
What's the role of humanities in academic reading and writing processes? Martha Nussbaum and François Rastier


This article presents a reflection on the role that the humanities could play in supporting possible reading and writing difficulties that are currently experienced by university students in a global context. It begins by examining the issues emerging in the Spanish-speaking world and proposes a possible change in our concept of knowledge in universities. This transformation is explored in two essays, one by Martha Nussbaum (2010) and the other by François Rastier (2013). A comparative analysis of these two texts allows to establish a common basis on the role that these sciences can have in a university facing the consequences that the changes in the conception of knowledge could generate in the higher education.

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Comunicación, Cultura y Política - 2017



Sumario:This article presents a reflection on the role that the humanities could play in supporting possible reading and writing difficulties that are currently experienced by university students in a global context. It begins by examining the issues emerging in the Spanish-speaking world and proposes a possible change in our concept of knowledge in universities. This transformation is explored in two essays, one by Martha Nussbaum (2010) and the other by François Rastier (2013). A comparative analysis of these two texts allows to establish a common basis on the role that these sciences can have in a university facing the consequences that the changes in the conception of knowledge could generate in the higher education.