de medicina y residentes en competencias culturales (Alarcón, 2001). Desarrollamos un estudio piloto de curriculum con las siguientes lecciones: (a) Disparidades de salud y sesgos implícitos, (b) Recuperación en salud mental, (c) Inmigración y aculturación, (d) Entrevista de formulación cultural (e) Valores latinos, y (f) Sistemas de salud mental. Los temas se centraron en la salud mental de los latinos y utilizaron la técnica de enseñanza "aula inversa" con ejercicios interactivos de aprendizaje. Medimos el impacto en el conocimiento, las actitudes y el nivel de comodidad relacionados con el concepto enseñado en las lecciones de este curso. Esta enseñanza tiene un impacto positivo en la mejora del nivel de comodidad y el conocimiento de los estudiantes. No hay suficientes oportunidades educativas e información sobre estos temas. Por lo tanto, replicar este plan de estudios y expandir la educación en salud mental latina mejorará los servicios de salud que se brindan a esta comunidad
author |
Mendiola Iparraguirre, Andrea Patricia Restrepo-Toro, Maria Gomez, Natalia Costa, Mark Diaz, Esperanza |
author_facet |
Mendiola Iparraguirre, Andrea Patricia Restrepo-Toro, Maria Gomez, Natalia Costa, Mark Diaz, Esperanza |
citationvolume |
14 |
citationissue |
2 |
citationedition |
Núm. 2 , Año 2021 : Advances in Mental Health Recovery: Practice and Research in Latin America and the World |
publisher |
Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana |
ispartofjournal |
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología |
source |
https://reviberopsicologia.ibero.edu.co/article/view/rip.14204 |
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spa |
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Article |
rights |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - 2021 Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0. info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 |
references |
Akhtar, S. (1995). A third individuation: Immigration, identity, and the psychoanalytic process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 43(4), 1051-1084. https://doi.org/10.1177/000306519504300406 Alarcón, R. (2001). Hispanic Psychiatry: From Margin to Mainstream. Transcultural Psychiatry, 38, 5-25. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/136346150103800102 Alcalá, H. E., Chen, J., Langellier, B. A., Roby, D. H., & Ortega, A. N. (2017). Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access and Utilization Among Latinos. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 30(1), 52-62. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28062817/ American Psychiatric Association. (2017). Mental Health Disparities: Hispanics and Latinos. Retrieved 01/24/2020, https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/cultural-competency/education/mental-health-facts Anez, L. M., Paris, M., Jr., Bedregal, L. E., Davidson, L., & Grilo, C. M. (2005). Application of cultural constructs in the care of first generation Latino clients in a community mental health setting. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16041232/ Chang, C. W., & Biegel, D. E. (2018). Factors affecting mental health service utilization among Latino Americans with mental health issues. J Ment Health, 27(6), 552-559. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28980838/ Chen, K. S., Monrouxe, L., Lu, Y. H., Jenq, C. C., Chang, Y. J., Chang, Y. C., & Chai, P. Y. (2018). Academic outcomes of flipped classroom learning: a meta-analysis. Med Educ, 52(9), 910-924. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29943399/ Corrigan, P., Sheehan, L., Morris, S., Larson, J. E., Torres, A., Lara, J. L., . . . Doing, S. (2018). The Impact of a Peer Navigator Program in Addressing the Health Needs of Latinos With Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatr Serv, 69(4), 456-461. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29241431/ Davidson, L., Lawless, M. S., & Leary, F. (2005). Concepts of recovery: competing or complementary? Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18, 664-667. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-14955-011 Davidson, L., O’Connell, M., Tondora, J., Styron, T., & Kangas, K. (2006). The Top Ten Concerns About Recovery Encountered in Menta lHealth System Transformation. Psychiatric Services, 57(5), 640-645. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16675756/ Delphin-Rittmon, M. E., Andres-Hyman, R., Flanagan, E. H., & Davidson, L. (2013). Seven essential strategies for promoting and sustaining systemic cultural competence. Psychiatr Q, 84(1), 53-64. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22581030/ Eiroa-Orosa, F. J., & Rowe, M. (2017). Taking the Concept of Citizenship in Mental Health across Countries. Reflections on Transferring Principles and Practice to Different Sociocultural Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1020-1020. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01020/full Horvat, L., Horey, D., Romios, P., & Kis-Rigo, J. (2014). Cultural competence education for health professionals. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews(5), CD009405-CD009405. Institute for Health Care Improvement (Writer). (2018). What is Health Equity, and Why Does it Matter? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24793445/ Jacob, K. S., Sharan, P., Mirza, I., Garrido-Cumbrera, M., Seedat, S., Mari, J. J., . . . Saxena, S. (2007). Global mental health 4. Mental health systems in countries: where are we now? Lancet, 370, 1061-1077. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17804052/ Kolb, D. A., Boyatzis, R. E., & Mainemelis, C. (2001). Experiential learning theory: Previous research and new directions Sternberg, Robert J [Ed]; Zhang, Li-fang [Ed] (2001) Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles (pp 227-247) x, 276 pp Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; US (pp. 227-247).https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2001-16270-009 Lewis-Fernández, R., Aggarwal, N., Lam, P., Galfalvy, H., Weiss, M., Kirmayer, L., . . . Vega-Dienstmaier, J. (2017). Feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview: Mixed-methods results from the DSM-5 international field trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 210(4), 290-297. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28104738/ Nosek, B. A., Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R. (2005). Understanding and Using the Implicit Association Test: II. Method Variables and Construct Validity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(2), 166-180. https://faculty.washington.edu/agg/IATmaterials/PDFs/NGB2005.PSPB.pdf O’Connell, M. J., Clayton, A., & Rowe, M. (2017). Reliability and Validity of a Newly Developed Measure of Citizenship Among Persons with Mental Illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(3), 367-374. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27714484/ Office of Mental Health. (2020, 08/22/2019). Profile: Hispanic/Latino Americans. Minority Population Profiles. Retrieved 01/22/2020, 2020, from https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=3&lvlid=64 Onocko Campos, R. T., Costa, M., Pereira, M. B., Ricci, E. C., da Silva Tavares Enes, G., Janeth, L., . . . Davidson, L. (2017). Recovery, citizenship, and psychosocial rehabilitation: A dialog between Brazilian and American mental health care approaches. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20(3), 311-326. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15487768.2017.1338071 Pelletier, J.-F., Pouliot-Morneau, D., Houle, J., Bordeleau, J., Laroche, S., & Rowe, M. (2017). Evaluation of a citizenship-oriented intervention: The Citizens' Project of the University of Recovery. [Évaluation d'une intervention de promotion de la citoyenneté : le Projet citoyen de l'Université du rétablissement]. Sante mentale au Quebec, 42(1), 205-222. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/smq/2017-v42-n1-smq03101/1040251ar/ Rowe, M., & Baranoski, M. (2011). Citizenship, mental illness, and the criminal justice system. Int J Law Psychiatry, 34(4), 303-308. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2011.07.010 Rowe, M., & Davidson, L. (2016). Recovering Citizenship. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 53(1). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28856875/ Sharma, M., Pinto, A. D., & Kumagai, A. K. (2018). Teaching the Social Determinants of Health: A Path to Equity or a Road to Nowhere? Acad Med, 93(1), 25-30. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28445214/ Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Paradies, Y., Sivasubramaniam, D., Sherwood, J., & Brockie, T. (2018). Racial and cultural minority experiences and perceptions of health care provision in a mid-western region. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17(1), 33. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29548328/ Sivarajah, R. T., Curci, N. E., Johnson, E. M., Lam, D. L., Lee, J. T., & Richardson, M. L. (2019). A Review of Innovative Teaching Methods. Acad Radiol, 26(1), 101-113. https://pennstate.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/a-review-of-innovative-teaching-methods Smedley, B.D., Stith, A.Y., & Nelson, A.R. (2003). 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